Predictions from Cheri? Post them here please.
89 Replies
JB0405 - October 25

Hi Everybody... here's my quick update, although a couple of may know my update already. I had the IUI last week Monday and they injected 38 MILLION sperm. I took the 2nd HCG shot last week Friday and I test on 10/31. I hope that Halloween will be a lucky day for me!


Bless - October 25

JB0405?? wanted to know if you could help me with some questions i have about IUI


slowpoke01 - October 27

JB-the healing with me is going good. i have been keeping myself busy lately just trying to keep my mind off things. i have to go to oklahoma tomorrow because dh's mom is dying of cancer and they gave her 3 days to 3weeks they couldnt say for sure so we want to go before anything happens to her.


JB0405 - October 29

Hey Bless, how is everything since our chat? Anymore questions? I hope you're doing well...


Tenk - October 29

Can someone give me the address to email her? We have 3 and # 4 was born sleeping in March 06...TTC again for 7 months, very curious...Thanks


wanthappychubbybabies25 - November 9

bump! back to the first page. Anyone else get predictions from Cheri? Anyone else's predictions come true?


wanthappychubbybabies25 - November 9

[email protected] I think that's it, someone correct me if I'm wrong.


MollieJo - November 15

I have an update on my prediction. Cheri said DEC- BOY. That was back in Aug or Sept. Since then my husband and I started the adoption process. The little 2yr old boy we are interested has just come into permanent custody of our county and we are a good possible match for him. We finish our licensing in Dec so it is possible that we get him then. Isn't that interesting?


wanthappychubbybabies25 - December 7

This is DH and I last cycle trying, my AF should be here in a couple of days. Don't know if Cheri's prediction will be true but I'll guess we'll find out in January or February!


slowpoke01 - December 7

good luck to you all. cheri told me sept and girl so if i get pregnant this cycle i will have a due date in sept so we will see


javidsgirl - December 7

well cheri told me i would give birth or find out in august and it would be a boy well i am due in august but i guess we will ave to wait on the sex of the baby for a few months


Kelly11 - December 7

Just to let you girls know about my Cheri prediction...I emailed her back in February or March of this year and she said May would be conceive/due/find out month and it would be a boy. Well I am due June 5, but have a feeling I might have the baby early which would be May. So we'll just have to wait and see! And we'll find out the sex on Jan. 12th...I really think it's a girl, but we'll see!


bl - December 7

Cheri told me Oct-find out, conceive, due and a boy. Well, I conceived in Oct! We'll have to wait a while to determine the gender.


Jillian - December 8

Hi ladies, I have been following your forum for quite a while and posted on the 9th October. I emailed Cheri in August and got the following reply : "Would tell you NOV and GIRL.. so either birth month, concieve month or the
month you find out in". Well, I just did it out of the fun and curiosity and can you believe it, I found out yesterday that I am about 5 weeks pregnant, so November was my conception month and Cheri was right. I am still in shock - will have to wait the 9 months to see if it is a girl! Just some hope for those of you that have had readings - good luck!!!


star_4_baby - December 8

Hello everyone i dont know if i should post here or not because i didnt know about cheri prediction till today when i read this threat . i am new here and TTC i will email her too is this her email [email protected] evercome up i will post it....


slowpoke01 - December 8

hey everyone wowo what great predictions and she was right on so many of them. STAR- yes that is cheris email address. take care and good luck let us know what she says.



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