question for those who are taking prometrium
4 Replies
lorih - November 18

I am on prometrium capsules twice daily and got all excited when I wiped and saw pink on the toilet paper thinking it was implantation bleeding. Then last night when I was getting ready for another dose I realized the capsules are pink and now I am wonering if it was just that. Has anyone else experienced that?


Tracy88 - November 18

The color of the Prometrium will not affect the color of your discharge. I was on Prometrium for 6 weeks.


lorih - November 18

Thanks Tracy, so I guess it really could be implantaion bleeding. After so long I am trying not to get my hopes up too high.


lorih - November 19



cdmrose - November 19

I agree with Tracy88. Best of luck to you lorih! Keep us posted!



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