TTC Circle of Friends #9 (All Welcome)
69 Replies
dea - July 26

Whelp- my temp dipped a couple of tenths today- but still above the coverline. BFN again- no surprise there. I pretty much have told hubby that this month isn't the one. At least he won't be as disappointed on thursday. CC: all the best as you start this round of meds... I'm sending dust and prayers your way.


dlongen - July 26

DEA- sorry those awful BFNs keep showing their ugly faces. Damn them! Well, at least if you have to go the ivf route, CC can let you know what to expect! CC- best of luck with the meds. Hope everyone else is ok. ~DUST~


CC - July 26

Dea, Im sorry..When you have been ttc as long as both of us have, there isnt much more to say...I know the disapointments dont get any easier...Im going to still hold out for tomorrow..You never know. Keep us posted.


Cendy - July 27

Hi everyone! Hows it going? Me okay. Just getting bigger and bigger it seems. I did finally get the 3 hour test results back and I passed it. Thank the Lord! I was so scared I would have to take meds and watch my diet. DEA-Don't give up hope on a +Hpt. It still can happen. I hope your blood test comes out with one. Are they doing a quantitative or a qualitative blood test or both. Mine did both. CC, good luck with the injections. I know they must be very painful. I do not think I could do it. Take shots everyday. I am so not one for pain of any kind. LASHUNDA how are you recovering? I hope all is well. Keep us posted. ERICKA how about you? Are you and baby boy feeling okay? Do you have a name yet? Well, I have to go now. I have my 32 week check up today, and I have to leave early from work to get there on time. BABY DUST!


dea - July 27

Thanks for all the support ladies. Now- I need it even more... CENDY: I don't know which kind of test they do. GIRLS- can you belive this-- I am "slightly" POSITIVE. My number was 8- they like to see 20. I was shaking so bad when she said it I forgot to ask the important questions. I have to go back on Monday and do another test. ARGH!! Like the tww isn't bad enough- I now have another 3 days! ERICKA: Am I remembering correctly...or didn't you also have a low number with a blood test?? LADIES: any thoughts on this new development? I'm trying to not get my hopes up too much. Temps are still above the coverline. No sign of AF. CC: How are the injections going? ~~DUST-- sticky stuff for me!~~


dea - July 27

OK- I just looked online, CENDY: My drs. office did a qualitative test--where they look at the actual number. For someone 4 weeks pg the range is 5-426. So, right now I am in that range... 8. Hopefully- Monday will be even higher. Anyone wanna take bets on whether I can make it the weekend without testing!! My money is on "NO!!" Thanks!


dea - July 27

I meant quantitative... duh.


CC - July 27

DEA!! I want to say thats great news, but dont want to jump the gun....But..Thats great news!!! It could be that you implanted not too long ago, and the hcg hasnt had time to register in your system. I hope thats what is going on. I cant imagine agonizing another 3 days, how awful!! I hope this is it for you, and we dont have to see you @ the IVF thread!! Maybe test on Saturday, thats 48 hours from today, and you should at least see a bfp I would think??? Oh..Im excited for you, I really hope and pray this is your time.


dea - July 28

Thanks CC: I will probably test over the weekend- Saturday I would hopefully be high enough for a First Response test. But I still won't believe until Monday...


Ericka - July 28

Hello all. Dea, I am so optimistic for you. I know 8 is a real low number, but I have heard that anything over 5 is considered pregnant. When I first did mine I got a 44 which my dr considered a low number. I just think I implanted early since I got a + hpt at 9 dpo. I think first response detects anything over 25 so I hope you would get a + by Saturday. If you do then it is a good sign that your numbers are rising. I don't envy you because this weekend you are going to be on an emotional roller coaster. Monday won't come soon enough. CC, how are those injections treating you? Are you having any strange side effects? Cendy, congrats on passing the 3 hr test. I bet it is a big relief. I go in for mine on the 7th and for some reason I have a feeling I won't pass, but I'm not stressing over it. I have my u/s that day too, so I'm excited about seeing how much he has grown. We still don't have a name, which is really frustrating me. We have gone through every name we can think of and we just don't agree. I think we are going to end up settling on one were both ok with, but not crazy about. Oh well, I hope we decide soon because it is driving me nuts. Baby Dust to all and extra sticky dust to Dea.


dea - July 28

OK- so now all I do is hunt around the web looking for more info on beta numbers. The hard part is that I won't know anything for sure until I get the new numbers on Monday. I did find some encouraging info. ERICKA: I will definately test on Saturday and Sunday with a First Response, because, with normal doubling it should detect the HCG by then. There goes another $20. CC: How are the shots going? Do you inject twice a day?? CENDY: Congrats on the test- I can bet that was a huge relief. Take care!!


CC - July 28

Dea, how are you doing? Hanging in there and going crazy? I bet you are! I cant wait for Monday for you, so I can onl imagine how you are feeling..Just keep AF away and all signs point to good! Ericka, what names do you and dh like? Have you thought about putting the top 10 that you both like on your own lists and then compare the two to see if there are any matches? Sometimes that seems to work. Nice that you have another u/s Monday, so you can see the baby..Good stuff! Injections are going fine...a few hot flashes, one of the drugs mimics pre-menopause symptoms, but otherwise, no complaints. Right now Im only injecting once a day..The twice a day will come next week. All peanuts, if I can get my own peanut (or two) out of this! Have a great weekend everyone..Dea-Im keeping you in my thoughts!!


Cendy - July 29

Hi all! Oh, my goodness DEA! My doctor told me that even a 4 to her is considered pregnant. Having an 8 is great! I would test using the First Response test. At 11 dpo, I got a 33 on the quantitative test. There is a great site called that you should check out if you have not already. It has all kinds of measurements. How many DPO are you? I am guessing AF is late? Remember HCG does not rise unless there is a reason, and it's pregnancy. Be optimistic DEA, as I am guessing you have never had a qualitative show a 5 or above till now. Well, as for me I went to the doctor yesterday and I have lost another couple pounds. They say that is okay, but I have never been able to lose weight on my own, I just wonder why now with this baby I am losing weight. Also, I have been craving ice chips and they put me on iron suppliments. She said the iron could help with the leg cramps at night. I hope so. It is so painful. Well, I have to go now. GOOD LUCK DEA!!!!!!!! BABY DUST!


CC - July 29

Dea, just wondering if you tested again today? Thinking of you...


dea - July 30

Hi ladies! Well- Yesterday morning I tried a Dollar Tree I had laying around. (25 ml/u) and got a BFN. But, AF is not here- no signs of her and my temp was well above the cover line this morning. So- I am just going to wait until Monday to find out. Today I am 17 DPO. My luteal phase is ALWAYS 14 days. That makes me 3 days late--- I am trying to stay optimistic and realistic. But, DH and I are excited and have done some news level of babytalk. I guess now we feel like there is a chance (even if it's not this month). CC: Hangin in there with the injections?? CENDY: Glad the drs. had some ideas for your cramps- that does sound uncomfortable. ERICKA: Any closer to choosing a name?? Don't forget- labor pains will take you far!! Ha!! ~~DUST to CC~~ ~~Belly rubs to the rest~~ (And some sticky stuff for me!)


dea - July 31

I'm Out for this cycle. Beta came back today at only a 3. Does anyone know if my AF will be a long time coming because of the Prometrium?? I want to get going on the next cycle. My RE suggested IUI with injectables (Since my meds and IUI are covered). Last cycle (using Clomid/IUI we had a 2-3% chance). This cycle we will have a 10-12% chance. Worth a shot right?? Also- I have to go back on Wednesday for more blood- -- anybody know why?? I am starting to feel like a pin cushion. CC: how are you doing? CENDY, ERICKA: Any new developments? LASHUNDA: How is little Wyatt doing? Take Care All--



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