Starting IVF in Aug/Sept.--Support for first timers part 2
474 Replies
Mega - September 21

Isa--Yay, day 1 of Lupron. So, how'd it go? Not too bad, eh? I didn't think it made a difference pain wise whether it was cold or not going in. Of course I never remembered to warm the Follistim down to room temp before injection either. Yes, I did my Lupron at night, b/c that's when I did the stims too and my clinic suggested doing it at the same time was simpler, get it over with. Plus at night my DH could do it, which I think made it less painful when he did it for some reason. I start Lupron again myself a week from Saturday. Anyway, I hope shot 1 went well for you. CC--Thank you. I appreciate you checking up on how my cycle ended. I'm sure getting on the boards these days isn't always the easiest. You're in my thoughts as well. Hang in there. I'm trying to be positive most of the time, but I have my down moments these days too. Hard not to. Our home computer wasn't working last night (I'm hoping we accidently unplugged something though I don't know how), and I'm off work tomorrow. Then Sat. AM were leaving for a long weekend trip to the mountains of TN to stay at DH's Aunt's lake cabin. I'll be off the board til Wed. probably. So everyone have a GREAT weekend. Angie, thinking of you in this 2 WW. Hang in there, I hope you're on your way to join the BFP club. Cmelissa, you're starting stims soon right? Good luck...


isa - September 21

Hey Mega the Lupron was a breeze and way better than the other stim med needles I've used since its so little. What day did you drop the Lupron amt, the day you started stims or the cd 1 when af shows up? Wow Lupron so soon how fantastic. Do you have to go in for any u/s to make sure no cysts before hand? What meds other than Lupron do you do with an FET? I'm glad you are getting away for the weekend it should be beautiful in the mountains. How's it at work now that your back "down" in the old area. Ok I hope. CC good to hear from you I hope you're doing ok and able to at least browse the site. cmelissa are you all set to start stims on Saturday? How have you been feeling? Angie it's almost here -how has the 2ww wait been and how did you pass the time? Galina what cd are you on now? Hope you others check in soon and let us know how you are all doing/feeling.


angie35 - September 21

Hi ladies.. Hope everybody is doing great.. I'm counting the days, like all of us !! LOL.. I was out of town for a couple of days and that actually made things easier this week. My beta is on Tuesday.. yay.. So far I do not have any symptoms at all.. Today I'm very tired and can hardly keep my eyes open but I guess it's b/c came back home late last night and went to bed around 12 am. I don't know if it's bad or good that I do not have any symptoms at all considering that during all my IVF cycle I onle felt bad the days following the ER.. just thinking.. too much time to think.. LOL


Mega - September 21

Angie, from my prespective at least, no symptoms sounds promising to me. :) I had what I thought was every sign in the book & we know how that turned out. Seriously though, don't go by signs, not in IVF. You have a good shot of being pg either way. I've got my fingers' crossed for you. Hopefully I'll come back Wed. to good news. Good luck! Isa, My Lupron dose dropped down when I started the stims. Glad Lupron shot #1 was a breeze for you. :) You're right, those needles are nothing, so tiny. My drug protocol for the FET is, BCP, Lupron, Estrogen (probably the patches), antibiotic, and PIO shots. That's it. Well probably baby aspirin too. All covered by my ins. copay. Yay!!! Work down here is okay, it's much more social in my old spot than it was upstairs. But then now I have less time to post here. But as you can tell, I still sneak time occassionally. Thanks. I'm glad the timing of our weekend getaway worked the way it did. So needed right now!


cmelissa - September 21

Hey Ladies - i have a lot of reading to catch up on and will post as i read!! Anyways AF showed today and im still taking the lupron shots - go in Saturday to start my meds - getting excited now! The ER is OCt 3rd not far away at all! My friend who did IVF got pregnant on her 3rd attempt and is now 3.5 months pregnant - i'm really happy for her! Love hearing success stories!! Mega - again i'm so sorry it was negative - but i kow this is going to work for us!! Have a great dinner on Friday and have some drinks for me too :) Mega thats great your meds aer covered under insurance - you lucky!! Isa glad to hear you are on your way now! I'm taking gonal F too but also with repronex. Sorry that test hurt - i'm really sensitive too to all these tests! I just know we are all going to get pregnant!! Mega - i'm sure you can implant just fine - its all about timing - its going to work - look at my friend who just got pregnant from ivf - it took her 3 tried and she had barely any periods and was pcos. Isa - i have had no symptoms from the lupron - no s/e at all! Mega was your lining good for the transfer?? I'm sure everything is fine and it just sometimes may take a try or 2. I know I i will be the same way if i get a bfn on my ivf 1st try your minds tends to run every scenario. Isa the lupron shots aren't bad at all - i take it at night, the needle is so small and really just do it quick and it wont be bad at all!! GL! CC - just wanted to let you know im thinking of you and hope you're doing well! Angie wishing you tons of baby dust this 2ww = wow Tuesday is right around the corner!!. Isa - i start the meds Saturday - YEAH!! Mega have an awesome time in the mountains and enjoy your time and relax!! Okay well back to work - will try posting tonight some time!!


Mega - September 21

Cmelissa--Oh your friend who had IVF success on #3 has PCOS too? That's my issue too. Yes, my lining was fine, 9 mm + I think and it was the tri-level pattern they prefer. I'm just grasping at straws, thinking up various scenarios, explanations. Like you said, normal for a BFN. I won't know more for another week or so, after my wrap up appt, which I'll probably make next week. Maybe early Oct. or so. I only have ins. coverage for these types of meds, not the stims, not the expensive stuff. But I'll take a break where I can get it!!! I'll definitely have a drink for ya Friday. :) Thank you. I plan on just vegging in the mountains, not even thinking of TTC stuff. Yeah, right! Like that'll happen. Good luck Sat., on day 1 of stims. Exciting!!


ROBYN - September 22

Hey girls doing a quick check in i have been so busy we went for our 1st walk thru on our new house. We move in next Thursday I am so happy its been 2 years waiting for this house to be built. Anyway monday is my appt for the retrieval and protocol and I am nervous and excited. I need to catch up on all the posts i will check in later.


KDR - September 22

Mega, I am interested to see what happens w/ you and the other ladies doing IVF. I have a RE appt tomorrow and after 3 failed IUI and the whole allergic reaction thing (which I am still having hives!!!!) I have a feeling that IVF might be the RE next suggestion. My RE offers 3 IVF cycles for the price of 1 and if none work, you get a 90% refund. My insurance sucks, as it doesn't pay for anything related to infertility! Anyway I'll see what they say tomorrow. What is your next step?


isa - September 22

Morning gals, well I'm day 2 of Lupron and believe it or not my yesterdays injection left me a bruise. That tiny little needle left me a bruise the size of a dime. I never ever had a bruise with the long needles and I did them 6 cyles. Anways today is my first accupuncture appt. and I am looking forwards to it but also nervous.


cmelissa - September 22

Hey Mega - have a great time this weekend! yes my friend who got pregnant was pcos - she m/c her 1st ivf cycle, 2nd try was FET cycle -didn't get pregnant - and then her 3rd try was a fresh ivf cycle and she's pregnant! She's been trying like over 3 years -i'm so happy for her! Getting anxious to start the meds tomorrow! I've been walking a lot lately to try and shed a few pds before the wedding i'm in next weekend - i'm going to be so bloated from all the meds but i bought a tight spandex thing so hopefuly it will suck everything in, haha! Robyn how was the walk-thru?? Did you have a long list of items to be fixed? My walk-thru wasnt too bad - just touch up stuff. Hey KDR - gl with your appt - so you think IVF you may do this next cycle?? Isa are you jamming the needle in too hard for it to bruise?? Gl with the accupuincture appt cant wait to hear about it - i'm trying to not be stresses this month and take it easy! Well you all have a great day!!!


ROBYN - September 22

Hey girls checkin in.. CMEL - walk in went great. Minor minor things like you said touch up. We have real hard wood floors they put in it was amazing to see them finally uncovered and cleaned up. But I didnt know they were a lot of work to keep up. So were gonna have to be xtra careful. So anyway are you already getting bloated from the Lupron? Monday is coming up so quickly I cannot believe everything is gonna start. I dont think I can mention to my RE about the price change since we got accepted 2 weeks after they changed their prices so its not there fault its Intgrameds contract. I am sure they wont honor the old pricing. But like I said earlier nothing we can do about. Its the price you pay for what we all want in the end. Anyway will check in later. ISA good luck on your 1st accupuncture appt. MEGA how are you feeling when do you started your 2nd cycle ? Hi to everyone else. CYAS


KDR - September 23

Hi! CMelissa- thanks for asking! Yes, looks like IVF is going to be the next step. But, my RE won't let me start until we figure out why I have been having horrible hives everyday for the past 6 weeks. MY lips are also sometimes swelling. I thought it was the repronex shot I took last cycle but now I am not so sure. I am completely frustrated with all of this. So I have to go see an allergist. Then after that's cleared up I get to begin the IVR journey. My dh and I were looking over the packet of info today and we are ready to bring out the big guns so to speak! Later!


isa - September 23

Robyn glad the walk thru went well. I love hardwood floors but yes they can be a ton of work. Just be very careful not to spill liquids on them. I ruined my bedroom floor as a kid from spilling fluids all the time -oops. You ask about bloating on Lupron? I didnt know that was even a possibility. I'm only on day 2 of it so not yet for me anyways. Oh the spanx idea is a good one but if you are bloated and sore you might not want them so tight on you. I know when I was bloated with the hyperstim I couldnt wear anything but trackpants or extremely loose pants so make sure you try it ahead of time to make sure its ok and if not get bigger ones.KDR just a thought but are your hives possibly stress induced? I never had them in my life until the day before I left on my Europe trip and I broke out in them all over but mostly legs, bit on arms, bit on tummy and bit on back. I didnt even know i was stressed but doctor said thats what did it and when I sat and thought about all i had been going through (FIL diagnosed cancer and they couldnt come on trip with us, our trip, all my fertility treatments from the previous 11 months and no pregnancy etc etc. He gave me an RX called Euromol HC creame to rub on the hives and then he said take an antihistamine for the itchiness. (I took Benadryl). After using the creme for about 1 1/2 weeks it finally went away and i've been ok since but I also didnt go back to the fertiity stuff until this month and doing ivf. Just a thought. OH also the first month I took my HMG Lepori shot I got an itchy reaction on my belly and RE had me use benedryl creme on it and take a benedryl pill 1 or 2x/day and I never had aproblem the rest of the months I used that same drug.


isa - September 23

oh my accupuncture I forgot to tell you it was fabulous. He had this heat lamp for my belly/ab area that heated things while I lied down and listened to wonderfully soothing saxaphone type dinner music playing ever so softly. Then after about 10min he came in and put the needles in, 8 aorund my belly button in a fairly wide oval, then I think 1 in each ankle area and one between the knee and the ankle and b/c I'd had a headache earlier and had this tight spot in my neck 1 in each ear. He kept the heat lamp on and left me to rest quietly for maybe 30 minues or so. It was nice and so peaceful. He said when i got there my pulse was better from last week, not so soft and quiet which meant the herbs i was taking had helped my circulation and increase my pulse in my wrists. i will go weekly until retrieval and then he will do it day of or day before retrieval at the clinic and after transfer i think it is at the clinic also. That way I dont have to travel anywhere right after the RE does his thing. We have our ivf counselling with the ivf social worker tomorrow and she will give us the "how to copes" and what stresses we should expect and how dh can best help me out etc etc. It should be good b/c dh has no clue what he's in for (well -i did tell him he might see he married someone he doesnt recognized once i start stimming but i dont think he really understands it all or the stress i will be under-or pain for that matter). anways thats my news.


ROBYN - September 23

Hey girls ISA thanks for the advice on the hardwood floors. I wish I wouldve known it before we started to build but they look so beautiful I know we wouldnt have done it any other way. Glad your accupuncture went well. I started doing that several months ago but I stopped because it was getting a little too expensive. But when I did go I truly enjoyed it and relaxed. The music was great and just liked the feeling. Good luck with it. The reason I asked about the bloating with Lupron I am not sure which meds make you bloated. So since I have my 1st appt on Monday I am sure I will find out. Have you already done the mock retrieval and is this your first IVF cycle? All of you have a great nite will check tomorrow.


isa - September 23

yes Robyn its my first ivf and my clinic doesnt do a mock. My RE says that things inside move about so his system is that they do a ultrasound guided transfer so he sees what hes doing and he inserts something and gets it in place and then the embryologist gives him the loaded cartridge of embies and it fits right into this thing already in me and poof they go where they should. Thats the best way I can remember of what they told me. I hate the idea of having a full bladder for the transfer for the u/s guided part as I'm afraid i might pee on him but oh well I'm sure it wouldnt be the first time hhaha-night



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