please help us with a blessing!
1 Replies
joanniehallchinn - November 12

I'm a 35 yr old mother of four. i had a cauterization in january of 2000. The doctor cauterized me in three different locations in one tube and once in the other. they weren't even tied. I've also been remarried for a yr dec. 2008, and my husband and I have no children together. is it possible for us to become pregnant together soon?


babyblue2 - November 16

I had my tubes tied in Feb 2006 and became preg with DD3 in Feb 2007. My tubes were only clipped not cauterized though. My doc told me that cauterization is more permanent and has a lower chance of reversal, which is why they only clip your tubes nowadays. The only drawback, is the newer method has a higher failure rate. I feel extremely blessed with my latest addition... she apparently was just meant to be! Good luck!



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