Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
SH - January 10

hi Deb..... i am sooooooooooooo happy for u !!!!


Deby - January 10

Thansk girls. Yes I used to post as Deb, but once we had to register, someone was already using that so I am now Deby :) I am psyched. I just got my confirmation from the bloodwork today. I cant believe it finally happened!!!!


me - January 10

Nila - I hope that was a compliment :) I try to answer as many questions as honestly as I can through what my dr tells me, my own research and my own experiences. If I can't answer a question, I either don't answer or I try to tell people where they can go to get the answers they need. I understand the frustration with conceiving, having done it for 11 months myself, and I just try to give someone else some hope and peace of mind to tell them they are not alone in their quest for parenthood. Believe me, I am no saint by any means, but I try to help when I can. :)


SH - January 11

hey Deb, how are u feeling dear? i can imagine how happy u & hubby must be.its really a great news,i dont have words to explain how happy i am for u.take care of urself well & do let us know how u are doing & baby ok? i had 28th week glucose screening test done this week & they say i have got gestational i have to control it thru diet & excercise now. my suggestion for everyone who is pregnant is not to have too much sugar in their diet plsss.ok nothing more to write.bye for now. be happy always! u finally did it haa? good job.


nila - January 12

me ,It was a compliment because i view ur post on different forums and i observe how u answer to a lot of people questions thats it.


Deby - January 13

SH thanks. I am still on cloud nine! I just cant believe it! The doctor wants me to come in for an u/s on Jan 30th and just make sure of the due dates and check the baby size. PLus since I was on CLomid..he just wants to makre sure everything is ok. I would die if there were So I am looking forward to that. Usually they dont do u/s till 12 at least I will have something to actually see this is real! Thanks for the well wishes and I shoot them right back at ya. I will be sure to lay off the sugar. Good luck and I will check back in!


me - January 13

Thanks Nila. The compliment is appreciated! Deb - How are you feeling? Did it sink in yet? It will once you see that little thing on the u/s. It's hard to not get one done every week like I want to. You start doubting if there really is something in there :) I will begin my 12th week this week and will be out of the "danger zone" for miscarriage. Whew. Any symptoms yet?


eleeyana - January 14

me and my husband have been trying for months nothing is happening, I wondering if we're something wrong?


eleeyana - January 14

after find out of having fibroid. Now going for UFE I'm wondering if I'll be able to get pregnant or should I just keep trying and praying for a miracle, my doctor told me I can still trying because the fibriod is located outside the uterine. I'm confused and don't know what to do, I can even sleep at night, I'm too stress, keep wondering why me?


SH - January 14

hi dear Deb,

its so nice to read ur messages.when i got pregnant even i just couldnt believe it.its the best thing in the world right? wowo u must be so excited to see ur baby on jan 30th.all the best to u,ur hubby & baby(babies-hehe).i am in my 29th week right now.i too cant believe that only 2 more months to hold the ask whatever questions or tips u want from us ok? byeeeeeee.


SH - January 14

eeleyana, dont worry everything will be fine. everyone has their own difficulty in conceiving a baby.Just pray to god & do what ever doctor says is right for will happen.patience is the dust to u !!!! take care.


smurray - January 14

HI everyone. I'm new here and found this forum after doing a google search for HSG and pregnancy lol. Wow, what a great site I found!! I read a lot of this forum before my HSG this past Monday (Jan 9). I was so nervous, but reading all these posts helped me relax a little. I don't know where to start about my situation and I don't know if anyone would be able to read the whole length of it lol, but to sum things up.. I am 37 and ttc #3. I got pregnant in December 2003 but sadly miscarried in March at 15 weeks. I had a D&C. I have been ttc since around June 2004, but since the m/c my periods haven't been very regular. Sometimes AF would come a week early, or just last cylce, 2 weeks late! I'm not sure if I've even been ovulating. My ob/gyn referred me to an RE. He wanted to do a CD3 test on me this past cycle but I started on a Friday (2 weeks late!) and their office was closed the following Monday so they went ahead and scheduled me for a HSG. I had it done on CD 11. He told me I was due to ovulate any day (but I thought you ovulated 14 days BEFORE the start of your next period??) and he told me to ttc this cycle, BD every-other-day when my bleeding from the HSG stops. It did stop the next day. For 2 days following the HSG I had cramps...I can't figure out if they were just cramps from the HSG or ovulating cramps. Does an HSG bring on ovulation? Do you think CD 12 is too soon to ovulate?? He will do the CD3 test if I don't conceive this month. I'm just confused about when you're actually supposed to ovulate and if the HSG brings it about. Sorry this is such a long post. Reading all the good news about women getting pg so soon after the test is exciting me, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Thanks to anyone who has taken the time to read all this lol!


smurray - January 14

PS I have also been taking Glucophage for about a month now (I take 2 1000mg daily) and I also have Diabetes Type II. My RE prescribed the Glucophage.


Elle - January 14

Hi all!
I found this site google-ing for after HSG... what a nice site...Like everyone here I want have a baby..I'm 30 now!
I miscary twice.. :(((....first time on boxing day in dec2004...I was 10 weeks then...second time in Oct 2005...5 weeks..
I had an HSG this month on the 12 (My fisrt date of my period was on Jan 1st), i felt some cramping but i took tylenol before and after..i had some spoting...not a question is ..can I have contact today?( it's 14) Will two days be enough for waiting???
Thanks for all your answers!!!


Elle - January 14

sorry about my spelling!! miscarry, spotting...and so on...


Elle - January 14

hi Deby!
It was a joy to read all your messages...on how you get preg. I am happy for you, wishing you all the best..and take care!!
clomid...i am not sure if I heard of this before?! what can you tell about it! Thanks for your time, in answering me!!!



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