One WW
112 Replies
sherryz - August 13

Liz, use the first response pg test. It came out positive @ 11 dpo for me. I went to the dr. on day 14 and it was a VERY faint positive. The first response pg test taken at home was more sensitive than the dr's office. He did bloodwork the same day, and my hcg level came back around 240. Good luck to you. I'm really praying for a positive for you.


Magoos27 - August 14

Afternoon. So I went for u/s this morning. I had three follies, on on the left at 18 and two on the right at 13. My uterine lining was measured at 11. I am confused though, becuase RE has instructed us to do the HCG trigger shot tomorrow night at 1130pm and then will do IUI on Thursday morning at 1130am. That is only 12 hours later. I am an emotional wreck right now. I don't know if it is the clomid and my hormones being totally out of whack or if this is really how I am feeling. Either way...I am tired. God Bless you all. ***Baby Dust***


sherryz - August 14

Magoos, that is wonderful news! Sounds like you have one perfect follicle, and your lining is perfect. Good luck to you!!!!


soup25 - August 16

Hey girls- I had my 1st u/s today and had 1 follicle on each side at 18. I go back on Friday for u/s number 2 and then they will decide if I should have a HCG shot. They didn't say anything about the uterine lining...I will ask on Fri! Fingers crossed!! Liz-welcome to the message board. I'll pray for you!


sherryz - August 16

Soup, what wonderful news!!!! Keep us posted. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I teach 2nd grade and we just started back school. I've been extremely busy with all of that. It's been really hard on me. I'm extremely tired and hurt a lot, however, I wouldn't change ANYTHING!!! I'm going on 7 weeks now. I hope you all receive a BFP soon!!


babyforcole - August 18

Hi all, Congrats on the +hpts and don't give up to the ones that got AF. I'm in the OWW also. My blood test is scheduled for Tues and my af is due Thurs. As of today I'm only 9dpo and iui so I think I may test Monday morning to see what it's going to be or ATues morn before I go to the dr. Babyhopes said I could test tomorrow morning but I don't know.


soup25 - August 25

Well, I'm at a one week wait finally! I think I am going to test next Saturday morning if AF has not come. That will be 14 or 15 dpo. I am hopeful! How's everyone doing out there? Anyone else getting close to a OWW?



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