Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
dear - November 16

babs, how have things been going with ur pregnancy?


Deb - November 16

Me I am sooo psyched for you! How awesome is this? God I hope I am as lucky as you and Michelle!!! That would be so cool for it to happen for thanksgiving. Keep me posted. Did you get a doctor appt? What signs did you guys have? I have been getting headaches off and on..and yesterday (10dpo) I had bad cramps. Today they arent as bad...just off an on. I am so happy for you. I am not testing till MOnday so wish me luck!


me - November 16

To Deb - I am rooting for you! The only signs I have are mild cramps and bloating. I get very mild nausea when I get the cramps, but they come and go. What was strange for me was that right after I supposedly O, I gained like 4 pounds overnight. That was unusual for me. I get weight gain a few day before my period, not 2 weeks before. That kind of clued me in to something might be going on in there. Other than that, just bloating and mild cramps/nausea that come and go. I tested at 11 dpo. The Clearblue Digital test is the way to go though. No fussing with those lines. Another Deb recommended it to me (I originally thought it was you :). How aer your temps? I got a dip at 9dpo but a negative test until 11 dpo. You can see my chart here:
I went to the RE today for the bloodtest adn am waiting for the results. Good luck to you! Keep me posted!


nila - November 16

did anyone have to take the paps before the HSG if so why?


me - November 16

No I did not take any paps before the HSG. Not exactly sure why you would to be honest. Maybe it is just routine or something for your dr. Ask them why they are doing it. When in doubt, always ask the dr. Good luck!


Deb - November 16

Hey Me. It was me that said to take a digital in one my previous posts you goof ball. I am sooo happy for you! Yeah I have been getting the cramps off an on with the mild naseua! I really hope this is it for me too! How cool would that be. I am 11 dpo today..but I refuse to test till next week. Maybe by then there will be no questions if I am pregnant anyway. I will be going on vacation Sat so I will test with my sis while I am away. I hope I am as lucky as you! I feel sooo fat right now. Very bloated! Let me know when you get your test results. I will check out your chart. Not sure if I posted mine before but here it is. I will try and compare ours ot each other.


me - November 16

yes I am a dipshit if I do say so myself. It is hard to keep people straight sometimes. Sorry, I pulled a blonde moment on you. :) And I am not even a real blonde! Just highlights. Anyhoo...I hope things work out for you too! Hope you have a great time on vacation regardless of what the test says. It does sound promising though! Good luck and lits of baby dust!!!


Deb - November 16

Me your too funny. I hope so too! I can tell you are just in the best mood. How exciting. Hopefully my uncle will bring his laptop and then I can log in and let you know what happens! Please pray for me and that I am as lucky as you were! I am keeping everything crossed!!!!!!!


me - November 16

You will be in my thoughts all week! Enjoy your vay-cay and good luck! BABY DUST~


nila - November 16

How much of the contrast dye during the HSG can eliminate the blockage, what happens if the blockage is serve will the Dr. use a flexible instrument to remove scar tissue or will they recommend a Lap exam Anyone?


Deb - November 16

Thanks me. That means alot!!! Nila - I think if the dye cannot remove the blockage..they may want to perform a lap. Not sure though.


nila - November 16

Thanks me and Deb


me - November 16

Nila - the dye will not get rid of any scar tissue, only tissue debris and mucus that may be clogging up a normal tube. If you have scar tissue anywhere due to endo or and std, I believe they use lap to get rid of it. good luck!


Deb - November 17

Hey Me. Check out my chart. My temp dropped some today..just like yours did on 12 dpo. I pray this is not a sign of af coming but implantation!!!!!! I really feel like this is my month. The symptoms are just so different. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!!


queend - November 17

How much is the HSG test cost? Is it a real expensive procedure..even with insurance? Also, when you first go to see a Fertility Specialist what all do they do? What should I expect in other words? I have my first appt at the end of this month and I just want to have some sort if idea on what to expect.


Deb - November 17

Hi queend. I have not gone to a fertility specialist yet. All of my tests so far have just been with my gyn. My HSG was covered by my insurance. There is a great site ( which talks all about testing they do. Maybe that will help. Sorry I couldnt be more helpful but I wanted to respond. Me - I am feeling af cramps today. Did you get these kind of cramps on 12dpo too?



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