mucous & light bleeding 2 dpo
1 Replies
ttc28 - February 20

I have been ttc for years. This past cycle has been different in that I have had a thin, mucousy red discharge 2 DPO. I know this is not ovulation due to charting, and on ovulation day, I have some spotting throughout the day. Anybody else had this and know what it's from?


sarah35 - February 21

ttc28** i have that red/bloody mucus every day during my post ovulation phase. DOc said its OK and said its called "breakthrough" bleeding. dont ask me what is breaking through :-).... But he also decided to put me on progesterone and said that is a common SE of low progesterone.... light spotting. Actually i wouldnt even call it spotting.... just blood streaked mucus. If infact it is a progesterone issue-- you will be some supplements to be able to get pregnant and hold it. Ash your doc about it, k. GL 2 U!!!



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