Ohio ladies--Part 3
381 Replies
JSmith - October 30

Evening ladies- I hope you are all well this evening. Mega - best of luck to you - I hope this is your month. I will say a little prayer for you as I will for all of you ladies. Tenk- trying to figure out when you O is not easy is it? I have no idea when I O'd or if I did yet. This is my first month off of bcp's so hopefully my body can figure things out on it's own. Tomorrow I have to be in Columbus all day for a work conference. It will be a long day, but it will be a nice change of pace I suppose. I so wish I could meet all of you next weekend - for sure the next time. I had a horrible migraine today - I got up to get ready for church and had to go back to bed. My dh took my dd and I got to sleep for a few hours - my head is still sore, but better. Did you all have a good weekend? Well, my dd and I are running treat bags over to the neighbor and then it's Raegan's bed time. You all have a good night.


Mega - October 30

Thanks JSmith, thanks Tenk. JSmith, I hope today's mtg in Columbus went well. Bet that was a nice change of pace, excuse to get out of the office at least. Oh, a Migraine. Not fun. Hope it's all gone now. Fingers' crossed you O soon, keep on BD!!! Tenk--CD 1 thru 5 on the Clomid, I'd say you should be Oing soon then. I'd think it would be sooner than Nov. 7th too. That is horse poo. LOL! I'm glad you're on the Folic Acid, you might want to think about taking a prenatal now too. Further prep your body for being pg. Hope your DH is feeling better tonight so you can get some more BD in! :) Mommy, Nikki, BabyRN--hope you ladies had a good weekend. Looking forward to Saturday, man that's coming up FAST! Time's flying. Though I have no illusions about the following week flying by. LOL!!!


nikki2204 - October 31

Hey all, I have bad news...I can't make it Saturday :( I'm so sorry but I just found out that we have some family coming into town unexpectedly. I was looking forward to seeing you all. I haven't found out the specifics yet so maybe I can squeeze in lunch with you all and head off. I hope to get more details soon so I will keep you posted. Hope everyone is doing well...take care.


Mega - October 31

Just let us know when you can Nikki. That would be good if you can make lunch at least.


mommywannabe - October 31

Yeah let us know either way. It's cool. Family comes first. This morning has been HELL morning. Figures, it's Halloween. LOL!!! I can't wait to see what work brings me today. I've been fine since I have been here but at home, I pretty much wanted to scream. LOL!! Actually I did, when I couldn't find DD makeup for Halloween. LOL!! I guess I have just been so busy here at work that I finally broke at home, not to mention DH and DD aren't morning people at all and getting them to do anything in the AM is like waking the devil himself. LOL!! ANYWAYS, hope everyone has a great day...OH YEAH...I am starting Metformin today. I wanted to try this for 6 weeks, then probably need Provera to start AF since she hasn't started yet then 200 mg of Clomid with IUI and trigger, unless DH S/A is not good but I'll have plenty of time to think about what to do next since I'll be taking Metformin for like 6 weeks. So you know I might not get my BFP before 2006 is over but I can always bring in the new year with one. Nice outlook, huh? LOL!!


Mega - October 31

Hey Mommy, that's good that you're going on Met. I've been on it since July 2005. You may get some gastro s/e for a few weeks as you're getting used to it. Definitely take with food, and you might need to eat a small snack every few hours. Do you have IR? I don't really but my RE still thinks with my PCOS it's a good thing to be on. Lots of people get pg on Metformin, sometimes even just on it's own. Are you doing the step up method? My dr had me start with 1 pill a day for the first week, 2 a day the 2nd week til I built up to 3 a day, helped with the s/e. It's supposed to help regulate cycles & create better quality eggies. Good things! Hope the rest of your day goes smoother. What did DD go as for Halloween? JSmith, Tenk, what are your kiddos going as for Halloween?


mommywannabe - October 31

Yep I am doing the step up method. And she (the nurse) advised strongly to take with food. LOL!! I had previous blood draws showing insulin was fine but they thought this would be good to regulate my cycles and an advantage to getting prego. We do have diabetics in our family so it couldn't hurt me at all, plus I am hypoglycemic anyways so I always have to be eating small meals so that I don't pass out, or get dizzy or headaches or shaky when my insulin drops. UGH!! It's so annoying. I figure this could help with that too and I heard people on Metformin tend to lose some weight because their insulin is being regulated and your body isn't working OT to burn the sugar. WHO KNOWS, but I figured this step couldn't hurt. I wish I knew if I had PCOS too. I have never been diagnosed with it but seem to have what I read every PCOS'er has. Anovulatory, sleep apnea, slightly overweight (some, not all do), sporatic facial hair growth. AND NO I DON'T MEAN I LOOK LIKE A MAN. Every once in a while I'll notice a piece of dark hair on my neck or chin or something and it drives me nuts. I don't know thought because I was always regular or so I thought till right before I started to try to conceive again. UGH!!! Anyways, if Nikki can't show, are we still on? And where did we decide? I hope Molly Woo's. YUM!


mommywannabe - October 31

LOL, oh yeah I forgot to answer your question...Sydney is going as the Bride of Chucky (from the Child's Play movies.) She wanted to be scary and so she is. LOL!!


Tenk - November 1

Hi everyone, I had 2 Disney Princesses, and a Lightening McQueen car...it was a real plush car that fit over his little body and was held on by suspenders...hehe. So I'm on CD 13 and still have no O'd, I took the Clomid on CD 1-5 and I thought you O'd 5-10 days after the last pill...what's going on??? I have no idea, and I'm starting to think that maybe we just missed my O the other cycles, and maybe I was just calculating it wrong. I feel lots of cramping on both sides (not painful, but it's cramps) so I know it's doing it's job...hum. Ladies, I'm excited for your meeting on Sat, it should be fun for everyone...wish I could be there. MEGA, how soon do they test you to see if it worked?? Ok, everyone...the grandparents are taking the kids Sat night so DH and I can have some alone time, my dad asked why they were taking them and mom said well, Teneal's probably ovulating...LOL that's insane she told him that. Altho, I don't really know I'll be O'ing.


Mega - November 1

Mommy--Bride of Chucky, that's great! Bet she was very scary! LOL! Yes, I'm still on for Sat. and Molly Woo's sounds good to me. DH's boss is taking us & a few other couples out to dinner on Sat. though so I can't stay too long afterwards, just long enough to hit a couple stores. LOL! PCOS is such a weird thing really, no set symptoms that point to a definitive diagnosis, though you're right, some of your signs are consistant with PCOS. Yeah there are a lot of benefits to taking Met IMO. Tenk, don't worry yet. You will probably O this cycle, esp. since you O on your own anyway. My RE always said it takes closer to 10 days after the last pill to O. That's a rough estimate though. I'm sure it'll happen soon. Just keep tracking it. Maybe it's a good thing your parents are babysitting this weekend. ;) Ah, your DS's car costume sounds adorable! And 2 princesses huh? Fun!


JSmith - November 1

Afternoon ladies-
Raegan was Tigger for actual trick or treat cause it was big & fluffy and really warm, which we needed cause it was cold and rainy. (our trick or treat was last Thurs.) and yesterday for school she was an Indian. She looked so darn cute - I went to her school party yesterday - it was a lot of fun. I wish I could meet you guys on Saturday, but just can't. I will definitely be at the next one. I should start AF next week sometime if my body worked the way it was supposed to. Wish me luck. Mega - how long until you find something out? I will cross my fingers for you. How are the rest of you today? I hope you are all well. Half way through the week - THANK GOD! Today is my first full day here and I'm already tired of being here - it that awful? Well you all have a great day.


nikki2204 - November 1

Hey All! How is everone? Well, bad news, I am not going to be able to make it Satuday :( I am so sorry but I will be at the next one for sure. I will miss seeing Mega and Mommy again and also meeting Baby! :(
Tenk, I have a hard time figuring out the O thing too--- I am not real good with the kits either. It just shouldn't be this hard, ya know!? Hope everyone is doing great--have a good day!


Mega - November 1

Nikki--I'm sorry you won't be joining us afterall. But like Mommy said, family comes first. We'll miss seeing you again Nikki. But yes we'll definitely plan a day that works well for everyone next time. It'll be so nice to put a face to a name, JSmith. Tigger huh? What a great costume. I love Tigger! So cute. Bet she was adorable. My beta was supposed to be on 11/10 but the office I wanted to go to (the satelite office closer to my house) is closed that day. Veterans Day, I think. Anyway, the nurse said I could come in next Thurs., 11/9 instead. So I jumped on that opportunity. 1 less day of waiting hell. Oh yeah!!! I'm all for that. Okay, well I've been less than motivated work wise today too, so gotta get back to work now. Later ladies!!! Have a good night.


BabyRN - November 1

Mega-glad your tx went well. Hopefully you will have a bfp in 8 days!! Yes, my Dr. thinks I have pcos as well. Really long cycles, overweight, high bp, low progesterone levels. But my insulin levels were good. I was on metformin (glucophage) for approx 6-7 mo. before we got pg. My dh also had to have a varicocele repair. He had that done in Oct. and then I started glucophage in Jan I think, after my cardiologist said something to me about my infertility and the possibility of pcos. So really my cardiologist diagnosed me and not my obgyn, weird huh. Either way I don't care because it helped. I can't wait to meet everone on Sat. 12:30 at Molly Woos right? Nikki so sorry you can't make it. That is too bad that we will just have to plan another meet and greet ;) Tenk- Hopefully you will o while your parents are babysitting. Are you using an opk? I got pg off of Femera, a medication very similar to clomid on about my 6th or 7th mo. but I had to add the glucophage with it. I had hot flashes from just 50mg of clomid so when I told my dr that she said that the re that she works closely with was suggesting femera for his pt's now so she would like to try that with me. Whatever it was worked!! Sounds like everyones kids had very cute costumes this year. I don't think we will be doing trick or treating next year but probably 2008 when Colton will almost be 2. So weird. I can't imagine having a 2yr old trick or treating!! Maybe I will even be pg with the next one!! Anyway have a great night I am on my way to work. I will try to touch base before Sat just to make sure we are still meeting. See you soon.


Tenk - November 2

Hey ladies...Thanks for the support everyone!!! I think that I feel great and nothing really as far as s/e are concerned. I mean only mild during the actual time of taking them. Great now, still no O and the OPK's are still - now at CD 13...is that weird? Well, MEGA, I will keep ALMOST everything crossed ;-) hehe...don't wanna miss the eggie...LOL. Baby dust to all!!!


mommywannabe - November 2

OK, Sat. it is...12:30pm at Molly Woo's in Polaris. I can't wait. One more new person to meet...yeah Baby. Well Mega, I know your name and know how to recognize you...but I think the only way I can recognize Baby is her baby belly. LOL!! I don't recall ever getting your name. Mine is Erin, just in case you wanted to know. LOL!! I am so excited. It was so much fun last time meeting everyone. I will miss Nikki but we'll plan another one soon so her and JSmith can join and meet and then hopefully sometime soon Tenk will be in Cincy so maybe we can plan something again so we could meet her. This is so much fun putting faces and names together.



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