trying for number two with pcos
2 Replies
MuzikGurl - April 25

Hi, I was diagnoised with pcos a couple years ago and not on any medication for it but, when I was trying for my first child I had to be put on clomid which I did for two months and suprisingly it worked and I had my beautiful baby girl this past dec. now, almost 5 months later my periods have not come back the closest I have had was a normal discharging after birth for about a month or so, then nothing for a few weeks and then feb 13-14th I had very light spotting and then nothing until these past few days I have been cramping and I received very VERY very light brown smudes I mean, I don't have to use anything it only shows when I wipe really and I go to see my ob/gyn on may the 8th and I was wondering has anyone experience something similar to this like, do you think I might be going back to the way I was before I got pregnant the first time? Do you think I might need clomid again in order to have my second child? We would like our children to be very close in age so, getting pregnant within the next year would be really great for us, but...I'm concerned on why my body won't be, I got pregnant once, carried full term, normal pregnancy all the way until delievery, the baby was fine and everything so why can't my body just have periods and ovulate like normal?? is there anyway to make yourself do that without all the meds??? please tell me that I'm not alone on this issue. thanks in advance! ~MuzikGurl~


MuzikGurl - April 26

bump please....


linds99 - April 27

Keep in mind that they believe PCOS is a genetic disorder. With that said you cannot expect that a few rounds of clomid will end the disorder and that things will be different then before the treatements or birth. The truth is, you will battle PCOS the rest of your life, so be vigilant about your body now. I would highly suggest getting on birth control for a few months to get a regular period every month to reduce your risk of endometrial issues in the future, like the lining of your uterus getting too thick, etc. The best thing you can do for your body is have a period, Besides the PCOS, it is completely normal for a woman, who just gave birth a few months ago, to sometimes have no period for several months after, especially if you are breast feeding. If you are not breast feeding, please talk to your doctor about bc pills, or at least they can give you a shot to bring on your period, to maybe give your body a kick-start. BTW, I have PCOS too, and I am happy for you that clomid has worked for you. I had no luck with clomid, as many PCOSers do, so you are really lucky to have conceived through just that medication. Congratulations on your healthy baby.



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