Plese help me! Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Poor Morphology
10 Replies
SaintRose83 - February 18

My hubbys seman analysis came back and the count and mobility were fine, but the morphology was only 20% meaning that 80% of his sperm are abnormal. His chomosome test came back fine. Does 80% abnormal sperm cause early mc? My doc says that they can't penatre the egg if they are abnormal, but i'm finding conflicting evidence. My doc doesn't seem too concerned about this even though the World Health Organization says you should have a morphology of 60%. I have spent thousands of dollars, and suffered so many early losses, i am currently in the middle of an injectable cycle, and I'm supposed to do timed intercouse, but am pushing for an iui. I asked for a seman analysis for 3 years, and now i finally get one done and i find this out. The doc is trying to play it off and say its only a little low and i should be fine, but from what im reading this is not good. please help with an info possible.


VickyWantababy - February 19

Hi SaintRose83. In my opinion the morphology is just as important as the mobility and you should either change Drs or really get on him with this.I don't know if this will work the same way but back in the days when my Dh and I were getting our selves check out for infertility my Dhs spermed came back to have a problem with the mobility he scored a 2 out of a 4 and 4 bieng perfect , so we went to a Urologist and once he checked him he found out my Dh had a prostate infection and was prescribed antibiotics for a while and after he finished that he did anoter SA and his mobility came back perfect, so that was 1 less issue to worry about for us , bc I am a whole diferent story having Pcos and all.. You should just make an appoiment with a Urologist and tell him/her the problem it may just be an infection also..Prenatal vitamins are also crucial for the mans reproductive organs also lots of tomatoes and cranberry juice..I hope this help and I hope that they figure out a way to make Dhs swimmers better..Also you do know that alot of times they also use clomid for mens sperm right? look into that too if you didnt know...Its so weird your Dr waited all this time to prescribe a SA they ususally prescribe it right away to rule this problem out before starting to ttc but I guess maybe your Dr is the kind that thinks that infertility comes only from a woman not men...Ok I hope I was able to help ,also I know you from the inj forum and I will write to you once again on tha forum about my case if you don't mind.. GL and God Bless..


VickyWantababy - February 19

ok I just remembered something else that I'm sure you know but I still wanted tell you and is that make sure Dh doesn't take baths , no bikes , no tight pants or underwears and basically no heat down there.. Now I just found my Dhs sperm analysis and he had 60% morphology and the paper saids that 30% and higher is the normal range and also that 30% and higher needs to be grade 4 which my Dh was 50%. Hope this helps also..


VickyWantababy - February 19

Ok as far as me and my story I'm going to be lazy and give you my blog page and ask that you pleaso go visit the page and read my story and leave a comment I will really appreciate it.. ok so my blog page is ;
Thankyou and still I'll be posting on the inj forum when ever possible....


VickyWantababy - February 20

bumpin up the thread..


VickyWantababy - February 20

SaintRose83 thankyou so much for stoping by my blog and leaving a comment, it means alot to me for people to stop by my babys blog, I just did it a few days ago so its brand knew..I hope I was able to help with your DH the way I'm doing 1 more round of femara and if my body doesn't respond like the 1st time hopefully not then I'll be starting injections for the first time I hope I wont need to go there but if I am maybe we can do it together but hopefully by then you will have good news and wont need to join me..Good luck to you and God bless..


Christy - February 20

I haven't read the others' responses, but this is my POV. If you have the money for IUI, then don't let this doctor waste any more of your time. You tell him that you don't want to mess around any more and you want to proceed with IUI. Why waste more money and go through more needless heartache when your gut is telling you that something isn't right and that IUI might be the better bet for you. I'd stand my ground and tell your doctor what you want. It sounds like you've been through a lot and you deserve to have the best opportunity to conceive and have the baby you want! Good luck to you!


lisnel - February 20

Shannon, has your dh only had one s/a? If so, you should get another one to make sure. My dh had two before they decided it wasn't as good as it should be. If I were you I would get another s/a done just to be sure. My dh had his done by a urologist. Has your dh been to a urologist? I say get another s/a done and go from there. good luck.


SaintRose83 - February 20

Vicky, no problem, i thank you for all your input. Christy, I'm getting the IUI done this cycle, the doc is letting me. Lisnel, no my dh has only had one, and it was a few days ago. i doubt they are going to be giving him another anytime soon. I had to fight for 3 years to have someone listen to me just for this one. No my dh has not been to a urologist but i want him to go to one. do they check him out there as well?


lisnel - February 20

Shannon, yes they will check him out. My dh went to a urologist but he was referred by my dr. The urologist checks everything. We found out that my dh had varacocele veins which is like varicose veins but some how it lets the blood flow both directions or something like that and it keeps the semen too warm. He had surgery for that back in the summer and then had to do another s/a 3 months after surgery. They said his count had improved 10%. I don't know what all the numbers were. I'm going to get all that info next time I go in to see my dr so that I will have that info. I don't understand why you had to beg for the s/a, most dr's want to start there before doing all the extensive testing on the woman. Do you see a ob/gyn or an RE? I just see an ob/gyn, I don't have any RE's in my area. I would push for another s/a or have one done by a urologist. Well hopefully this IUI will work and you won't have to worry about getting another one. Good luck.


SaintRose83 - February 21

lisnel, well for 3 years i was going to kaiser. my doc and nurse said that it was unnessary b/c i had gotten pregnant be4 ( i went to the obgyn, because i was having repeat mc's) so they did all the testing on me. They then referred me to shady grove and i asked them for about 4 months and they said the same thing about hes the one getting you pregnant stuff. i just bugged them so much about it, and told them i wasn't going to do another cycle until he was checked out. so they gave me a script to get it done. and low and behold there was an issue. i don't really know the difference between an nurse and re, but i think you might have your question answered by me telling you Kaiser and then Shady Grove. I assume shady grove is the RE?? I dunno. The doc at shady grove doesn't seem too concerned with the fact that my dh only has 20% normal sperm, so i doubt he would write me a script to have it done again. i might just have him make an appt with the urologist. but dh wants to try to get his sperm better before he goes back with vitamins and eating right first. so we'll see. we might take a month or so off between cycles just to try to boost our chances.



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