135 Replies
isa - March 13

Just a reminder thata Pregnancy for Dummies part 3, 3rd trimester is on tonight on Discovery Health Channel at 9pm. Hope all are well. :)


Lee - March 13

Isa, I am waiting for YOU to write us with BFP news, actually, I know we all are. By the way, you must be seeing those adoption stories on your life network, we don't have it here. We have one, but it is discovery health and they are different. I am bummed, I'd like to see yours!!


amanda78 - March 13

I just got the news from my beta today. The news was not good. It was 30 on 3/10 and 35 today. They said it is a biochemical pregnancy and that I should start my period anytime now. If I haven't started 1 week from today I have to go back to the doctor. I was so excited and now mine and DHs hopes have been let way down. The good news is that we can try again as soon as I start my period.


Toni - March 13

Amanda sorry to hear your news. I am sure Isa could tell you about how that is a good sign for future bfp's. Did your dr say that it would be? Take care!


amanda78 - March 14

I talked to the nurse and she said that it was good that fertilization occurred and that we can try again next cycle. Isa-is that what your doctor has said?


isa - March 14

Hey Amanda I know exactly how you feel with the chem pregnancy and its exactly what we were told. It hurts just the same though.---Good news is (1) sperm found egg (2) sperm penetrated egg (3) hcg is only released after implantation which means it knew what to do -all very good signs. I"m 40 and doc said only 1 out of every 4 or 5 of mine are good so said it probably didnt stay due to either egg quality or chomosomal probs but I had a really bad stress month so possibly related to all of it?? Anyways it put hope in me and dh and look at it as a great starting point and if it does end up a chem pg than it wasnt a good embryo anyways. I re grouped after 2 months off (cysts & xmas) & emotionally much more stable now after the 2 months off. Keep thinking positvie and perhaps a 3rd beta will show them rising. I was also told that we test beta so early in fertility clinics that I never would have known about the pg in the real world. At least I know now it is possible and now so do you. Keep your chin up and we're here for you. Lee I watch adoption stories on discovery health. Its on mondays 8-9 and saturday mornings 11am and sunday mornings 11am I think it is. We have time shift with the satelite so if I miss them I can usually catch it later on. A lot see to be on Guatemala. I recently found out that Canada doesnt seem to adopt from there (at least I havent read any Canadian places that do). 1 more week til beta.


isa - March 14

oh by the way Amanda mine went down from first beta to 2nd -at least yours did rise some. Can you ask them for a 3rd beta 2 or 3 days from now? That is what my clinic does when its a slow rise just to knock out any thoughts of a wrongly run test.


Becca - March 14

Good morning! How is every one? I have my apt this afternoon and I am hoping that I am told that we are ready to trigger. Hoping that all 3 follicles are large enough. I will keep you all posted.


isa - March 14

Becca you're in our thoughts keep thinking positively.


Becky - March 14

Becca good luck today I can't remember how old you are. If you don't mind me asking. Amanda sorry to hear about beta. My dd is doing better she went back to Preschool today so things are getting back to normal. A lady I work with said that she has a feeling that I will get pg in May. I sure hope she right. I could use some good news. Baby dust to all...


Lee - March 14

Becky, I hope she is right. May would be lovely timing..... Good luck Becca......Hi Isa girl......Amanda, I hope you are doing okay....LIz, we need an update.....Hi to my preggi friends, Judi and Toni-KEEP YOUR FEET UP!!


Becca - March 15

Bad news- Follies are still too small. The 10s grew to 11/12 and the 14 grew to 15. They are kind of worried that I may have ovulated but I never got a pos opk. It is just that I didn't have any others around 12-14 and last time I did so they are worried I did ovulate and the follicles are now colapsing or whatever. I go back on Thursday but I do continue meds until then and OPK. We have to take a month off if we don't get BFP this month. They think that my body has gotten used to the meds and is not creating its own FSH and that is why they are so slow growing so they will put me on bcp for a month if it comes to it- but hopefully it won't.


amanda78 - March 15

Becca-sorry to hear about your news. Hopefully you will get BFP soon!! Isa-my dr. wants me to come back for another beta on monday 3/20 if af hasn't arrived. Thanks for all the info. That makes me feel much better. I was afraid that once we had a chem pg that we would have more problems with future iuis. Dr had mentioned chromosome probs, implant probs, and maybe bad egg. I'm 27 and don't really know when eggs start going bad. Good luck on your beta-hope you get a BFP!! Thanks to all for the support! You guys are great!


isa - March 15

Becca sorry to hear they are still growing slow but why do they think you may have ovulated if they are still growing slightly? I"m confused. Are they not monitoring your lh? Every time I am in for u/s (on meds) they run bloodwork including my lh to see how close to ovulation I am. We dont use opk's at all. On injecttions I'm in cd3,6,9 and depending on size on day 9 they will monitor everyday until ovulation or go in cd11 and then every day until ovulation. We always know how close to ovulation I am by my lh levels. I hope they are wrong and you have not yet ovulated. I have also been told that in past cycles you can lose a follie or 2 if they are much larger than the others and your cycle continues without them. I had that one cycle when one was up to 20mm and the rest were around 14. We let it go and I ended up triggering and releasing the rest at another time. Maybe that can happen for you too.Amanda - Egg quality can deteriorate at any time. You can be 20 years and have lousy fsh level or you can be 45 and have a great fsh level. you can sort of get an idea where your egg quality is by your fsh level. They like it below 10. I'm about 12.5 so they know I have some diminished egg quality (but I'm also 40). Over 20 is unlikely you can get pg, 15-20 very diminished quality. There is also something called a clomid challenge test which can give them a good idea if there will be egg quality/quantity issued. My doc says as long as I'm under 14 he's happy with me and I am producing easily so far. I hope I helped some.


Toni - March 15

Amanda I wouldn't worry about your eggs aging. Mine are almost 40! Becca sorry your follies aren't cooperating. Hopefully they will come around. I am heading off to "camp", be back on Sat. Lee I will be keeping my feet up and having dh do all the work!


Becca - March 15

Isa- At our clinic after 4 cycles they do not monitor that stuff if it has been consistent every month so that you are not paying as much. They were slightly bigger (one of them) but it had been 3 days from the last u/s and they had me do some meds those days (ecept Monday) and it had only grown 1 mm and it looked like 2 had possibly shrunk. However, they said not to worry about it too much because it could have been that because it was a different person doing the measuring this time they may just measure differently then the RE that did them. I think that is what it is because normally they look and see what angle they get the largest view of each follie but I did not feel like the gal yesterday was doing that. I am not too worried since none of my opk's have been positive and I have never had an lh surge on any of my previous cycles. I have always had to trigger. The NP just felt my follies should have grown more. I don't remember who asked but I am 24. I go in tomorrow for another u/s and they are going to do b/w that time.



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