136 Replies
Lee - January 11

Hello everybody. No, I am not gone forever. I was so worried about Toni that I couldn't even watch for you anymore. I checked today and totally understand where you have been. I am really sorry for what you have been through, but so happy with how it turned out. Isa, I think of you and the little Isa to come someday soon. I have been on an adoption forum too, imagine the two week wait being a 6 month (or much longer wait) you should see the agony some of these people go through. Anyway, things are moving along as well as they can. I could hear about Hope any day now. ......Hello Becca, LSB, Becca, Bethany, Judi and Jeanna. I don't know if we have anyone new, but please know I hope that all of you will be as blessed as I to have one child thru ART and that the child will bring you enormous joy.


Toni - January 11

Lee I am so glad you are back! What a great post that will be when you get that call about Hope! I am doing so much better. My bleeding has pretty much stopped (been declining for a week and a half and now 2 days of nothing)!!! Now I am just wondering if what I feel is the baby moving. Hard to tell. I can't wait for everyone else to get their bfp's!! I hope it doesn't upset anyone to hear about my stuff.


Isa - January 11

Hey Lee, I cant wait to hear about HOPE and that phone call when you get it and Toni, I want to hear it all. You've been where we are and it give me anyways, hope that I too will be able to speak about my pregnancy. I'll know by the end of next week. wow cant even imagine what a baby kick would be like cool. A very close family member had her 6week u/s yesterday and saw the heartbeat. I was so excited to hear that from here. I love hearing it all. Welcome back Lee.


Lee - January 11

Toni---I am sure it doesn't upset anyone to hear your news. Everyone is going through something different, the 2 ww becomes a 36 week wait, as you know. (wait and worry) Then I guess you worry until they are out of college...... I'm back, I'll check in daily for as much moral support as you all need.


Becky - January 12

Lee glad to hear from you again.. I can't wait till you tell us about your phone call.. Toni so glad that your doing great.. I love you hear from you.. Isa good luck it will be your turn soon.. Bethany how did IUI go.. How's everyone else.. Baby dust..


Bethany - January 12

Good day all! Toni - it is always good to hear about success stories....especially for all of us still waiting for the makes us realize that it can in fact happen, just takes time.


Bethany - January 12

Lee - good luck with everything - look forward to hearing more when you hear more.......


Bethany - January 12

IUI went well.....or at least I think it did....trying to stay positive; she said cm (TMI) was good and that is a good sign; will find out in a few days the count numbers. We have three follies over 17 so hopefully one will work out for us, and they said that last month my estrogen was still low when we triggered.....not like this month....going to get all the numbers on Friday and see if maybe something could have been done differently. I am worried that Dr will tell us we cannot do any more IUI's and need to move on to adoption or IVF. IVF is $$$$ and out of our budget right now. Have 2ww to get thru and then go from there. Need all the babydust I can get but sending out lots to everyone who is still waiting for their BFP and to those already PG, best wishes to all of you and keep us informed.....we may need your advice in the future.....


Toni - January 12

Bethany that sounds great! Baby dust to all on their dreaded 2 ww. But Lee is right, that just turns into a 37 week wait filled with all of these tests that you have to pass! Seeing the dr today for a checkup. Thinking about getting my own doppler so I can hear the heartbeat at home. Everyone keep your eye on the prize!!


Becca - January 12

So good to hear from you Lee. Bethany, it sounds good this month. I think you and Isa will both be getting BFP very soon. I am still taking meds so I will get af. She should come by the end of the month and then I hope she doesn't come again for quite a long time.


isa - January 12

Bethany don't worry about "next time" until you know you need to (I know easier said than done) but try and keep focused on this one. I'm watching my temp fall and not liking it. I'm only cd 21 I think, and its down to 97.6 already and its never gotten above 97.9 yet this month. Becca hoping your af comes when you expect her. I know that waiting is as hard as the months you dont want her. Baby glue to all of you that need/want it.


Becky - January 12

Hello.. How's everyone today. I have an appt. today meeting with a different ob dr. I have seen my ob for over 9years. I don't really feel ccmfortable with him. I am meeting with a female ob. I am a little scared that she might tell me that I won't be able to have anymore kids. My ob dr just said no worry you will have another baby. Now it's been 3 1/2 years and no baby.. Bethany I sending lots of baby dust and everyone on there 2ww...


Judi - January 12

LSB, I'm really sorry about your negative. I know how disappointing that was. I hope that this next cycle will work for you. Toni, I'm glad you're doing better. How far along are you now? I felt my first flutters at 13 weeks and my first kick at 17 1/2. She's kicking pretty consistently now. Have you thought about names yet? We've decided on Lauren Elizabeth. Lee, I hope you get a call about Hope very, very soon. I know your wait is difficult too. To everyone else, sending lots of baby dust your way.


Lee - January 12

Thanks Judi. Actually, I am really okay. It is hard to explain, I just have this one piece of paper that I don't have back yet from the gvt, and I would be so much more relaxed if it would come. I am trying to do a zillion projects to keep myself busy and that is helping immensely...... Toni, I know she is not your first baby, so I know you know the routine, but I just remember all of those flutters I was sure were not kicks and then when she did kick (and I screamed and laughed and the dog came charging in) I realized it had been her tiny foot trying to wake me up all along. Did you share a name yet?


Lee - January 12

By the way you slackers :) ............ this is what I get for going awol, the thread is a mile long. We need a new thread, Toni, are you game? When I came back to check last night I thought you would have been on at least SIX.


Toni - January 12

Ok guys I'm starting a new thread. Part 6!!! So everyone move over and check in!



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