Trying to concieve 14 months
3 Replies
MelanieG - January 26

Me and My husband have been trying to concieve over a year.I have 3 children from previous marriage he had a semen anaylisis done and everything is normal except moderate white blood cells were found Can I still get pregnant?


pmblake - January 26

Of course you can still get pregnant! I don't know about white blood cells but it he passed his test than you should be good! Have you had testing on yourself done? Are you older? I'm 39 which is why I'm asking. It takes my old body a little bit longer and medication to cooperate.


MelanieG - January 26

im 30 and im going to dr next week


marymo - January 27

Hi MelanieG. My DH also had his analysis done and had WBCs in his semen. We already have two children and have been trying for a third for 21/2 years. I checked out totally fine, had all the bloodwork done, the HSG and ultrasound of the uterus,all fine. Had two healthy pregnancies. When my husband was checked, he did a semen analysis and had WBC which they said the WBCs (which means theres an infection, more than likely from the prostrate gland) but he was having no symptoms. So my doc put him on 3 months of antibiotics, and then he was cleared up, but I still didnt get pregnant. Im at a total loss. Its very frustrating. Hopefully everything checks out for you too. You should find out if he needs to be on antibiotics? Good luck to you!!!!!



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