Progesterone level advice...please
6 Replies
JADENSMOM - February 20

I am a new patient in the IVF process and in the process of all the pretesting. For all those who have gone through this process, what was your progesterone level 7 days past your ovulation. My results is 3.2 ....from what I have read this is very low. Your input would be greatly appreciated.


Kimmer23 - February 21

that is really low. Anything under 10, then they assume that you did not ovulate on your own. Mine was .4 onr mo. and then 14 the next...they concluded I O'ed that second month. GL to you with all the pre-testing and IVF!


lisnel - February 21

my pregesterone was 1.5 on cd29. Af came the next day. Does any one know if this is a normal range for that time in my cycle?


Jamie29 - February 24

Lisnel-you should have your progesterone levels checked about 7 days after you ovulate. If you have a normal cycle of about 28-30 days then it looked like it was too late in your cycle to be testing for progesterone as by that time it wouldnt be accurate to say whether or not you ovulated. have it checked about 7 days after ovulation and that will tell you whether or not you ovulate.


autumnsmommy - February 24

On a non-medicated cycle it should be 10 or above but on a medicated cycle they look for 15 and above.


lakensmom - February 25

my progesterone level 7 dpo was 16 and they said that was really good..but i have been ttc now for 1 year so..i dunno!


lisnel - February 25

Jamie29, they weren't just checking my progesterone. They just did bloodwork to see how my hormone levels were to make sure everything was still ok. I go back the first part of March to get my progesterone checked after O. I was just wondering if the 1.5 was normal for that time in my cycle. I'm hoping its a good number then. I'm pretty sure I ovulate on my on but I took clomid for the first time this cycle and they are wanting to check my progesterone to make sure I O.



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