newbies seeking a BFP!!!!!
172 Replies
Lucky717 - September 4

And you are wonderful too....A shining example for us all. Hang in there friend. We're all in this together. =)


Lucky717 - September 4

Hi Ladies,

I need a moment to vent. My best girlfriend had another shower yesterday at home. She will more than likely call me on the way back here today and want to tell me about it. I just can't go there today or anytime soon. It's too painful for me. My DH says that is rude of me but girls, I am soooo sensitive about this stuff right now.

My best girlfriend has not been there for me that much lately. She says she doesn't know what to say or do. doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that all I need is some extra TLC and reassurance along with SPACE!!!

I am sooo dreading hearing my cell phone ring this afternoon. I can't talk about this stuff anymore with DH because he gets really upset with me and says I need to stop being this way.

In my heard I am happy for her but it's such a difficult time for me right now. Anything that has to do with babies is so off limits for me right now.

Sorry for rambling but does anyone else have similar feelings?


J.D. - September 4

Hi Lucky717,yeah I know exactly what your talking about,I'm having a hard time right now too.I have been in a similar situation.Awhile back,a friend of mine was having a baby and I just couldn't bear to go to the hospital and see all the babies in the nursery.All of my girlfriends say stop trying so hard and you'll get pregnant or try different positions,or blah,blah,blah.I just want to scream at them and say don't you think i've tried everything I know?My DH gets upset when I get upset but I think he's trying to protect me because he doesn't want to see me cry.I am super-sensitive also.I don't think you are rude,if I was having a really bad day I would just not answer the phone take the rest of the day off and call her in the morning.I'm so glad I found ya'll to talk to.I needed to vent also.I hope you feel better and take care.


Lucky717 - September 4

Hi J.D. - Yay! There's someone out there that has been through a similar situation. I am so relieved. The crazy part is before she even got pg she said that she didn't care if she and her husband conceived. She would be happy regardless. I feel totally different. I will be devastated if we can't conceieve. It's something I've always wanted. How is it that someone who wants it so badly can never obtain it?

I think I am going to take a break from her and let her know I just can't be there right now because I am so hurt and raw over things. If she really cares about me she will understand.

I am so envious of the fact that she didn't have to use any meds to get pg. She has no clue what I am going through. None. It's so frustrating at times because she makes it all look so easy and I resent the hell out of that.
Sorry for the novel!!! Baby dust!!!


J.D. - September 4

I know I would be devestated if we couldn't conceive too.My dh says if God wants us to have a baby he'll give us one,and he don't understand why I can't accept that.It might be a good idea to take a break from your friend if you're that hurt about it and try to talk about later.I was so frustrated before I found ya'll because I had absolutely nobody to talk to about what I was going through,and it feels so good to get all this off my chest.Where are you from?I am from Monroe,Louisiana.


roxy01 - September 4

Hi girls. JD and Lucky, what you're going thru is totally understandable. I went to a friends baby shower recently. One of the draw backs of not telling anyone we've been ttc or had mc's is that you spend a lot of time pretending everythings ok. I felt I couldn't come up with a good excuse not to go. It was really hard and one of the girls there thought I was pregnant. :( Noone can understand if they haven't been thru it and we just have to take it easy on ourselves and vent everything here where everyone knows exactly what we're going thru. Thankgoodness for you girls! Diem...still thinking of you. xxx


diem - September 4

ROXY, JD (welcom) , and Lucky
I TOTALLY understand. As you all know what I went through last in-laws stopped by to check on me. Very nice of them to do. However my sis-in-law is 5 months pregnant. HELLO> do you think she couldv'e just sent some flowers? I saw enough preggo ladies and babies in the ER last night. It doesn't make me feel any better seeing my sis-in-law. I know she meant well....but she probably was thinking. It's tough, but we have to stay strong! Thank goodness for this forum :)


Lucky717 - September 5

Hi JD -- I am from Raleigh, NC. Diem I agree with you about the sis-in-law thing. We sound so much alike on things like that. Flowers are a wonderful way to say you care. Even if they are from the grocery store or out of someones backyard it's the thought that counts. You have been through so much over the last 24 hours. I am so very thankful for this forum. I could not face all of this without all the support this site offers.

P/S I got my cry in for the night. I cried for you and for all of us who are only looking for answers during this trying time.

Bless all of you for your kindness!!! Baby dust!!!!!!


newmommy - September 5

Oh, Diem. I just don't know what else to say to you, but I'm so sorry for your loss and what you have had to go through. My miscarriage was in March, and there was simply nothing that anyone could say to make me feel better. I'm here for you if you want to talk. It sounds like we're all having tough times right now. My due date would have been tomorrow, Sept. 5th. I can't stop thinking that I should have a baby in my arms right now, or be huge and pregnant. It hurts. I wish all those other people that don't have to go through what we are going through would realize that it's not just "wanting" a baby. It's a true pain in our hearts---every fiber of my being wants to be a mom, and to hold that baby and look into the eyes of my own child. My husband says that what we've gone through will make us all that more grateful for the moment we get to finally meet our child. And although we all know that we'd be grateful anyway, I suppose there's some truth to that. Girls, we can't always be strong. We gotta cry sometimes when it hits us. And then we'll put our chins up, and keep on truckin' because that's the only way that we can achieve our baby goals. Mommies we WILL be---keep the faith!!!


J.D. - September 5

diem-I'm so sorry for your loss


JerseyGirl - September 5

Miss a day, miss a lot! Hi girls. My sis-in-law is pregnant too - due right after Thanksgiving. I am so happy for my brother and her, but yes, it's very hard to be with her and see her belly. I know we all started TTC around the same time, and here they are, 7 months pregnant and I've got nothing. A while back, she was all in our business, asking when we were gonna have a baby. At the time, it didn't really bother me... I would just make up excuses. I'm afraid that if I'm not pregnant by the time she gives birth, I'm going to hear it all over again, "So-and-so needs a cousin..." blah, blah, blah. No pressure, right?!?! Well, I'm making an appointment for my DH with a urologist today - hopefully they can take him this week and we can be settled about that. DIEM & LUCKY: Thinking of you both daily. We'll get our turn!! Have a great day girls, and thanks for reading my "vent."


Lucky717 - September 6

Hi Ladies,
Confession time....Tonight I indulged in two glasses of delicious red wine. All my tests have said negative so I decided to go for it. I am tired of feeling deprived and waiting for something that isn't going to come. I did have them with a full dinner so I don't feel that bad.

Update...cd29 for me. some cramps. No AF yet. I called my fav. nurse at my Ob's office and she said to wait til Thurs. and retest one last time. I don't think we are pg. Then once AF comes I am scheduling my HSG test. Hubby is also doing the SA test to get his guys checked. Well that's all from this end.
How is everyone???? I hope well. BABY DUST!!!!


Lucky717 - September 6

Diem -- How are you? I've been thinking about you.


diem - September 6

I'm good. I am still spotting a bit. DH is going to New York this weekend so I'm a bit sad. But as soon as he comes home we will be bding again. He's super excited about trying again.
I feel a bit empty. I was so happy and proud last week and now just....blah!
I have a urinary tract infection and am taking meds but it should be cleared up just in time. I don't know what this month brings. Not sure if I will ovulate or not. I guess I'll have to just wait and see. I will continue to chart to see if ovulation is detected.


JerseyGirl - September 6

Hi girls. No worries about the red wine, Lucky. As long as you're not a boozer! Good luck tomorrow. I made an appointment for my DH's SA test next week. He'll see the urologist on Monday and will get a prescription for the actual test. I assume results come back quickly, since those little swimmers can only last up to 72 hours! My gut tells me nothing is wrong with either of us, that it's just not time yet for us. But soon! (I hope.) Have a great day and keep those chins up! We hafta stick together here!


diem - September 6

Hey gals!
I'm just sitting here feeling sad, mad, and jealous. Last Friday DH and I went out to dinner with friends. My girlfriend and I both announced our pregnancy to that I'm not pregnant anymore how am I going to deal with this? What makes me mad is that she was not really sure she was ready to ttc. But her DH convinced her to. It really hurts when its easy for people to get pg and it's not for me. It's even harder when it's your friend. Hopefully it will only take a couple more months for us.....but that doesn't help how jealous I am. Jealousy sucks.! People who get pg easy that don't even care if it happens suck! Working as a guidance counselor and seeing pg teens SUCKS!!!!!!
When is it going to OUR (everyone on this forum's) turn?
Sometimes it's hard to stay positive. F it! I think I am just down cause DH is working 24 hour shift today and leaving for NY tomorrow. I already miss him and he's still in FL. grrrrrrrr. BFP SEEKERS MUST UNITE AND GET PG SOON!!!!!! (nothing like a little pressure huh?) Now that my family knows that I am ttcing they will probably be asking me every other day if I'm pg yet. I didn't want to tell them because of pressure....but obviously they know about the miscarriage so duh.



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