135 Replies
Becky - March 11

Hello Ladies, I have had such a crazy week. My dd broke her leg at gymnastics. I am going on 3 nights no sleep.. She will have to have a cast for aleast 4weeks I hope it goes by really fast. good luck to everyone.. Baby dust


isa - March 11

hey congrats Jeana thats fantastic to hear you're already 10 weeks. Becky sorry to hear about your dd's leg. I hope it heals quickly.


Toni - March 11

Jeana that is so exciting! Keep us posted on everything. Becky so sorry to hear about your dd's leg. I know how that feels. My daughter broke her arm at age 4 and had to have surgery. It was horrible.


Becca - March 11

Jeana- Congrats! What a wonderful miracle! Becky- Sorry to hear that your dd broke her leg. I bet she is devastated- especially if she is really into gymnastics. I hope she has a quick recovery. I am heading to my RE office to hopefully be told I have some nice big follies and that we can do IUI on Monday at the latest. I am worried that they may cancel the cycle if they take too much longer to grow. Although, the good thing is my lining is nice and thick. My RE prefers this to be my last cycle before going to IVF but says we could do one more but than we need to either go to IVF or at least take some time off to give my ovaries a rest. I will let you all know what happens today.


Becca - March 11

Just got back from the doctor. I have 3 follies at 12-14 and a bunch at 10-11. They lowered my dosage to make it so hopefully only those 3 grow any more. The RE suspects when I go back on Tuesday they will be ready. The next apt is free of charge though. She is thinking this could be good since they did put me on estrace and then took me off of it about a week ago because then my estrogen levels will be lower which is good I guess. It looks like we won't be doing IUI til Wed or Thurs.


isa - March 11

Hey Becca, remmeber that follies usually grow at a rate of 1-2mm /day so that should be good timeing for you. How high or low is your estrogen right now? Try and not stress over what may or may not be with the follies. Your body will do what is best for it, and maybe this month it needed to go slow. Hey we didnt do my iui's til day 16 & 17 this month and its cause they grew slower and I'm sure its because I has such a huge month last month with the # of eggs and size my ovaries got and the hyperstim. My body knows best - or so I'm trying to tell myself (grin) and you know what the more i keep telling myself that the more I stopped questioning every decsion they made and started to relax and you know what...this is my best month emotionally yet so keep the chin up and know your body is doing what it needs to do to manage what we're putting them through. And dont even worry about next month until you're told you have to ok??? Keep us posted girl.


Liz - March 11

Hi's been a long time since I last spoke on this thread and lots has gone on. First and formost I changed RE tyo be closer to home( Princeton NJ) because the commute to Phila. and work were killing me. Second I started injectables instead of Clomid and HCG and IUI and finally and most humbly and sincerely I thank-God for the BP I rec'd yesterday after our first IVF and blastocyst transfer on March 2. I'll sill in shock and too scard to say anything out loud but this thread helped me through some very dark days and months so you all are the first to know. I pray everything stays put but you will hear about it all. I remember Christy and Amy R so Baby Dust to all the blessed ladies in waiting. xoxoxox


amanda78 - March 12

Hi everyone-hope you are all well. I took 2 tests on 3/9 and they were positive and another one yesterday morning and it was positive! I went for my beta yesterday and it was 30. The nurse said that is a positive test. I have to go back on 3/13 for another beta. My progesterone was a little low, so they put me on supplements to try and prevent miscarriage. Baby dust to all!


Toni - March 12

Wow! Two more bfp's!!! Congrats to Liz and Amanda!! Are you guys having a second beta test to make sure your numbers are doubling?


Judi - March 12

Liz and Amanda, congratulations!!! Isa, thank you for mentioning that about Easter stuff...I had not even thought of that. That's a great idea. How are you feeling? Becca, I know you are anxious to have your IUI done. I hope this is the month for both of you!! Becky, I'm so sorry about your dd's leg. I can't imagine how you must feel. Lee, how are you? I know you are so anxious to bring your beautiful little girl home!! I'm doing okay today except that my ankles, feet, and calves are extremely swollen. They've been like this for over a week now so I think it will probably last until I deliver. My dh is working a 24-hour shift in the ER today and he gave me strict instructions to rest and keep my feet elevated as much as possible while he's gone. It's hard, though, because we still have so much to do to get ready for Lauren's arrival.


Lee - March 12

Hi Everyone, I am fine. CONGRATS Liz and Amanda.........Judi, make sure you are drinking a ton of water and that you have those feet up, you too Toni girl.

My feet never swelled (I had them up from 3 months on, whenever I sat, and at least a gallon of water a day) but when I was released from the hospital, I took home one lovely girl and two big piggies!!!


Becca - March 12

Lee- we went to church today and a family there had already adopted a little girl from Guatemala about 1 year ago and today they had another little girl with them they adopted. It is the other one's little sister. They are so prescious. It made me think of you. Amanda and Liz- CONGRATS! That is wonderful. Hopefully this good luck continues on to those of us that are in the middle of a cycle. We are looking at Thursday as our possible IUI date because the RE is sure my follies will be mature when I go in on Tuesday. So Wed or Thurs will be the IUI. That will make it the very end of March before I can test. It will be a long cycle seeing as I am already on cd18. That is alright though because hopefully it will be worth the wait.


Becky - March 12

Hello Congrats to Jeana,Liz and Amanda.. Thanks for all your support about my dd. Things are getting a little better. She wants to be carried everywhere and with the pretty pink cast she is sure heavy. Baby dust to all..


Lee - March 13

Oh Becky, I feel so badly for her. I would want a pink cast too. Take good care :)


isa - March 13

Liz and Amanda congrats. I hope the good news continues to me and Becca over the next couple of weeks. No news with me just a waitin'


isa - March 13

Just a reminder thata Pregnancy for Dummies part 3, 3rd trimester is on tonight on Discovery Health Channel at 9pm. Hope all are well. :)



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