new post for day 21 test
543 Replies
Mega - December 19

Good Morning. Yay! That is very good news about the + OPK. I totally understand where you're coming from, ov for the first time after being a non-ovulator is exciting. But I'm sure men can't relate at all to that! So other than BD all weekend long, what else did you do? How was your shopping trip Friday? Did you get the bike? I'm almost done shopping, just a few odds & ends, not much left to get at all. This is my last day on the Clomid. I think I'll get the estrogen patches today too, to have them on hand by Thursday.


cw - December 19

we almost finished! on ly a little bit more to get. did you have a good weekend? mine waas good except my jeep died and i am scared that it is the motor. :( that is not going to be a good thing at all. on a funnier side though i think i covered the bding this weekend!! lol i was so excited when i got the +opk that i tested again just to make sure! lol i cant wait till my day 21 test next mnday. how was the clomid this time?


Mega - December 19

Oh, that's too bad about your jeep. What bad timing, huh?! What is about that holidays? Anyway, hopefully it's not the motor. Is it in the shop now? I hope you weren't stranded anywhere for too long. My weekend overall was pretty good. I went to a friend's party in Columbus, we baked cookies, drank wine, talked it was nice. Just a girl's day. The Clomid's been okay this cycle. On Friday after work I started feeling a little quesey but nothing major, didn't end up getting sick or anything. No problems the rest of the weekend. I just think taking all 3 pills at once that first night was a bit Clomid overload, but it got used to it after that. My DH's dad was in the hospital this weekend, with a blocked artery. They put a stent in & he'll be home today. This has not been a good month for my hubby's poor parents. First his mom's illness & now his dad's heart. But with a few lifestyle changes he should be fine. Please God.


cw - December 19

gosh his family is having a rough month! i hope everything is ok now. scott was actually driving my car when it broke down so that part was good. at least it wasnt me :) we had it owed back to my house and my dad and scott are going to look at it befoore we take it in. they both are really smart when it comes to cars so i am lucky. i am hoping it is something minor but with my luck it will be the engine. lol the girls night sounds like alot of fun! our christmas party was awesome!!! we all started drinking @ 1 pm and didnt stop till about 6! it was fun to hang out with everyone outside of work! what days do you get off for christmas?


Mega - December 19

Hi. Well that is good though that your DH was driving the jeep when it broke down & not you. Yeah, you are lucky to have 2 such car experts in your family to help you out. :) Car always break down at the most inconvenient times! Not per se that there's a good time for that. How old is your jeep? Yes, Derr's family is having a tough month, usually they're pretty healthy so this is unusal. But fortunately the prognosis seems good for both of them. Now I just have start forcing my DH to go in for regular check ups. Shouldn't be too hard now. Your X-Mas party sounds like fun. It is cool seeing coworkers outside of work, more of a chance to cut loose. I actually get the whole week after Christmas off. We go on mandatory shut down, Yay! I used up all my vacation days this year though so I won't be getting paid for 4 of those days, but even so I'm okay with that. What's your break schedule?


cw - December 19

well we actually only have off Sat and Sun, but thats ok. those are the important days anyway! plus the boss wil be off and we can play in the office. :) that will be nice for you to have a whole week off to enjoy the holidays with your family! when is your next dr apt? have they scheduled your iui yet? i really think that i Oed last month i just think thati did early. i felt the exact same way this time. i may be wrong but i felt the same. i wonder what my b/w will show next week. i was REALLY crampy yesterday so hopefully that was when i offically Oed??? i feel fine today though! it was so nice to finally see 2 dark lines on that test kits!!! lol now if only the pg test will follow the same pattern!!


Mega - December 19

Hi! I have another u/s on Thursday to check on the eggies I'm hopefully starting to grow. We'll see then I guess. Because of the reduced holiday hours, I hope my follies continue their usual slow grow. Probably the soonest we'll do the IUI would be Wed. Dec. 28th. That would fit into Derr's work schedule pretty well I think. The possible O pains this weekend could very well be an excellent sign for you. Fingers' & toes' crossed! It's impossible not to analyze/re analyze everything our bodies do these days. Just one of the joys of being a woman I guess, having a complicated body that you truly don't understand. Oh well.


cw - December 19

i just hope that the opk was right! although i havent ever gotten 2 lines like that before. at least this 2ww will fly by with the holidays. i am glad that you didnt have any bad s/effects with the increase of clomid. i was a little worried about that. i know you are excited about the u/s. that has to be fun seeing what you are producing! lol i havent oed in so long mine is probably the size of an orange by now! lol


Mega - December 19

A follie the size of an Orange. :) Could very well be! I'd say if you've used OPKs quite a bit & this is the first time ever you got a + reading on it, that's very encouraging. Did your dr suggest you use OPKs this cycle or was that your idea? That's true, I do think u/s are neat--it is very cool getting a "peak" of what's going on inside of me, what size eggies I'm brewing. Except they just look like blobs to me. :) Oh well, as long as they don't look like blobs to my RE.


Mega - December 20

Good morning! How was your night? Any news yet on the Jeep? We have a dept. luncheon today at 12:30 to 2:30, & we're hoping we can leave for the day after that. Fingers' crossed! How goes the BD?


cw - December 20

lol... a blob thats funny! no the doctor tokd me to start using them again this cycle and to be honest i didnt expect it to work so it was a nice surprise. i was so excited! :) how are you today? are you getting excited about trying your patch?


Mega - December 20

Hi. Yeah, that is exciting when you get your first indicator of ovulation. I haven't even picked up my patches from the pharmacy yet. I plan to do that today after work. I did some reading on the s/e on the net last week, it doesn't sound that horrible. I originally had nightmares of being this menopausal witch. LOL. But I guess it's not really like that. Increased sex drive is one possible s/e, I'm hoping for that one. My DH is too!


cw - December 20

thats not a bad s/e at all! dh may want you to talke that every month :) i think after our weekend i have had enough for a i am so busy trying to get ready for christmas!! i ran all afternoon yesterday getting things for our party today at work! i wrapped pressents for 3 hours last night!! only a few more to go!!


Mega - December 20

I love decorative bags to put gifts in, I'm not good at all at wrapping presents. :) Your work likes to party a lot too, sounds like. Yeah, I'm hoping for that sex drive s/e, but I guess backpain, breast tenderness & headaches are more common. The non-fun stuff. Oh well. Have fun at your work party today.


cw - December 20

they do like to party!! which is good :) we normally always have a good time. it is just a low key thing today where we all brought food and we are exchanging gifts with everyone. there are only 6 people though so still really small. have you finshed all your shopping yet?


Mega - December 20

Oh, wow, you do work in a small office. That's nice though, there's a sense of closeness in a lot of small work places. Sounds like a fun group. I have all the major gifts done. I have to stop by Pier One though & get a few more ornaments for little filler gifts for my extended family, etc...You said you're done with your shopping now?



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