TTC in August through Friendship and Support...
319 Replies
ROBYN - August 2

OMG checking in before I get ready for work. Do we finally have a BFP here!!!! I so hope so. Nicole its sounds really good. Dont buy the digital it game me the positive on Saturday then the witch showed on Sunday. They get bad reviews. BEST OF LUCK YEA!!!!!!! Will check in and read all the other posts later. luv you all


NB - August 2

<DMK> I hope you and dh are doing ok! Things will get better. Well, as I said before I am a testaholic, so I of course went and bought more tests... this time First Response... It's just too hard to believe, so I am going to keep testing until the line is darker I guess! :) I did another test tonight, and there was two lines but still VERY faint. So, yes, I will test again in the morning with my first pee! I guess though, since I have now used three different brands plus one clinic trip, and all showed a VERY faint line, maybe it really is a bfp?! It is just soo hard to think positively after all this time, so hard to believe it could be true. <ANGELBLUe> Welcome!! <BL> Sorry about af, it's a whole new month of ttc with all new luck (hopefully!) I am glad to see everyone is finding the post. Who are we missing? KATT? CMELISSA? JAMIELYNN? NA25? DIEM? LESLIEK? SKEETER? SLOWPOKE? JAMIE74? Isn't someone on vacation, I couldn't remember who... Melissa?


mommy2josh - August 3

Nicole, I am so happy for you. There is no way that 4 tests could be wrong. OUr FIRST BFP of the month. Hopefully there will be some more soon. :) Robyn have a good shift. Hopefully there will be nothing for you to investigate this evening. Katt how are you feeling babe. We know you are busy with your mom, but hurry up and come back. Its not the same without you. Jada, how are things with you? What is going on on the homefront? Are you and dh working things out or did you dump his sorry ass? Either way we are here for you girl. I hope Cmelissa and her family are holding up. Denise sorry that you and dh have not fully made up yet. You know that make up sex is the best. DH and I are finally talking too. He did appologize to Joshua the next morning and was forgiven, but I am not 4 and not as forgiving. I mean, I could yell sometimes at Josh too, but always within reason. Brooke, was it the plan for this month of ttc? My son is in private daycare and there are so many too choose from its rediculus. There is one on every block. You are right though, he need time with kids his own age. Its amazing how much they learn from each other. Social skill that we as adult can not teach them. We have a little boy in our daycare who came in about 6 months ago at the age of 2 1/2. He did not speak a single word. He would just point at things and make little animal noises. I seriously thought that there was something wrong with him, because Joshua was speaking in sentances at 1 1/2. Now six months later he is a chatterbox. You cant shut him up, its amazing. His mom still cant believe it. Kathy, where are you in your cycle? Kelley, when is your u/s? Leslie where are you? Rhonda how are you holding up? Jess sorry to see you go, I know you will be busy getting ready for your little one. Is it your first? Be back later.


mommy2josh - August 3

I am geting those anoying, constant cramps. So hopefully af will show up after todays bd session ;)


NB - August 3

Gl <MOMMY2JOSH> with your bd'ing, I hope it brings af on so you can get past it and start ttc again! :)


mommy2josh - August 3

Thanks Nicole. Hee hee hee. (((hugs)))


mommy2josh - August 3

Shauna, I keep meaning to ask you. How do you do it all? Its so admirable that you and dh are foster parents. Do you have kids that come and go or do you have stable kids?


dmk - August 3

Brooke- Don't give up hope yet! Maybe the witch wont show?


dmk - August 3

Thanks everybody for your kindness with my Dh ( who is SO in the dog house) problem. The make-up sex better be REALLY great!!!


mommy2josh - August 3

LOL, Denise. Good night ladies. Will speak to you in the AM. ((((Hugs all)))


bl - August 3

Hi girls, reading this thread puts a smile on my face! Dmk, oh a/f is here so oh well next month! I hope your make up sex is really really good!! NB, I'm so excited for you, you must be too! Tanya, I'm glad the work thing was resolved. I wasn't sure about your question, was it my plan to ttc this month? Girl it's my plan every month hehe! There are a lot of private daycare here too but I was looking for a program tha's only 2 mornings a week. I'm going to check one out tomorrow. I thought dh was going to get s/a this fri, so today I called for an app and he's going next fri instead. The funny thing is that I told him last night that he had to clean out the pipes solo( I wasn't in the mood, with spotting and all) Now he's going next week! OOPS! He was a good sport. Robyn, hi, are you working tonight? Hello to all my other girls too!


Rhonda - August 3

Hello girls NB,wow that must have been exciteing for you! Im sure the test was right.WhenDo you plan on retesting to double check?We need those bfp rolling in.wannabeamom i dont think it is twins,but you never know.Im having a u/s done on monday and will hopefully find out the cause of my uterus being bigger than normal size.Kelley how are you doing?bl im sorry that witch showed up for you this month,dont lose hope girl it will happen.Mommy2Josh im doing okay,just cant wait til i get my u/s done to make sure things are normal with me and baby.Welcome Angelblue,this is a wonderful group of girls and you will really like this thread everyone is very supportive.How are all you girls doing?I hope you are all doing good.


NicoleM - August 3

Hey ladies, thank you all so much for being so supportive! The a/c isn't totally dead, it just keeps leaking into the ceiling... yuck! Anyway, they FINALLY figured it out, but it's a big repair and surprise, surprise - the insurance isn't going to cover it b/c they say it is an installation problem. Creeps. Well, we're scheduled to have it fixed early next week. I'm still down, but it helps to know I'm not the only one who gets this way. Believe me, I know how what you guys mean about how you feel when family leaves. I did talk to one of my sisters today and then my best friend called too - it like she knew I needed her. They did cheer me up a bit. Enough about me, Nicole - I think it must be BFP if it's showing on all the tests!!! That is so cool! Rhonda, I hope everything is okay with your u/s (that twin idea sounds good to me)!! Brooke, I'm sorry about AF and Tanya, hoping she shows for you soon (feels weird wishing that) ;) Well, I'm off.


dmk - August 3

I'm sorry Brooke about AF. Keep up your positive attitude for this month!!!!! It is going to happen...


ROBYN - August 3

Evening ladies, its sounds like we have our first BFP this month how wonderful I hope the good news keeps spreading. Tanya I am sorry about work what do you do? Well my DS is sick and my DH is sick. So now its my turn my throat hurts and getting a cold. I have to Anthony to the pediatrician tomorrow hes complaining that his ears feel clogged. So not gonna take any chances. Right now we are glued to the television to see if we are gonna get another hurricane. Of course I am at work the first thing they told us to get our bags packed on Sunday if we go to hurricane status. I dont think its gonna hit us anyway its kinda going south of us. But anyway will check in later. Cant wait till tomorrow to see if Nicole got another positive line on a another test. Luv to all of you.


mommy2josh - August 3

Good morning ladies :) Just wanted to pop in before I left for work and wish everyone a good day. LOL, Brooke. I reread my post. I meant to say what IS the plan for this cycle. Ha ha ha. NicoleB, hurry up and wake up and retest. Robyn, hope the hurricane stays away and sorry that you guys are all sick :( Be back later.



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