PLEASE help??!?!
6 Replies
lizbeckwith - February 21

I have been actively ttc for about 1 year. I'm 22 years old. I have 1 child, which I got pregnant with on birth control, but now I can't seem to get it going. I've had 1 miscarriage since I started ttc. My last 2 cycles have been really messed up (cycle 1 - 42 days; cycle 2 - 45 days and counting), and I'm really confused about what's going on with me. I've been tested for thyroid problems. I've only just started tracking my bbt this past cycle, but the temps indicate I didn't ovulate at all (hard to go by, considering I was sick with the flu). I'm going to go to the doctor and have some tests to see what's going on with me, but I was curois if anyone here had any input as to what could be going on with me. Any response will be really appreciated.


Laken - February 21

Hi Liz...your problem could be for a ton of different reasons. I had messed up cycles too and my problem was my prolactin levels were out of whack but with meds it's all leveled out and I am regular now. Go see your doctor and I am sure he/she can help you out pretty quick!
Good luck!


SaintRose83 - February 21

just a guess.. but if you hvae irregular cycles maybe its a mild case of pcos. maybe block tubes ( an hsg will tell you that) sperm issues maybe. gl at your doc appt, im sure they will be able to help you.


MegGriffin - February 22

Having the flu and charting is nearly impossible I was sick almost all of January and fertility friend (which is what I chart on and assume you do too!) couldn't indicate where I had ovulated.
It doesn't mean you didn't ovulate is just means that things like a sore throat, congestion, fatigue, fever all those lovely things that come with the flu all effect your temperature.
Hopefully you will be healthy and able to see a proper temperature change when you ovulate. It helps a lot with timing! ;)
Keep us updated on what the doctor comes back to you with!!!
*~*baby dust*~*


lizbeckwith - February 22

Thanks for all your responses. It turns out I do have pcos because I'm borderline diabetic, so the doctor put me on metformin to get my body to kick some sugars out, and hopefully I'll start ovulating on my own. Meg- I was using fertility friend, but now my doctor (well, midwife) is going to help me interpret my charts. I am grateful for all the support, and baby dust to all of you!


lizbeckwith - February 22

Oh I forgot, if I don't start ovulating on my own in a couple of months, we're going to start clomid.


SaintRose83 - February 22

liz, how did they determine you have pcos. you say your on metformin, did they measure your insulin levels for that?



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