Ready to start first cycle of clomid
24 Replies
HannahR - October 21

Congrats!!!! to chemerasai. I'm so glad i've found these furums that really help me out, thanks for all the responses I appreciate it.
just to update everyone i'm done with my clomid, days 5-9 and now my husband and I are doing the fun part of this every other day as the doctor said to. I have a question, What is provera? and what is it supposed to do?


elliemae - October 21

Hello all. It looksike I might be starting clomid the Beginning of December if all goes well with Dr visit on the 12th of November. Keep the info coming those of you just starting. I would love to hear the personal stories of people just starting. HOPEFULONE--- My story is the same as yours but its been about 18 months that we have been ttc. Good luck and let me know how you are doing. Thanks Ellie


Denice35 - October 30

Hello everyone, I had a miscarriage in 2005 due to fibroid tumors destorting my uterus. After three years of trying off and on, I decided to go to an infertility doctor. She wants me to try 100mg Clomid on days 5-9. I start Nov. 1, 08. I am so afraid that the fibroids will cause another miscarriage. Has anyone experienced this?


Denice35 - October 30

Sorry ladies but what is IUI?


kai30 - November 3

hi all, Im new here, first cycle clomid, on day 8, clomid days 2-6, :)


TracyLouise - November 6

Hi Hannah. I finished my first month of clomid just over 2 weeks ago i didn't hav any side affects! your surpose to take a pregnancy test just before you go on clomid incase your already pregnant it could cause harm that the advice the nurse told me. Goog luck.



Denice35 - November 13

Hello everyone, I started my first dose of clomid 5-9 on November 1. I experienced symptoms such as hot flashes and headaches. I was taking it during the day for the first two days, then I read that it was better to take it at night to bypass some of the symptoms and it worked. I had a few hot flashes through the night but it wasnt bad at all. I had blood work done on the 3rd and 10th day of my cycle. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow November 12. I will come back and tell you my results of the blood work.


Denice35 - November 14

Hello ladies, I have started a post called Trying Clomid with Fibroid Tumors. If you can relate to this post please come join me. Thanks


Ren26 - November 14

HannahR- I am starting Clomid tonight for the first time. Good luck to you!



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