trouble getting pregnant
1 Replies
babysmith1 - November 23

My husband and I have already been through 2 rounds of ivf and are having problems still. We are seeing a natural herb doctor now hoping maybe she can help. Does anyone have any more suggestions? we've been trying for quite awhile. his count is low and i have hormonal imbalaces. thanks.


jademaiden - November 26

After 2 failed IUI's and 2 failed IVF's, I started seeing an acupuncturist who specialized in fertility. I got pregnant on my own 3 months later, and 4 more times naturally over the past 2 years (my problem is with pregnancy loss now!) An acupuncturist will help balance your hormones and regulate your period. Once ovulation is determined, try using Preseed and do the bd every other day, such as cd 11,13,15,17... It worked for me every time. Good luck!!!!



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