Question about luteal phase.......
5 Replies
prayn4baby - November 12

I just went back and looked at my fertility friend for the past 8 months. My luteal phase is usually only 12 to 13 days. Do you guys know if that could be the problem with me not concieving for 2 years of trying? I do need to go to my ob for a yearly in a couple months but i just want to know if you guys can give me any info in the meantime...... thanks ladies.


Katt - November 12

HI prayn4baby! No I don't think that would cause any issues. The key is making sure your progesterone is high enough in the LP and you are doing things to help your uterus thicken. I swear by baby aspirin. I know it works because my periods were always heavier the months I took it. I would take it from the day after I stopped my period until the day after my temp rise. Do you chart? check out I highly recommend the book there and learning to chart if you do not do so already ;o) good luck!


prayn4baby - November 12

Katt.......... thanks for the reply. I was on clomid for about 4 or 5 cycles and had many ultrasounds and each time she said my lining was nice and thick. I even had u/s when i wasn't taking clomid and still had good thick lining. I've been charting my af days, opk test days and bd days on fertility friend. I did temps for a few months but that too hard because i wake up at all different times. I did have progesterone tested 3 times, once it was very low showing no ovulation and the other 2 times it showed i did ovulate. I'm just soooooo tired of trying, i don't understand why i'm not getting prego after so long. Well i'll be trying preseed this time and go from there. Thanks again.


prayn4baby - November 12

I actually checked out some websites and they say that as long as the luteal phase lasts 12-16 days you're fine so i guess that's not my problem either......


Katt - November 13

dh and I tried 6 years, the last 4 with the aid of doctors. In 2007 we did 7 IUI's!! This year we forged ahead to IVF. The first cycle was in April. We just finished a cycle this October and it took - YaY! I am not going to tell you a bunch of BS about going on vacation or don't think about it because we all know that when we are gung ho ttc that doesn't work. I swear if I had a nickle for every time I heard some lame comment like that I might be able to redo my home! Hang in there. Some people have luck with acupuncture and other alternative methods including massage and diets. Our problem turned out to be dh, he had low count, morphology and quality of sperm. Has your dh been checked?


prayn4baby - November 13

Katt....... yes dh has been tested and everything was normal. Congrats on your pregnancy, 6 years of trying is unimaginable. 2 years is bad enough!! Yes, i'm sooooooooooo sick of people telling me to not think about it or just relax..... i just laugh and say yea, i'll do that......... idiots!!!!! I don't call them idiots but i think it LOL.



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