Septmeber Injectables come on in to get more BFPs going..
133 Replies
Zoey06 - September 24

Anyone know how memillner is doing? I heard she got a BFP but I have not been able to find her anywhere!!


BABYHOPE - September 24

ZOEY AND EVERYONE ELSE, memilner is having TWINS! im her myspace friend also.. i was waiting for her to tell you all but im sure she is going just crazy with excitement, didnt mean to bust in on here, but i still think about everyone =)


katherine27 - September 25

Hey Ladies. I am new here, but I have been reading on this site for a while. I have been ttc for 18 months now. I had a lap done in August (which showed I only have use of one tube), and just finished my first round of follitism. All of my numbers were good. My estrogen level was 1000 the day of the ovidrel shot. I had the 3 follicles that were 19, 18, and 17mm (is that ok?), and the IUI was done on Monday. My husband has really good sperm. They injected about 70 million:) They wanted to do the IUI to help with pregnancy chances. Anyway, that is my story. I am just waiting around until they test on Oct 6. It is nice to know that I am not alone in this quest for another child. I am sorry for the disappointments that some of you have gone through. I hope you all conceive soon. Thanks-


memillner - September 25

Hi ladies! I'm so sorry I haven't been on here in forever. It's been very crazy and hectic where I am. As babyhope said we're having twins and just praying everyday they grow stronger and bigger.
St.Rose I'm so so sorry hun for your troubles. You're in my prayers along with lyndeats.

I hope everyone else is doing okay and all the new cycles bring more BFP's Good luck ladies!!!


Zoey06 - September 25

memillner that is so wonderful. How far along are you? Thats pretty cool you, kimmer, and I are all preggers! Since we were once all on the same cycles. Anyways good luck to all...bring on those BFP's!


memillner - September 25

Zoey hey girl!!! YAY congrats to you darling!!! I'm 7.5 weeks so still early but feeling good. I go for a 2nd u/s on the 30th. We saw them on the 18th with their two little heartbeats. IT"S SO COOL!!! but man I feel like a big fat whale already LOL!!!


MissingDestiny - September 25

OMG Memiller Twins!!!!! Congratulations Honey!!!!!!!! how exciting I love it, good luck honey and is ok if you alredy feel like a whale bc you are a pregnant Whale then and that is the most wonderful way to be.. Please keep updating us ok... Zoey congrats to you too... Saint honey I really thing IVF is a great Idea Honey, I'm sure at the end you will have your baby, you have never ever giving up and you continue trying so I know God is watching you and he is saving somthing very special for you and it will come soon.... How are you feeling?? Lydeats you too honey it will happen for us you will see....Ally so whats the Plan girl? Allie P anything yet? have you tested?? I'm thinking of you all... I started my bcp yesterday so I have about 2 weeks and a few days before I can stop them and start my Femara..


Aly0809 - September 26

Hi ladies-
Sorry I have been MIA, I was waiting to see my doctor yesterday to figure out what we are going to do. I have now done 2 cycles with making at least 3 follicles, and bding, with no luck. My doctor said it is time to move on to IUI. I am fine with that, and probably would have done it months ago, but my poor DH is absolutely petrified of needles and really didn't want to do the blood test necessary to go forward with IUI. That is why we stuck with bding for 2 cycles. So now, he will have to suck it up and do it. I am now CD4, so I wouldn't have time to get all the tests done I need first to do the IUI this cycle, so we were going to try another without iui while we got all the tests and results done. But, on my baseline ultrasound, I had about 4-5 bigger cysts and my doc said it is better to take a break this cycle and just get set for IUI next cycle. I am ok, but definately disapointed. I thought that once I ovulated, it would be smooth sailing, but I guess not. That's life...just gotta get DH to take those tests within the next few weeks, and that is a real ordeal.
SaintRose- so you are doing ivf? Good luck. when are you starting? Lydeats- how are you doing? Missingdestiny- good luck with this cycle, maybe Oct will be our month! memillner- twins!!! congrats!!! I love hearing the success stories! Katherine- welcome! those 3 follicles sound really great! keep us posted!


katherine27 - September 26

Thanks for the welcome Aly. I hope all your dh's testing goes well. I have a friend who has to sit out every other cycle because of small cysts. She always feels good after the break. I feel pretty normal. Nothing out of the ordinary, but I guess I would not have many symptoms 4 days after an IUI:) October 6th feels pretty far away, but I guess it will come quick! I hope the 3 follies got to where they need to be with one tube being bad! Anyway, I hope ya'll have a nice weekend. There are some good football games on, so that is what we will be doing! Good Luck Everyone!!!


MissingDestiny - September 27

Hi everyone!!!!!!! Katherine welcome honey and good luck!!! 3 follies sound great to me.... Go Jaguars this weekend LOL!!!!! Ally so good to hear from you and I'm glad you have a plan after your break, and I have to say the break is goign to be good for you even if you don't want it I know I have been there but it is in your best interest, you don't want to be dealing with cyst specially bc they can get deangoursely sp? big.. I hope all goes well with Dh and the testing, they are such babies.LOL and I can't wait to hear all about your next cycle very soon, you will see... Saint honey I hope you are ok and I hope that Dhs sperm comes up better but at least you know that ivf can help you greatly if his sperm still not so good.... to everyone else hi and I'm thinking of you all as always.. Well I have not gotten my new ;protocol yet but I know is on the mail and on its way to me ,along with some IVF info that I have requested , I always like to know what am up against ahead of time so I requested info on the procedure and price etc.. we will see , hopefully I wont need it and I can use that money for my future kids college founds LOL... Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!


SaintRose83 - September 30

hey everyone, sorry i have been kinda quiet lately, but its been a hard time for me. but i have been keeping up with your posts and am rooting for all of you. well update on me. i have been off the prometium for a whole week, and nothing. no bleeding, no cramps. i go for a beta tomorrow, i don't know what good it will do seeing how the mc does not seem to be getting underway. but i will go and then talk to my doc and see what he thinks. thanks for the support and prayers.


rcmiller - September 30

Hi all! I'm pretty new to this. Although not new to the whole IVF and wanting to be preggers thing. I just had my 2nd egg retrieval yesterday and got 15 eggs! 13 of them have fertilized with ICSI and I am waiting for a 5dt on Saturday. I feel soooo bloated right now. I feel like I'm already preggers! I have had a really cool cycle this time. 10 days of injections. Not a worry or a stress. Actually not even thinking about what day I was on throughout! In the past all I did was think about how many days and totally dwelt on the situation at hand. So on Sat I start my 2ww which I'm wondering if that will be terrible this time as it was last time. The only thing I'm a bit nervous about is that my doc says I don't need prog injections or even a blood test to see if my progest levels are high enough to support a preg. Should I be nervous? Should I keep bugging him? Anyways, I'm lookiing forward to what the next couple weeks have to bring. I have a super positive feeling about this one.


SaintRose83 - October 1

well my beta came back at 15,737 so it is going down. a week ago it was 27,000 and something. but i am not bleeding yet. is it normal for my beta to be going down and not bleeding? i will e-mail my doc, but won't hear back for a few days.


AllieP. - October 1

Hi girls, sorry i've been MIA. I've been trying to keep up with everyone and cheering for you! SAINTROSE-sorry you are having a hard time. I truly feel for you. For me, the injectables did not work for me this past cycle. :( They did leave me with cysts though which is annoying. Today I'm on CD11 and since Saturday have been feeling little pains below my naval. Yesterday i had some spotting and today even more spotting in my cm. I took an OPK and its negative. Have any of you ladies that have had cysts before have abnormal bleeding from them or stomach pains? My doctor doesn't seem concerned. I've called twice now. It's way to early for me to be ovulating. Don't know whether I should be worried or not.


Georgia - October 1

I´ve been off the boards lately and sad to come back to find what I found....I am so sorry Saint and Lydeats for what you´ve been through.....I can´t imagine...any one of us could go through the same thing any day now...I am praying for you both...*prayers* So, zoey, kimmer and memillner are all pg...congrats....who is left besides me to test? I triggered on the 21st. I had an 18.5 and 15 on my RO. I started testing out the trigger on Friday and as of today, I got a completely false result so now I am testing each morning to see if anything good happens...I test at the doc on the 6th....hopefully it will be successful because we paid for everything out of wishes and baby dust to all of you ladies....*hug*


katherine27 - October 2

Georgia- I just wanted to say hey. I test on the 6th too. I triggered on the 21st and had the IUI on the 22nd. How are you feeling? I understand the $$! This was our first cycle, and insurance pays for nothing. Anyway, I hope all of you find comfort in your losses. I am sorry. I cannot even imagine what some of you have been through. Good luck to all of you testing soon. These past 10 days have seemed so long!



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