Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
Deb - November 17

Hi queend. I have not gone to a fertility specialist yet. All of my tests so far have just been with my gyn. My HSG was covered by my insurance. There is a great site ( which talks all about testing they do. Maybe that will help. Sorry I couldnt be more helpful but I wanted to respond. Me - I am feeling af cramps today. Did you get these kind of cramps on 12dpo too?


nila - November 17

I never had a std and scar tissue can occcur from other factors. I just wanted to know a lil more about the HSG so I can know when I get there but thanks. I was just wondering if I did have scar tissue from something else.


nila - November 17

on your first visit with the RE. he/she will speak to you and your partner about any medical history. The RE will suggest your partner to take the sperm analysis test. The RE will withdraw blood from you to check your hormonal balance the test will be perform 5day within your cycle. Every visit usually the RE withdraw blood, but most of them work different from what im reading on this message board. Then further test will be given depending on your anatomical problem.


Deb - November 18

Hey Guys. I think I am out for this month. I began spotting brown yesterday (3 days early) and not to mention it was late afternoon. I never get af in the afternoon..always first thing in the am. I put a tampon in last night and this morning it was only still a little brown..not red. I am sure its too late for this to IB and I didnt have time to temp this morning cause I had to be at work by 5:00am, so I dont know if my temps have dropped yet to confirm this is af. I will keep you all posted if it becomes af full blown or not. With my luck..I am sure thats what it is. Good Luck to you guys and I will check back in later this afternoon or dinner time.


Celia - November 19

I had HSG on 4-21-05 got pregnant on third cycle after HSG. Was TTC for 3+ years after getting off Depo. Will be 5 months next week. I almost gave up hope when it didnt happen right away but I got my little miracle. So keep your hopes up after 2nd cycle I stopped taking temps and everything. I do not recommend that anyone take depo it is poison.


hopeful - November 20

I took an HSG on Nov 7. both of my tubes were blocked but they got one open. A/F is supposed to start Nov 23. If i am pregnant what signs if any might I have at this early stage.


SH - November 20

Hi ladies.. here is a hope for everyone who wants to have a baby.pls go thru my and my husband tried for a baby with no luck for 5 months.then i did HSG test and the result was normal but my husbands sperm count was just 4 asked us to do artificial insemination.we both were so worried but 2 weeks before our scheduled appointment i came to know that i got pregnant! dont you all think its a miracle. trust me ladies... dont give up hopes. just keep trying. i got pregnant just after 2 months of doing HSG test.i had even posted my message before here.good luck ladies! you all are in my prayer! pray for my baby too! thank you.


me - November 26

Hey Deb - Sorry if this wasn't your month. I have been away for a week so I am not sure if you are totally out or not. How have you been otherwise?


Deb - November 28

It was af. I am pretty sure of it. ONly last 3 days and wasnt that red..but I am sure that was her. I am due to ovulate Wed or Thurs this week so looking forward to trying again. Thanks to all of you who posted your stories. It gives me hope! This month will be my second month after my HSG. I hope it happens just before xmas. That would just be the best xmas gift ever!!!! Thanks for checking in on me, ME :) I hope this time it works!


me - November 29

I feel for you kiddo. Sorry it wasn't your month. I am rooting for you though and sending baby dust your way! I am glad to hear you are at least staying positive. Ofcourse I am checking up on you, you didn't expect me to leave you hanging did you? :)


Deb - November 29

Thanks girl. Your the best. I will be sur to keep posting and I hope to be be not far behind you! How are you feeling? Did you have your doctor appt yet? I want to hear all about it!


me - November 29

Deb- I actually had my first u/s yesterday and saw the yolk sac and grain of rice baby in my uterus. I go back for another u/s next week to confirm the heartbeat. I was only at 5.5 weeks and the dr said it is more common to see the heartbeat next week. I still don't think it is real yet, even though I see the u/s picture. The only symptoms I have are occasional cramping, which is supposedly my uterus stretching out, sore boobs (god they are enormous) and some watery/creamy cm here and there. Nothing is consistent, all my symptoms come and go. No nausea yet (I hope I don't jinx myself now). I know you won't be far behind! You seem to have a control on when you ovulate, so just keep bding every other day. I heard it was more common to get pregnant the second month after the HSG anyway. YOU CAN DO IT!! GO DEB GO!! Please keep me posted.


Deb - November 30

Your so sweet. Thanks. I hope i fall in that category this month! That would make for such an awesome xmas! How exciting for you to see your baby. I am so happy for you!!! I had a post coital test done today and the doc said I passed with flying colors. Not sure if you know what that is or ever had one, but its a painless procedure where they check your cm within 3 hours of bding and at ovulation time to make sure the sperm are surviving in my mucus. And they were. I was even able to see it on the microscope. It was neat. I hope I am as lucky as you and get my BFP soon! I am due for af on Dec 15th. Then we can both move to the pregnancy threads and chat. Thanks again for your support and I will keep checking in. Your af was due on the 15th too right? Hope this is an omen that the 15th is a lucky


me - December 1

My af was due on the 15th or 16th, so I hope it is a lucky day for you! It will happen for you! I feel it!


Deb - December 1

Thanks girl! I hope you are right!!!! Today looks like it is my here we go with the waiting game.


me - December 2

Totally keep me posted! It is going to happen soon I just know it!



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