The best mommies part 14.....never leaving each other behind
250 Replies
k8cherry - September 15

Diem -


k8cherry - September 15

Hit enter before I finished typning :-)


babyforcole - September 15

Hey ladies, wow- I missed alot. Um, I will say honestly in my heart, although you're happy that someone has gotten their bfp, you are, well, I am, a little jealous bec it's not you. It is a little----uh----shocking when someone that hasn't been on the board for awhile comes on and says "hey, I got a bfp". It's like she's been on here so why hasn't she posted to share her feelings and get support, but she can post when she gets her bfp.....This is just my opinion. I'm not downing anyone. All are welcomed but I just wanted to get that out. I don't think Diem meant any harm, she hasn't been that type of person.


k8cherry - September 15

Take out the - in albums


diem - September 15

Here's mine.....tell me if it works.


diem - September 15

K8, what a cute bean!!!!!! I posted my link also. It has all my ultrasound pics and belly pics. Be sure to take our the dashes (-) as well. I'll be taking another belly pic tomorrow. I think I'm bigger than last week.


k8cherry - September 15

Diem - Cute pictures. I haven't taken any belly pics. I think I will start at 12 weeks. Not sure. I look huge in this picture. I was 8 weeks but the dress didn't help:


babyforcole - September 15

Diem, I hope you don't mind I looked at the pics. You're so cute. Dh is a cutie as well. He looks Hawaiin (sp??) your little bump is cute :-)


babyforcole - September 15

K8- That is a great pic, nice and clear. Which one are you? the black dress?
I don't have any belly pics YET but I have a myspace page if any of you do it's


k8cherry - September 16

Baby - Sorry I should have told you which one I am. I am the one in the orange dress :-) I have a myspace.


k8cherry - September 16

Baby - requested you as a friend :-)


diem - September 16

You are such a cutie!!! Has anyone else noticed a difference in your belly? Everyone at work keeps telling me that I look farther along than what I am. Babyforcole, are you getting any symptoms yet??? SaintRose, sorry your doc's are being such duds right now. I know how you feel about not getting any answers. I was relieved there was nothing wrong, but disturbed because they couldn't pinpoint anything. Don't give up. Keep trying. I am proof that it can happen. Can you ask your docs about doing heparin shots? Tell them you have a friend that was put on them after 3 miscarriages and now she has a sucessful pg. Maybe they'll let you do them. There is no harm because the heparin can't hurt even if you don't have a clotting issue. Are you on baby asprin too? Keep trying sweetie. I know how hard it is. No one understands the pain of miscarriages like some of us do. Don't ever give up on your dream to become a mom because it will happen. It IS in the cards for you. You are meant to be a mom.


babyforcole - September 16

I thought so, you're cute too. Is your friend preggers as well?


babyforcole - September 16

I can't wait until I am able to post my u/s's and belly pics on myspace. My nips are alittle sore and I get a tad nauseas during the day but nothing I can't handle. I'm trying not to read more into it since it's only 7dpo. Do you think the hcg is still inmy sys?


diem - September 16

Babyforcole, my dh is filipino. I can't wait to see what kind of mixture our baby will come out to be. I look so bad in that pic. We had just got done skiing that day and were in the hotel bar. My face was all chapped and my hair slicked back. Eew. I posted the link for all to look at. No biggie.


k8cherry - September 16

Diem - Thanks! I work with 15 other people and 14 of them are women so they all knew what I was going through and are soooo happy that I am pregnant now. They all come over at rub my little belly. I am starting to look more and more pregnant. I will have to have dh take a belly pic so I can show you. Do you have a myspace? I notice your little glitter signs so I wasn't sure. Baby - That is one of my co-workers. No she is not pregnant. Our boss took us on a steam train ride and a boat ride on the CT river. It was the most beautiful day we could ask for. It was a lot of fun.



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