TTC in August through Friendship and Support...
319 Replies
NB - August 1

Come and join me so we can be one happy family again. I really miss having everyone together. You are a support through this stressful and eventful time. (((((HUGS)))))


bl - August 1

Yeah one thread!!!! Thanks Nicole, I hope everyone joins in. :)


NB - August 1

OK, now I am going to go back and respond to everyone! <KELLEY32> Sorry work has been soo crazy for you! I have been TTC #2 now for like 19 months, but my last depo shot was 23 months ago... I am praying AF stays away also! Keeping my fingers crossed. <MOMMY2JOSH> I am not sure when I am going to test. I am scared to, always feel like I jinx myself and bring on the nasty witch. I am due sometime between tomorrow and Friday, but I am not really sure when I o'd this month. Fertility friend has showed almost a triphasic temp pattern, so who knows. Thanks for the support you guys though about my temps! This 2ww, frustrating time! <SLOWPOKE> Great to hear from you! Missed ya! <KATT> Great to see you back! <SHAUNA> Sorry you and ds aren't feeling well, hope you both get better soon, and try to get some rest! <MOMMY2JOSH> Too funny about the fluffy club! No kidding, I feel the same way! <DMK> Sorry you and DH are having problems, we go through that sometimes as well. I think everyone does in their own way. It will be nice to have some alone time to talk. <BL> Yup, only one more baby for us, especially after what this one has put us through emotionally! Well, I hope everyone finds this OK. <BL> Glad you made it!!!!! Love to all and hugs! If I missed anyone, I am sorry!


NB - August 1

Oh yeah, I am on CD 24... forgot that part! :) Lately my cycles have been about 25-26 days... Up to 28 days.... Still not sure when to test... scared!!!


mommy2josh - August 2

Hello ladies. How is everyone. May be its our dh's time of the month for once? I had it out with mine 2. He yelled at Josh last night because Josh was watching TV in our room and he was trying to sleep. So when Josh wated to play with him he started yelling like a maniac that he has to get up at 5am and I should get Josh out of our room. Oh I almost jumped him and choked him. I felt so bad for Josh because he really didnt know what he did wrong. I mean, at 4 1/2 he is still a baby. I hope the rest of the ladies join us soon. Nicole did you invite the girls from the other thread? Be back later. Love ya.


Rhonda - August 2

Hello everyone im glad to see the two threads are joined as one.Robyn thank you dear,i hope it is twins"i think"it would be nice but a challenge.Sweetsourthenbelle thank you for your kindness.How are you all doing?You are all very sweet women and i feel lucky to be apart of your group.Heres to a brand new month of bfp.


ROBYN - August 2

I love the new name yea!!!! I hope everyone comes home!! Gotta go to work will check in during the night if I can. Luv to all of you.


mommy2josh - August 2

You know everytime I sign on the, I am greeted by pregnant bellies. Kinda depressing. I hope AF is on her way, because I cant stand being such a crab. I should jump dh's bones tonight that always seems to bring her on. LOL.


ROBYN - August 2

Tanya that is so funny you just said that. We did that friday night and boom the bitch showed up on saturday. I told DH to lets just do it and bring it on.


NB - August 2

Yea! You are coming home! Where is everyone else? Come on... we miss you!!!! Getting ready to head to bed, but wanted to check in again. Took ds swimming tonight to the neighbors house. He had a great time, but when he was getting out he fell down the ladder and cut his knee, shin and foot. Poor guy. He's fine though, I think more scared than anything. I know what you mean about bd bringing on af! I figure if we bd tonight she will show in the morning, evil witch. But like you said, let her show so we can get ttc again this month. Alrighty, well off to bed! See you tomorrow!


NB - August 2

Quick question... so I broke down and took a test.... after a minute, I threw it away because I figured it was too early to test and didn't want to jinx myself. Well, this was about 2 1/2 hours ago, and I just go look in the trash and there was a faint line. Do you think it was an "evaporation line" or whatever they call it because it was soo long after I took the test? I don't have anymore tests here to retest... just curious. Not wanting to get my hopes up.


bl - August 2

Hey Nicole whta did it look like right after you took it?


NB - August 2

immediately after I peed on the stick, i threw it away and didn't look... so i don't know! the second line was very light but it was pink


bl - August 2

hmm.. I don't know what to tell you!!! I read that you should read within 5 min, will you test in the morning or run out toinght??


NB - August 2

in the morning, i will let you know!


NB - August 2

THANKS!!! :)


bl - August 2

Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!



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