Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
amandathomas08 - July 24

I had a complete miscarriage in February of 2011. Been TTC since then. No luck. I had a sono to look for cysts and that came out normal. I just recently had an HSG test. It was very painful for me. Apparently my fallopian tubes had a spasm. But the dye still went through. All of this is soo frustrating and emotional. Im trying to keep my head up.


Nikki101 - July 24

I know how you are feeling it is such a frustraiting process but keep the faith.


amandathomas08 - July 24

I had a complete miscarriage in February of 2011. Been TTC since then. No luck. I had a sono to look for cysts and that came out normal. I just recently had an HSG test. It was very painful for me. Apparently my fallopian tubes had a spasm. But the dye still went through. All of this is soo frustrating and emotional. Im trying to keep my head up.


amandathomas08 - July 24

I had a complete miscarriage in February of 2011. Been TTC since then. No luck. I had a sono to look for cysts and that came out normal. I just recently had an HSG test. It was very painful for me. Apparently my fallopian tubes had a spasm. But the dye still went through. All of this is soo frustrating and emotional. Im trying to keep my head up.


Gugs - August 6

Hi I am 27 years old and last year may had a miscarriage. I was 6 weeks into pregnancy. I have irregular cycles but just on the border line for PCOS as suggested by doc. Since 1 year I am trying to get pregnant with no success, d doc has put me on clomid and it's my 1st month on it. Just 2 weeks ago I noticed my bb's were a bit hard and they hurt a lot these days, even a gentle touch is bad enough n I am getting really bad acne painful one. Not sure is it coz f d med or something else. Also I feel tired n don't feel like doing anything. Can someone suggest something based on their experience


Gugs - August 6

Hi I am 27 years old and last year may had a miscarriage. I was 6 weeks into pregnancy. I have irregular cycles but just on the border line for PCOS as suggested by doc. Since 1 year I am trying to get pregnant with no success, d doc has put me on clomid and it's my 1st month on it. Just 2 weeks ago I noticed my bb's were a bit hard and they hurt a lot these days, even a gentle touch is bad enough n I am getting really bad acne painful one. Not sure is it coz f d med or something else. Also I feel tired n don't feel like doing anything. Can someone suggest something based on their experience


Gugs - August 6

Hi I am 27 years old and last year may had a miscarriage. I was 6 weeks into pregnancy. I have irregular cycles but just on the border line for PCOS as suggested by doc. Since 1 year I am trying to get pregnant with no success, d doc has put me on clomid and it's my 1st month on it. Just 2 weeks ago I noticed my bb's were a bit hard and they hurt a lot these days, even a gentle touch is bad enough n I am getting really bad acne painful one. Not sure is it coz f d med or something else. Also I feel tired n don't feel like doing anything. Can someone suggest something based on their experience


udbe2 - August 6

Gugs: I'm sorry to hear of your miscarriage. As for the clomid, I know when my doctor put me on clomid it changed my hormones so my body kept feeling as though I was pregnant and AF always was later than normal. I'm surprised due to irregular cycles that they didn't try you on metformin. It helps with PCOS, even borderline and helps you with getting a regular cycle so that you can conceive.

Bad news for me: I miscarried mine too. The levels looked great and things were going good but it just quit one day and so we had to go in to confirm that I did in fact lose another.


mndpnd92 - August 6

Im sorry to hear about everyones miscarriages. I had miscarriage but it was very early only about 4 weeks. This was back in December and ever since no luck. I feel as though my husband has given up. We have been trying to conceive for over two years and have spent thousands and done test after test and they cant find anything wrong. I try to keep good thoughts but it is so difficult. I feel as though I am disappointing everyone including myself. Now all my husband says is "ïf we ever get pregnant"and it hurts so bad he just doesnt understand. I feel like less of a person.


mndpnd92 - August 6

Im sorry to hear about everyones miscarriages. I had miscarriage but it was very early only about 4 weeks. This was back in December and ever since no luck. I feel as though my husband has given up. We have been trying to conceive for over two years and have spent thousands and done test after test and they cant find anything wrong. I try to keep good thoughts but it is so difficult. I feel as though I am disappointing everyone including myself. Now all my husband says is "ïf we ever get pregnant"and it hurts so bad he just doesnt understand. I feel like less of a person.


Jess1782 - August 7

I know everyone is feeling. Frustrated, confused and angry. My husband and I have been ttc now for over 2yrs. We have had 3 mc all within a year. We have now seen a fertility doctor. I had a load of bloodwork done, ultrasounds you name it. They can not find anything wrong with me. She now has me taking metformin, clomid and a baby aspirin. Once I start my period (lets hope not) I have to call and make an appt to have an ultasound done day 13 of my cycle to see if the eggs are responding to the clomid. If so then I have to give myself a shot of hcg. Sounds like a lot but if this what it takes, I will do it. She is pretty confident about this. Seeing and hearing her confidence makes feel reassured. She had even told me had 6 mc before having her 4 kids.


mom2B2401 - August 16

I am sharing my facts so that I can give hope to someone. I know how frustrating it can be to get negative pregnancy test every month. We were trying to conceive for more than a year. I had high prolactin (Nov,2010) so had to go through MRI to confirm microadenoma. I have very small benign tumor - microadenoma. My endocrinologist put me on bromocriptine (Jan,2011). My prolactin level came to normal very soon after that but we were not able to conceive. Everything was normal - sperm count, blood tests, my periods and ovulation. Finally, my endocrinologist asked me if we don't want to wait longer, he can put me on clomid but before that I had to go through HSG. I had my periods on 20th Dec and got HSG done on 27th Dec. No blockage in the tube during HSG. I got lucky and conceived in the same cycle! By 20th Jan, 2012 , my pregnancy was confirmed. I am due in Sep,2012. Be positive and you'll definitely conceive.


wishful thinking paige - August 21

Hello everyone, iv just been sat here for about an hour before i registered reading everyones posts about misscarrages and i had a little tear drop.

Iv been with my partner for 6 years now and been trying to conceive for 3 1/2 years i finally went to my doctor last year and had blood tests done every month for about 3 months. My partner had his sperm tested the first time and they fount to many blood cells or something ? :s and hes just had his results from his second sperm analysis and it was perfect doctor was actually quite jelous lol.
But i have had ultra sounds, scans, blood tests. Everything is fine but one more check is my HSG that i have on thursday. and im so scrared because my doctor said it will be painful. does it really help to get pregnant?


Leenie613 - August 21

Yes, Wishingful thinking paige, it does! For some people, and hopefully for you. I conceived the same month I did the test - it may have helped clear things out, though they couldn't see any blockages. Second pregnancy came easily, TG. May it go easily for you and may you be pregnant soon! P.S. Ask you doctor for a valium and take extra-strenght Tylenol before the test. That's what I did and it was not that bad at all. It hurt for about 15 seconds - really small when you compare it to labor contractions! Good luck and God bless.


wishful thinking paige - August 22

I hope it does too. its an awful time to go through when you really want to start a family and you cant. Ill update tomorrow after iv been. im still very nervous. leenie613, was you in pain afterwards or anything?
i know im scared about this! Thanks x


udbe2 - August 22

Sometimes the HSG will be painful especially if you have a blockage. I have endometriosis and had blockage in my tube, when the doctor started I had taken a percocet before the procedure and it was painful for me. When he was finished I sat up and fainted from the pain. A lot of people say that when they had theirs done they felt a little cramping but nothing unbearable. It just depends on what is going on.

I did get pregnant right away after my HSG but for me I had a miscarriage. After my third HSG I found it was easier for me to get pregnant but now we have to find out why I can't carry past 12 weeks.

Good luck and keep us updated.



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