tired of no answers i hope some one else is going through it
10 Replies
Misti - December 4

Ok let me start by saying yes im alittle chunky lol and my husbend and i have been ttc for about 3 years maybe more and any way this year i went 4 months with out a period or any spotting i was confused and then on my birthday in june go figure i start and it is so heavy and cramping bad. Then i missed for a month and then had one. Well last month i spotted and it kinda got on my pad but not alot it lasted 10 days ive never had spotting and then this month i started spotting before thanksgiving and was only spotting when i wipe and it was red or light red. i have had my thyroid tested and etc just for someo ne to tell me they dont know i havent taken any test to see if im prego cause i really doubt it 3 years of trying .. why would i be now. is any one else haveing this problem?


Naomi98 - December 4

Have you done any of the basic fertility workup (semen analysis, hormone tests, hsg, ultra-sound?) Your period is so irregular, it would be good to try and pin down what's causing it. Can you afford to go see an RE? Have you had your prolactin levels checked? I know that can cause irregular periods and is very easily fixed. How frustrating for you! I would be banging on someone's door demanding answers if I was you! Good luck!


Apalonia - December 4

Hi Misti,
I would definately see a speacialist. My frined had the same problem with TTC. It turned out she had PCOS and was not producing any follicles every month. That can be monitored. I wish you all the best. It is a very furatrating time.


Misti - December 4

thank you guys so much for the advice no i have not had any of the things u have mentiond done naomi but it is a good start to mention these things when i go see a docter next time. I am currently putting it on hold till next month until my husbend gets us some good health insurance. and i know this is dumb but what is a RE? and apalonia thank u for your advice too i will mention pcos next time i talk to my docter too i have got to find some kind of specialist!!!!


tessahall7707 - December 4

Don't feel bad misti because I don't know what RE is either!!! Or PCOS!! But thank you for your encouragement to us and I am sorry you are experiencing the same frustration. Good luck to you !


trying in ND - December 4

Hi misti, I know exactly what you are going through. I go months and months with out my period, then will get it, or spot for a month or two, the go without again. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom this summer. It is a valid desease, but is basically a combination of different symptoms, they still don't know what causes it. this means they treat the symptoms, and can't "fix" it. This was really frustrating for me, because the best thing for it is to be on BC. well I want to get pregnant, so, until my insurance kicks back in the first of the year, I am stuck on BC, then I will be able to start more medication, and such to help it. But it is something, if I was you, would look up, and look at the list of symptoms, to see if it is possible you have that. It commonly goes undiagnosed. It is a good possiblity if they thought it was your thyroid that it is PCOS, because they act quite a bit alike, lucky me, I have both!! :) Good luck!


Misti - December 5

yeah i have done my research on it and it scares me that i may have that and that is the last thing i want to hear. I just hate it so much that people and kids who dont deserve to have children and shouldnt be haveing a baby at 12 years old can. Yet people like us who just want a baby and who are honnest hard working people cant. I really hope i dont have pcos. So since u have thyroid and pcos what are they going to do to help you? shirley they can do somthing other than the pill?Does insurance pay for fertility treatments?


Naomi98 - December 5

Misti, I definitely think you should see a specialist when your insurance kicks in. Sorry for the acronyms - I've obviously been in this infertility racket WAY too long lol. RE is a reproductive endocrinologist - basically a fertility specialist. I initially started going to an ob/gyn but changed about 6 months ago and it made a huge difference. In fact I did get pregnant last cycle (m/c at 5 weeks) so I'm totally in love with my RE now! I think coverage for fertility treatment varies from policy to policy. I don't live in the US but our insurance covers IUI but not IVF. Anyways, good luck - keep stamping your feet at someone and refusing to leave offices til you get a straight answer :-)


trying in ND - December 5

Misti-They can do more than just put you on BC for it. But that is the best and simplest way. When i go back to get off the pill and start the acutal "process" of trying, then there is going to be other medication I will have to take. One that he did mention when I first went in is that Clomid, that a lot of people talk about. I suggest the next time you go in for your yearly exam, talk to your Doctor, and tell them what is going on. if they say it is nothing, go to a different doctor. I have had doctors tell me for years that there is nothing wrong it is stress, ect. and had I started suffecient treatment years ago, I am overweight, but it would have helped me to control that, and so many other aspects of my life I have struggled with. Some insurance does cover infertility treatments. infact I was very suprised to find out that mine covers most infertility treatments, but does not cover BC. I found that so weird. But the best thing you can do for yourself, is talk to your doctors, and do research yourself, and then talk to your doctors about your research.


Misti - December 6

Thanks so much everyone for the advice and answers i appreciate it so much. and that is crazy btw that your insurance wont cover bc ...weird.Maybe cause it is cheper than some things and they figure u can pay for it??? who knows insurance companys can be weird.


katie0985 - December 6

hello misti. Im the same really. im 23 and found out i have pcos when i was 14. Im on th heavy side and i thought that was the reason y,. i was alo tested for tyroid but nothing. maybe u should go to ur doctor n have a scan done and see if u have cycts on ur ovarys witch i have also. Imon a drug called metformin witch makes them more regulare and u ovulate.. i have been on metformin for 5 mths now and being patiant with it,. look metformin up and see if u fit that criteria. people like my self are looking to take the drug clomid witch can be taken on its own or with metformin tog et pregnant. all the best hun !!! kay xx



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