NEWCYCLE - NEW FORUM *other one is too long*
136 Replies
milissa - May 26

Man I am so SNAPPY lately....My husband said I have been being a Bitch? he asked me what is your problem... I really don't know why"..erritated is what I feel.


Mel - May 26

Just irritated today, or for a couple days?


Linda - May 26

Hi All,
Been TTC for 3 months now with no luck. At least I don't think we had luck this month. I'm on day 30 of my cycle and took a HPT this morning, negative. However I have irregular cycles. Last month my cycle was 36 days, could I still produce a positive test in a few more days??


Linda - May 26

BTW, I had crazy cramping about 4 days after I ovulated this month, which I have NEVER had. I was really hoping that was implantation cramping, I'm just so discouraged now.


milissa - May 26

Mel> I guess lately :( Man I don't know how he puts up with me...I drive myself nuts!


Mel - May 27

Hi Linda, I would wait until cd 38 (that would be after your 36 days) and test again. You may not be able to get a real result until you miss af. Good luck.


Mel - May 27

Hey Milissa > I could tell you were down yesterday, and I haven't been able to get a hold of you today. Wanted to make sure you were ok. When are you guy going mudding?


Nicola - May 27

Hi girls, how is everyone doing? Really sorry I haven't been on for a while (just e-mailed Milissa to apologise too). I've been having a really tough time this week but hey thats life!!!
Hello also to Jill, Joby, Crystal and Linda, just wanted to say good luck to you all!!!! Managed to get a day off work today and I have got so much to do but I will try and get on later when it is a more reasonable hour for you guys (9.30am here)! Take care, try to speak soon x x x


Crystal - May 27

Good morning Everyone! Hope your day goes well!!!


milissa - May 27

I'm fine :) just had a tough day yesterday seen candice and just hard! And just hard to deal with people who used and throw you away when they are done with ya! happens to much to me and steve, so we sat down and talked like old times when we first got together, up till 12:30am talking and dealing with feelings. Felt good"..going mudding tomorrow :) should be me later if ya can more. will be home till late afternoon"K"


Joby - May 27

Hey guys, hope you're all having a good day - weekend's here! Ordered some OPKs over the internet the other day & they arrivd yesterday - should be able to start using them on Tuesday. I've used them before but the first cycle after coming off the pill & I don't think I'd Od, so we'll see what happens! Good luck for the next couple of days Linda - hope af goes somewhere else this month!!!


Nicola - May 27

Hi Milissa, thanks for replying to my e-mail, it was good to hear from you so soon! No family in Florida just going for a break. Staying on I Drive (not long now). How have you been this past week? I'm so sorry I havent had time to mail you until today x x x


Linda - May 27

Thanks for your reply and your well wishes. I was feeling really positive this month and that negative yesterday really bummed me out. I know I just started but it's hard to feel good about negatives when all I hear is my mom telling me how she blinked and was pregnant, my sister was the same way with her two girls also. It helps to know I'm really not alone in the dreams. Thanks again!


Yani - May 28

I have gotten my period on May 10th and started my second cycle on may 12, CD3-7. Today I am on CD19. I felt when I ovulated because I got a cramp and my cervical mucus were like egg whites on the same day of ovulation. Me and my partner did have sex on that day. Just 2 days ago my nipples have been sore and have backaches, headaches and cramps in my lower abdominal that come and go. Today I woke up very gassy. Could I be pregnant already?


Linda - May 28

Hey everyone. So here it is day 32 of my cycle. I've been having brown spotting only after using the bathroom and I have a round of really intense cramps this morning. Now... nothing. Tested again this morning but still negative. I've been reading that brown spotting is an early sign, is that true?


Drew - May 28

Hi Milissa, in answer to your cervix question, from the research I've done, in early pg it gets low and very soft. I was checking this question myself on the net, and everything I came across said low and soft with extra cm. Hope this helps! Oh, by the way if you go to dogpile and look up cervix in early pregnancy thats where I found the info.



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