More bad news...... Please read and see if you can relate
4 Replies
Longing for a baby - February 26


After first round of Clomid It was found that I didn't ovulate, on day 21 progesterone level came back 6 :-(

Started Clomid 100mg day 2-6.....went for first follicle scan yesterday (cd9) and had no lead follicles- going back Friday....but I presume this cycle isn't going to work......

And if this is the case.....thats 2 rounds and no luck, Is it ever going to work, anyone been in my situation?

Please help



TiffanyRae - February 26

Unfortunatly in the infertility world two rounds doesn't always cut it. Sometimes it takes many rounds....some of the woman on this forum have been trying for a few years!!! You just have to hold tight. It may take a few more took me five rounds of clomid....and one round of femera. We were trying to conceive for three years when it finally happened. We are trying for number two right now! Good Luck!


nurse08 - February 26

hey longing, i am in EXACTLY the same place right now. i had clomid 50 days 4-8 and I went for a follie scan on day 13...nothing. well, i had two that were way too immature, and they said go home have fun and if it happens it happens. if not, we'll try next month. i was so upset because I htought that it would really help me.


Longing for a baby - February 26

You read so many stories from people it haas worked for and it really does get your hopes up.

Trying isn't fun anymore, and I keep thinking......what is the point. I am gutted :-(


janet86 - February 26

HEY LONGING...well im kinda in direction that ur in..but this was my 3rd month of clomid 150mg...i had lab wrk on cd21 and it came bak a 26.8 and last month it was 4.0 but i tested this wknd nd it was BFNNN :( im really upset i thougt that maybe since my progestrone level was so high...i was gonna go ahead and test again at the end of the week jst to make sure...i hate this...i completely know wat u mean longing for a baby..but its ok...itll all be worth it..dont give up...maybe next month



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