TTC Circle of Friends #6
111 Replies
Cendy - March 14

Hello all! How is everyone today? I am feeling okay. SHERRY-I am so glad to see you back in the thread of things. I understand how you have been feeling lately. You feel like you just need a break or even to give up all together. When a DH is no involved and ready to help out by going the extra distance and BDing on the proper days, it does make you frusterated. You have to also think of it from their perspective. They have to perform and the pressure of it sometimes is too hard to bear. Can you imagine if every month you and your wife BDed and you still were not getting pregnant. I would want to give up or be hesitant at doing the deed too. That is why I stopped talking about babies, what cd I was on, what my temps were or if I have a +OPK. I just kept it all to myself and when the time came I just nudged him like we were just going to enjoy each other not make a baby and it worked. He was able to let loose and have a good time. One where we were both satisfided and not thinking did we just make a baby? He wasnt thinking that, but I was. I know you got a BFN, but you are not out of the race till the AF shows her ugly face. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you. JESSICAG-I went to that site, but I did not know where to go to sign the petition. Can you help me find where to go? Well, I am still wondering if CC is completely gone or just taking a break. Has anyone seen her? I guess I will go for now. Take care and BABY DUST!


Cendy - March 14

Almost forgot. DEA-I am guessing your husband is trying to get his moneys worth from the IUI. He want to make sure the IUI worked by not BDing as well? I am like you I would want as aspects covered whether it was the IUI or whatever. I have used the Preseed. I would suggest you not use all the tube like the directions say because it makes things way to slippery. I also have my fingers and toes crossed for you as well. I have a funny story to tell. A friend of mine is 4 months pregnant and for the past few days or so she has not felt the baby move. This has made her panick so she went out and bought the BeBe Sounds monitor trying to see if she could hear the babies heartbeat. Well of course you have to be in your 5th month for it to detect it so she did not hear it. Still panicked she decides to go to the ER. This hosptial did not have access to the US machines so they listened to the babys heartbeat. It was fine. She remembered that she had taken some Phenegrin which she has been prescribed for her morning sickness. The doctor said that the medicine put the baby to sleep for a few days and that is why it was not moving. That just goes to show that your baby is affected by everything that we put into our bodies. She was relieved. Well, I will get off my soap box now. Have a nice afternoon. BABY DUST!


dea - March 15

baby bump


dlongen - March 15

Hi everyone - I'm new to the post. I don't really understand all the abbreviations, but I've been TTC for 3yrs, and am on my second mo. of clomid after having a ruptured ectopic pregnancy last April after my 1st clomid cycle ever. Since I only have one fallopian tube now, I have to hope that every other mo I'm gonna have some luck. We'll see. I'm on day 17 of current cycle and feeling SUPER emotional so hoping that's a sign of strong O. We made some baby batter deposits leading up to O and will keep it up with fingers crossed. It's just hard to be on this emotional rollercoaster month after month, so I decided a chat group might help balance the emotions.


dea - March 15

WELCOME DLONGEN!! Sorry to hear about your tubal pg. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been. I am 32- ttc for nearly 2 years. I just had a second IUI done last friday so I am in the dreaded TTW (two week wait). Some addreviations to help you! DH (Dear Husband)--- BFP (Big Fat Positive- as in a pee test)--- BFN (Big Fat Negative)--- POAS (Pee on a Stick)--- CD (Cycle/Calendar Day)--- BD (Baby Dance- or "sex")--- TTC (Trying to Conceive)--- O (Ovulation)---AF (Aunt Flo-the girly deal)---TMI (Too Much Information)--- CM (Cervical Mucus)--- EWCM (Egg White Cervical Mucus) Hope this helps!!


Cendy - March 15

Hello all! Welcome DLONGEN! I am glad you decided to join our thread. I too am very sorry for your loss with the tubal pg. It must have been very devasting. So you are on Clomid. What dosage and days are you taking it? I took it for 6 months and those were some very emotional months. Three cycles off it and an HSG and I finally fell pregnant. I was miserable on it. How are you doing with it? DEA & JESSICAG-How are you holding up on the TWW? Are you feeling any symptoms yet? When do you both plan to test? ERICKA, HOPEFULK, LASHUNDA how are you mommies doing? SHERRY-did you test again or did AF show? CC-Are you out there? I am doing okay. I had something weird happen last night at Wal-Mart. The cashier noticed that I had lots of sweets in my bugy and said someone must have a sweet tooth and I told her that I was pregnant and could not make up my mind. She said she understood because she just had a baby girl three months ago. She asked what I was having and I told her that we did not know yet. I then told her that I have two boys and am hoping for a girl. She then told me that she has two little boys. Weird huh? Anyways, I asked her what she named her little girl and she said Madisyn. Madisyn is the name we picked out! Can this be an omen or some kind of sign that I might be having that little girl after all? I guess I am just hoping so much for it that anything seems like a sign. Well, in case you have not noticed by now...I tend to ramble on. Don't hold it against me. Just tell me to shut up! BABY DUST!


Ericka - March 15

Hi ladies. Welcome to our thread dlongen. I am so sorry for your loss. Luckily you have found a really good site. All the women on this thread are very supportive. Cendy, I do think that is a sign. It is too much of a weird coincidence. I can't believe you already have a name. DH and I haven't even thought about it. I guess were still not quite believing it's real. I think when we get over the 3 month mark we will start thinking about stuff like that. How are you feeling Dea? Your IUI seems like it was an eternity ago. How is the 2WW treating you? Well, I went for my 3rd u/s today and everything is perfect. My little peanut doubled in size and is now 14mm long. The heartbeat looks perfect and I almost cried when I saw it. As it turns out the dr. now doesn't think I have pcos, so I'm back on eating carbs and sugar. Thank goodness because the last week has been real difficult finding stuff I want to eat. This was my last appt with my RE and on Friday I meet with the obgyn. I hope you ladies have a great day and tons of baby dust to those in the 2WW.


CC - March 16

Hi Cendy, Ericka, Lashunda and all-Sorry for my long MIA...My Dad passed away and we were back east for a few weeks and just returned last week. Needless to say, all of our timing was off for IUI this month and with the stress of it all, we decided to wait until next month. So, this month will probably be bust and we will be ready for the IUI in April. It seems like its been forever since I even saw the RE, even though its just been two months. The 1st month my insurance hadnt authorized the medication in time, and then my Dad passed away...I am looking forward to it next month. Glad all of our mommies to be sound like they are doing well. I cant believe 3 out of the 4 of us from our orig thread got pregnant. Thats so great! Im only on cd 10 and waiting to O this month so not much else going on with me..I will not be such a stranger and keep checking in (congrats Lashunda on the baby girl!!)


Lashunda - March 16

Hi ladies, hi CC!! We missed you. My condolences to you and your family. Welcome to the second trimester Cendy, time passes by quick! Hope you other ladies are doing good and much baby dust to those waiting : ) As for me, I can't believe I'm halfway through 2nd tri. I'm excited and yes she moves all the freaking time (but I love it!!) I'm trying to get my hubby to feel her but he can't so I guess it will be just me and her until she gets alittle bigger. Well, I'm gonna go. Best wishes to you all and take care!!


JessicaG. - March 16

Hello all how are you all? Welcome dlongen glad to have you on the thread, I think you will enjoy, Cendy I am doing ok, just waiting I hope this is the month but we will all see, I go to the doc next Thursday, so one week and I will get my answer, Dea how are you? I know we are in the same boat just waiting. Ericka that is great that you can eat what you want again. CC glad to hear that you are back, I have my fingers crossed for you. Sorry about your father. Well lady's I will go for now. Talk to you later.


Cendy - March 16

Hi ladies! CC- I lost my father just a little over a year ago this last November. He was just 55. I can hardly believe he is gone. I completely understand what you and your family are going through. We had just started TTC when we found out my father had stage 4 Pancreatic cancer. He died just 7 weeks after diagnosis. I had mixed feeling about having a baby at all at that point. My father would never see the child and I did not want to have to tell him we were pregnant and him know he would not be here when it was born. When he died, I did some soul searching and decided to start trying again. The reason why I bring this up is because I thought you might be feeling like this too. Just know I am here for you and care about you very much. My deepest condolences. ERICKA-I am so glad you saw you little one and the heartbeat was great! It is so earthmoving to see your child in the womb. I am so glad you can eat freely now. I was wondering if they were misdiagnosing you. Are you feeling like eating? Has ms set in yet? I understand how the pregnancy does not seem real to you yet. It will take a little time, and hitting the 12 week mark does bring reassurance that you are going to be okay. Also, when you start going to the OBGYN it might start to sink in seeing all those other pregnant women. Yeah, I know I am weird to have names already picked out. I guess I have had so much time to think about it while TTC. LASHUNDA-glad you have made it half way through the second trimester. Have you started buying pretty pink outfits yet? I would suggest lying on your side with you DH hand under your belly. This was the first way that my DH could feel our boys early on.JESSICAG, we will all be thinking of you next Thursday sending you tons of sticky baby dust your way. SHERRY-are you out there? Any test results? Well, its time to hit the hay! Nite all! BABY DUST!


dea - March 16

CC: My condolences on your father- Hoping that you find some peace. ERICKA: How exciting to see the heartbeat- I know I will be crying all the time when it's my turn--- shoot- I cry all the time now! ha!! CENDY: It's not weird that you guys have a name- DH and I have had names since before we were even married (Now that's wierd!!) But we still haven't "locked in" on a girl name yet (keep bouncing back and forth between a couple). JESSICAG. : We are in the same boat- Hopefully I will be able to know by next weekend too. I haven't decided when to test yet...I'm going to try and hold off until next Thurs. But, I would be lying if I didn't say that I'm thinking about thrying already. What a nut job! No big signs here- just twinges and mild cramping (which is probably gas- as stated earlier) But- I don't care for red meat right now- and white isn't that appealing either. Everything else is norm. Oh- teeth bled today while brushing. (Could mean that I need a dentist appt.?? My next one is scheduled in May) I'm trying to stay optimistic yet realistic- a fine line to walk... ~~DUST~~


Cendy - March 16

Hi all! DEA your gums bleeding could be a sign of pregnancy. I know I went in for a cleaning at 8 weeks and I told her my gums had started to bleed and she told me that it is perfectly normal during pregnancy since there is more blood pumping through your veins. I think it is a good sign that you could be pregnant! What are they names that you have picked out? I think it is great you have had them picked out for so long. Gotta go! BABY DUST!


HopefulK - March 16

Hi girls, well I'm 8 weeks today. Bleeding has stopped and it coincided with when my af and ov were due so that's pretty normal for my system. Still doing pg tests everyweek and getting dark lines. Spoke to the midwife about bleeding and she wasn't concerned at all. Anywho, still feeling totally sick all day, good sign I think, so all seems well and only 11 days to go until I get us and get answers one way or another, but no reason to be pessamist really. CENDY - Thanks for the worry, I'm ok. Glad you are too. CC - My deepest condolances on the loss of your father. I lost my dad when I was 15 so I get it. Be good to yourself. ERICKA - Good to know everything is progressing well. DEA - Good luck on the tww, keeping fingers crossed for you. JESSICA - Good luck, keeping fingers crossed this is your month. LASHUNDA - Glad you and your little girl are still doing well. DLONGEN - Welcome, just to let you know my sister had an eptopic with her twin pg and she lost both babies and a tube. She now has 3 very healthy children, oldest 13, youngest is 18 months. Sometimes the body compensates for a loss. She is disgustingly (; 0 p) fertile, and aren't we glad of it cos of those lovely babies. Good luck. Baby dust to all those in the tww (either side) and sticky baby dust to all of us who have got our bfp's. xx


Cendy - March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!! HOPEFULK-Congrats on 8 weeks! I am glad the bleeding has stopped. It is interesting that it coincided with your AF. Hopefully it will not happen next month. As for me, I had bloodwork done Wednesday to see if my thyroid levels are okay and to see if my Graves antibodies are high. The doctor said the TSH and TSI should be in next week. At this point if my levels are up they will want to do a detailed scan of the baby to see if its thyroid is being affected. I will keep you all posted. I am feeling great except for lower back pain. LASHUNDA- did you have any back pain this early I will be 13 weeks on Sunday. I cannot remember it being this early with my boys. Well, I have to go now. Talk to you all later. BABY DUST!


NVgirl - March 17

Hi, just thought I'd jump in. I am way new to this thread so bare with me. My name is Michele, I live in Northern Nevada about 35 minutes from the California border. I am 33 years old and DH and I have been TTC since January. Welp, January & February have come and gone so we TTC this week. I am officially in the 2WW stage. I am CD-13 and 1-dpo. Thanks for letting me jump in!



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