Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
Jules78 - May 7

tonyaandjoe--what were your numbers?


tonyaandjoe - May 8

they never tell me all they say when they call me back is that i couldn't be pg for that month, so i don't know how about you.


Chellebelle - May 9

Hi everyone, I have been TTC for 2 years and found out last year that I have PCOS, so I was then referred onto my obGYN. I am still going through tests, I went for my HSG last Tuesday which was really painful, and as I am now ovulating, I am hoping that it has increased my chances. I get my results from my HSG within 6 weeks, so not sure where I am going to go from there, but after reading all those positive stories about people getting pregnant after a HSG, I am hoping I am going to be one of the lucky ones. I will let you know if it is a positive outcome.


Jules78 - May 9

My numbers have varied. I have it as low as 6 and then as high as 24.6. They have said that I have ovulated every month. This is my last chance on the clomid this month. So I am praying that it works this month. :)


tonyaandjoe - May 11

jules, i hope it works out for you.


Donna79 - May 14

Hi all, this is my first visit to this site and Im so glad there are so many people to talk who have been through the same. I had my HSG last month and everything seemed clear enough so was very excited and was then told that we weren't allowed ttc for that month until my monthly bleed was past, has anyone else been told this? I see some of you have got pregnant that same month congrats to you all!!. Well I am just about finished my monthly cycle and can't wait to start trying again I hope that the hsg has cleared me out a bit as I have had a very heavy bleed this time and there is alot of mucus with it this month too, I just hope this is maybe a clear out and something happens this month will keep you posted. I am just waiting to start on clomid now after ttc for 4 years, just hope we manage without it (fingers and toes crossed!!) good luck to all and never give up hope.x


groemhildt - June 2

This is my first post: had HSG last week (we have been trying for baby #2, had one miscarriage Jan. 2006, but have not been able to get pregnant since). Test revealed I have a blocked tube on one side. I am amazed...everything I have read says this stems from scarring, endo, STDs and more that I haven't suffered from....very upsetting, but a relief that I now have an answer. The procedure was uncomfortable, felt like the worst cramp ever (besides labor), but my nurses and doctor were wonderful. I also had my first month of Clomid. After sex--5 days after test--I was very aware of my left lower side (left side was blocked). Has anyone noticed pain? I am anxious to see if I will get PG this month because of the Clomid and the dye......any thoughts?? Thanks!


emeliz - June 8

Just wanted to put it out there: I read in Toni Weschler's book, TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FERTILITY, that you can get a false reading of a blockage during an HSG. My understanding is this can happen if you tense up from the pain. I asked the dr. doing the test when I had it done, and he got a bit defensive-sounding and said, "no test is perfect." But I guess it's considered accurate enough....


kp - June 11

Hi everybody, TTC for 10 months. My Dr. scheduled me for a HSG on CD13. I usually ovulate between days 11-14. From what I read on this forum, it is more common to have the HSG earlier in the cycle. I'm a little worried that if they test me so close to ovulation, it will be too late for us to try this month after the test and we lose this month. Has anyone had similar experiences or does anyone know of a good explanation why it might be better to have hsg so close to ovulation? So far I could only talk to the nurse who said that it doesn't matter when in the month they do the test. I think it does matter if you want to ttc that month too. Thanks!


Jennacat - June 11

KP...first of all I think your nurse is mistaken...somewhat anyways. You can have an HSG done anytime of the month BUT, if you plan on ttc that same month you have to have it done BEFORE you have a dominant follicle. I just had an HSG last Friday and they did a sono. on Thurs. to make sure there wasn't a dominant follicle. I was CD10. There wasn't ,so my Dr. said I could still ttc this month. I had another sono. today and there is a follicle on my right side so I am testing for ovulation now. Have you had a sono.?


Rickie - June 12

I am new to this forum...and let me just say what a relief it is to know that I am not the only one going through this. My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years now (well not using any kind of protection) and nothing has happened. My blood test came back perfect... I just had my HSG done on the 7th and both tubes are clear. My husband has yet to have his sperm count tested...but that will probably happen next month. I am just hoping that what they say about your chances increasing after an HSG are true. We have been trying every other day since the wish us luck. I wish luck to everyone else going through the same thing right now!


countrymom - June 12

I posted on this site last on August 27 2007. I am now 17 weeks pregnant and doing fine and my due date is November 21 at which time I will be 42 yo. I had an HSG in August 2006 and got pregnant in November. Your chances for getting pregnant are increased the first 3 months after the procedure but that doesn't mean you won't get pregnant later. My pregnancy last Nov. ended in miscarriage. I was only 2 weeks pregnant at the time and probably would even not have known if I had not been watching my symptoms and testing so closely. I ended up seeing a fertililty specialist who is world reknowed for his success. I learned about some of the more unusual reasons why one may not be able to get pregnant. Here is what I learned about myself...and hopefully it will help someone on this site. I learned that I made very little to no CM. The doctor helped me to increase my CM by a very simple cure. Then we checked the size of my follicles upon ovulation. They were a shade too small. He was looking for a follicle size between 18 and 25mm demonstrating a "mature" egg. At the time, my estradoil also needed to be minimally 250. It took increased CM, a mature follicle and the right amount of estradoil. There are certainly other things that need to be right also, but these didn't happen to be my problem areas. My advice to any woman trying to get pregnant, especially if she is over 35 is to see a specialist. Most of the woman in the clinic that I saw were aged 25-35 not over 40 as you might think, although there were some of us too. (-:


Rickie - June 12

Congratz Countrymom!! That is wonderful news. How are you feeling? Is this your first pregnancy? I am hoping that I just get pregnant in the three month window...but you are right...there is always after.


kp - June 12

Jennacat, thanks for your response. Well, now I'm even more confused than I was before. I talked to my Dr today and he said that we CAN ttc before the hsg. Did anybody else on this site ttc during the month of the hsg BEFORE the hsg?


Rickie - June 12

Kp...that is really weird because they do everything in their power to make sure that you are not pregnant before an HSG. If there is any chance that you are they can't do the test b/c it can cause you to M/C or worse. I was told not to have sex 24 hours beofre the test, but if you have sex anytime between your A/F and the test...they will give you a pregnancy test. Its risky so they usually ask that you dont have sex at all from the time that you start your A/F until after the test. I hope that helps answer any questions you had. Good luck with the test by the way. Baby dust to you!


Catherine123 - June 14

Hi everyone! I was looking into HSG and came across you guys--what a treat! My re scheduled an HSG for me on 6/22. Does anyone happen to know of any good websites that explain the procedure, etc? Also, do any of you have any experience with repronex/menopur injections? How about progesterone supplementation after ovulation? Please let me know if you have any insight.



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