Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
GM - April 4

I had my HSG on 3/23, it was my second within a month...the first one was very painful but it was not able to be completed, the dye just kept coming back out, never filled my uterus. They thought I was completely blocked. Then I went to a specialist, I had zero pain, and the test went blocks. We were told we could bd immediately...that was cd 10, today is cd 21. I still think it's too early for me to test. AF is due on 4/10. So we wait...again. We've been ttc for 2 years, I'm 38.


tonyaandjoe - April 8

do they close back after an hsg cause that is what worries me.he said everything went well but i am hoping that we get pregnant.i am just sore not hardly any pain at all.


anja - April 10

Hi all, I'm 35 and I tried IVF about 10 years ago without success. Last month I had HSG done and I hope that God will bless me with a little one. I have never been pregnant and when I look back, i have to admit that I was probably not ready. I gave up on having babies until recently. The emotional pain is a lot to deal with and some of your success stories gave me hope again. Thank you! I had an HSG done on 3/13. I found HSG very painful and I was bleeding for about a week afterwards. Since then, I spotted some yesterday accompanied by cramps. I wish the best for all of you and your husbands/boyfriends.


Jules78 - April 12

Hi everyone. This is my first time to post. I had my first (hopefully last) HSG test yesterday and the doc said everything looked good. I am on my fifth month of clomid and I am trying to be very hopeful that everything goes like planned. It is comforting to hear the success stories after this horrible little test. But if it works then I will be so glad I went through the pain. Good luck to all of you trying and congrats to the ones who have succeeded! :)


babyfever2006 - April 17

I had the hsg procedure last month and I just got a positive hpt tonight. I had been trying for 8 months prior to this. I have no doubt that I would not be pg right now if I had not had that done. It was totally worth it.


Jules78 - April 17

babyfever2006--Congrats on your BFP!! I hope I am as lucky as you. I just had my HSG test on the 11th and I am on CD 16. Did you do anything different this month than any other??


tonyaandjoe - April 18

congrats babyfever!!!!!!!!
i had mine done on the 5 and can't wait for me to start trying and getting a BFP!


babyfever2006 - April 18

tonyaandjoe and jules, this is a good month for you! I literally got pregnant 3 days after the procedure and I didn't do anything different. I took an OPK test and bd'd as soon as I got a positive OPK. I feel so blessed that it happened so quickly. If I had known that this is all I needed, I would have done it a long time ago. Listen, I sound like an informercial!! Anyway, I came on this site because I wanted to share my experience and give everyone the hope that I was looking for when I first got mine done. Good luck to you all! BD like crazy on your O' day!


babyfever2006 - April 18

Oh, another thing I did differently is cut out all coffee in my diet. I was an avid coffee drinker and drank 1 cup every morning. I'm not sure if that made a difference but I have heard that drinking caffeine lowers your chances of getting pg. Hope this helps. Good Luck again!


tonyaandjoe - April 18

thanks alot, i am glad to know.


Jules78 - April 26

Does anyone else have their progesterone tested every 21 days? If so what were your numbers like?


babybound - April 26

I had the HSG done last month, i have been TTC for 3 years, so far this month nothing, but my dr told me the same that my chances are higher after the HSG i am hoping so. i am scared to take clomid so i just hope that my prayers are heard by GOD and it happens soon. The HSG is not bad, the cramps are seconds it takes longer to prepare then anything, it is over before you know it.


JoTrapp - May 4

Hello ladies, I need some advice. I had my HSG a couple of days ago. The day of and day after I was okay. I am now spotting the last two day. I'm a little nerves. The test was a little painful but over all it was a sucess. The test showed positive results but I'm worried about the spotting. Have this happened to anyone else. Oh, and today I feel really sick.


tonyaandjoe - May 6

i get my levels checked on day 21


sarahcali - May 6

hi - I just had the hsg friday and it was pretty painful. the actual test was not that bad, but my cervix was also very tightly closed and doc had to dilate me (with a metal poker or something!) - ugh - THAT hurt. the rest, not bad. am having some spotting still - 2 days later (there was some blood at the test). should be trying this week, but not sure if I should with the spotting. have heard good things about trying after hsg.


Jules78 - May 7

tonyaandjoe--what were your numbers?



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