Success stories with IUI and injectibles
55 Replies
Tracy88 - November 13

Tink, I will be thinking of you, sitting here on pins and needles. I know you will feel devastated if you don't get PG the first time around with the shots, but I have a story for you that may give you hope. On two separate threads but at the same time I had two friends who did injectables two cycles in a row and did not get PG. They were both on a break cycle, had nookie at the right times, and got PG. Both of them had been trying forever and had gone through laps and all, and both got PG on their "break". I think the shots gave both of them the kick starts their body needed. Don't lose faith, stay strong, and I will check in to hear about your BFP at the end of this week!!!


cspears99 - November 14

Hi guys I am doing 150iu for 10 days then 250mg of the Ovidrel, I don't think my husband will be much help so I am hoping I can do it myself, I do have the gonal pen, they gave me a dvd to watch, then if I have questions I will ask them on my cd3, I am sort of excited and thinking positive, just like everyone has said I don't know what I will do if this doesn't work, especially after all the money and just all the stress of getting to this point ya know??? it's so nice having this site!!! tink I will be thinking about you so let us know, I will keep in touch once I start hopefully this week, thanks again. Cheryl


Tink - November 14

Cheryl, it's not bad at all, especially with the pen, you just 'dart' it in and inject. it's quick and easy. I did 100iu for 5 days, but i have a tendency to overstim, so they did low for the first round to see how i responded. they'll up it next month i am sure. I too, watched a dvd, but at the RE's office. it was enough info for me, so you should be fine. plus the pen comes with step by step instructions too. good luck


cspears99 - November 18

Hi everyone, well I am now 4 days late for my period, not pregnant just late so haven't been able to start my injections, I am going crazy, anyway wanted to see how everyone was doing, Tink any good news?


Tracy88 - November 18

Well, that sucks that your period is late! Why is it that whenever we don't want her to show she does and vice versa????


cspears99 - November 19

Seriously just can't win!! :-) how are feeling??


Tracy88 - November 19

I'm feeling pretty good. Thanks for asking! My belly is pretty big for someone who is only 14 weeks, but I'm not complaining. I like being able to see that this is actually happening. Now, if i could just feel the booger move, that would be awesome.


cspears99 - November 19

tracy88 is this your first baby, I am sorry if I already asked you that??


Tracy88 - November 19

Yes, this is my first. I got married for the first time at 35 and I am now PG at 36!!! I always thought life would have taken a different path, and I would have obtained these things when I was younger, but I didn't meet the right person until a few years ago. We started TTC right when he asked me to marry him. How about you? How old or young are you?


cspears99 - November 19

Tracy that is so exciting!!! I am 33 well I wll be on the 26th of this month! We got married 2 years ago but have been together for 6years, took him a long time to come around, and I actually was okay not having kids for a while but for the past 2 1/2 years its all I want and can think about, soooo needless to say we have been trying since before we got married. Its hard though all my friends started there families in there early 20's but you just never know I feel more ready now than I ever have so hopefully it will be meant to be!!! I am so happy for you, it all happens the way it supposed to!! :-)


Tracy88 - November 21

I feel more ready now too. I like the fact that I am more stable in mind and body since I am older. I have been there, done that, and found myself so I think that will make me a better parent. We are more patient and understanding at this point. Well, I am hoping this works for you because you sound like you are so ready for parenthood. It will happen, just be patient. At the very least, you have a few years on me, so you know there is hope if I got PG!


cspears99 - November 21

I agree!!! :-) well still no period for me, I am going crazy!! I am almost a week late, and its so strange I don't feel stressed about all thats coming I am excited to get started so I don't understand why I am so late, this is only the 2nd time ever I am late. about 8 months ago I was 10 days late and was so devastated I wasn't pregnant but I am over that now I just want to get this procedure started ya know???? Ugh anyway hope you are feeling great, and will let you know once I start. :-)


lynnee - December 8

Hi, Ladies! My first IUI with Clomid has failed. Now my RE put me on IUI with injectable. I found my E2 level dropped dramatically before my ovulation day; anyone knows why? Is that my reason for infertility?


thayward7 - December 9

I hope you don't mind me joining. LYNNEE - that happened to me last cycle!!!! Everything got cancelled. I had an ultrasound this week to rule out cysts and endometrial polyps (both can cause the hormone drop) - what did your RE say? My RE also retested my thyroid. I am waiting for the results from my ultrasound. This was the first cycle that this happened to me. I would like to hear what happened with your situation, if you don't mind sharing, since it's similar. Smiles and Babydust... T


Tracy88 - December 9

I have to be honest, I'm not sure what E2 measures, but I know it's supposed to be 200-600 per mature follicle, so I deduce that if your level dropped before ovulation, your follicle(s) did not mature enough. The injectables give the doc more control over how mature the follicles get before they are released, so I think he/she is on the right track. Clomid did not work for me, but my first cycle with injectables and IUI did, so hang in there Lynnee! I think I had the same problem you did with my follies just not maturing enough.


lynnee - December 10

thayward7 and Tracy88, thank you for your replies. I am not very happy with my RE right now, because no matter what happened, he always tell me that everything is ok. I found my E2 dropped on my CD 12, but he did not order any other blood test after CD12, so I do not know if my E2 level came back before ovulation (CD18). Anyway I will try to follow up closely this month. Good luck.



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