This is fun.....TRY this....
57 Replies
Sue - June 30

You can also use a necklace and your wedding band. Take the necklace and thread your ring through it. You move the necklace up and down about 5 times infront of the belly and then hold the necklace still. If the ring moves up and down it means your having a boy if it goes in a circle means your having a girl. You cont. to do this until the ring no longer moves. It has worked with all my family members. It predicts I'm having a girl and a boy. Good Luck All!


Nena - July 1

Ok I will try your option Sue. If the ring moves left and right does this means anything or if it doesn't move at all??? Thank you Sue.


Sue - July 1

Nena, were you doing it yourself? Basically, you need someone to do it for you while you sit there. The person holding the necklace, holds it from the clasp with one hand and the other hand holding up it up while moving it up and down infront of the belly 5 times. The hand thats holding up the necklace/ring lets go and the ring starts to move while still holding the clasp of the necklace. Am I making any sense?


Nena - July 1

Yes Sue I think I got it. I will try it after work. I was doing it alone and I new something is wrong. I will let you know tomorrow. This is soooo curiously!!! ---------------- Can I ask you one more question? If the ring is moving differently from circle and back and forth, does that mean anything? My goodness I really insist on this --- LOL


Nena - July 1

Another thing :-) The wedding ring should be only yours or you can borrow from someone else?


Sue - July 1

I have never heard the ring to move in any other direction but back and forth and circular movement. As for the ring, it is best to use one that you own if it's being done on you. Yes, you got to let me know how it


Nena - July 4

I've done that with the ring and it was moving back and forth (Boy). Strange thing, because I also on the day I supposed to get my af, I had spotting instead for two days on Saturday and Sunday and than today nothing my pad is clear. I hope to be that Implantation bleeding. I didn't test though!!! I will let you know when I test ;o)


Sue - July 5

Good Luck Nena! Spread the news if you are! Lots and Lots of BABY DUST to you! p.s. Did you keep moving the ring till it stopped?


Nena - July 5

No I didn't wait till it stopped, what's the difference? Please let me know. I came back from the lab and I have negative blood test as they say. I hope they are not 100% accurate, what do you think because i am loosing my mind here. I had only spotting instead of af for three days and now negative blood test!!! :(


Sue - July 6

Nena, I was in the same boat with you this month. I had spotting for 2 days and then bang, periods came on like a vegence! Back pain and all! Don't let the neg test get you down. Heaven knows how many I have done in 6 years! I completely understand how sad and depressing it gets which is why now I don't test. I figure I'll only test now if I'm 4 weeks over so it saves me getting so upset. Going back to the ring, it tells you how many kids you will have. You need to keep moving it until the ring stops as you could have 2/3 kids. Mine went in a cricle first (girl). Held it back up, let go and it went up and down (boy). Held it up again, let go then it completely stopped. So 2 kids for me! I'm here for you if you need someone to talk too.


Nena - July 6

Thanks Sue for understanding. That neg test just was the rught thing to turn me down all day yesterday, I was so sad. Do you believe that even blood tests can be false negative??? When I phoned my doct and told him about the result, he told me to wait until Friday and go and have u/s. Why he want me to wait??? Maybe because my af was only pinkish and brownish discharge and than stopped at all. I didn't have real af. I am so confused Sue. -------------- Regarding the ring issue, I have done with a needle and I have boy,girl,boy but I have done with the ring in my stomach (because I thought I am pregnant) my annt done that for me and the ring started moving back and forth for a boy. This will be adaptable with the needle thing because my first is a boy but you see that I am not pregnant!!! Good luck to you Sue and I will happen one day I am sure for both of us. ;o)


melissa - July 14

i have used something similar to this it has always worked. i did it with a ring and a strand of hair though (it seems to work better for me). ok it said 6 total kids. g..b..g..b..g..g i had a miscarraige 4 years ago (a girl). now i have a two year old boy. and my DH and i are ttc for OUR first. this has always worked for me in the past. and like Nancy said this is ONLY for FUN. another variation of this (this is the one i have used) is: use a ring that belongs to you (it does not have to be a wedding ring, although it will work better) and get one strand of your own hair. tie the hair to the ring with seven knots. then place the ring in your palm and pull it above your hand using the string. move the ring without touching your hand to the space located between your thumb and index finger. raise and lower the ring seven times taking care not to touch your hand or anything else. then dangle it over your palm. circles are girls and back and forth are boys. once you get a definate answer lower the ring onto you palm then lift it and move it back to the space between your thumb and index finger. lower and raise it again then dangle it over your palm again, repeat until the ring no longer moves. then place it back into you palm..... baby dust to all......


Melany - July 14

Hey Melissa, wow this is freaky!!! Is there a way to tell you can tell if you are pregnant. I've read somewhere in this site that you can do something "exercise" and if you feel something like hard tummy or something than you are pregnant. Did you hear of something like this ??? If you did please let us know and JUST FOR FUN , right ??? :-)


Staci - July 14

Ok, so I did it with a hair, because I couldn't find my sewing kit for the life of me, and my wedding ring. I don't think it worked well with the hair because it was constantly swinging whether I was tracing or dangling. :( I will try again once I get some string.
Question: When you trace are you suppose to touch your fingers, or just outline around them. Had fun, thanks for sharing!


Julie - July 14

I did this when I was pregnant with my first child, and it told me I'd have 2 boys, and then 2 girls. Well, my first was a boy, but the 2nd was a girl. So, it's fun, but that's all it is.


Melissa - July 15

Hey melany, sorry but i have not heard of this "exercise". although it does sound interesting. to get yes or no answers you could use a deck of cards( it usually works for me). shuffle the deck seven times then just ask a question. Red is yes, black is no. Also the higher the number the more accurate the answer. Again, this is also ONLY for FUN..... Hi Staci, when you did it last time was the ring swinging or spinning? if it was spinning in a circle while you traced that is ok. oh and when you trace your fingers, no your not supposed to touch your fingers, only outline them. ;) hope this helps. dust to all.........



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