Military couple wants to conceive before deployment....
93 Replies
tmsyq1229 - June 12

So, I finally got everything figured out with Tricare......and even though I SPECIFICALLY asked to have a civilian doctor.....I got stuck with a doc here at the Army base hospital :/ My husband and I have both agreed that that is not the way we want to go, so I found online a Midwife group here in town and we're going to tour it tonight at 5pm. They do home births, so I'm super stoked and that's what we're hoping for. I have a UTI right now, and the stupid base hospital couldn't "fit me in" until JULY 5th!! Anyway, the midwives use herbal remedies which is more suited to my beliefs and lifestyle, so I'm really excited to start going there. Plus you can choose when you have your's not just when the doc will let you have one :) Well, I hope everyone on here is doing well. Ericka, hopefully the luck of this thread will rub off on you soon :) Baby dust to you!!!


tmsyq1229 - June 18

Holy moly!!.....mornig sickness is KILLING me! Ugh, I feel ike death all day long......I shoulda known though, it was like this with my first pregnancy. Hopefully it doesn't last as long as last ungodly FIVE months. How are you ladies feeling???


am - June 18

I know the feeling. Who ever came up with morning sickness was wrong, try all day sickness. And tired, I stay sooooo tired just want to sleep all of the time. I just keep telling myself it wll be worth it in the end. I did get to see and hear my baby's heart beat. It was the most precious sound that I have ever heard. Everything looks great and it's heart rate was 126 so that is good for how far along I was. I am 7 weeks today and I know that I am not far along enough to start showing but all of my clothes are starting to get to tight. I walk around with them unbuttoned all of the time. Oh well hang in there I am just glad everybody is doing okay so far. Talk to ya'll soon


jlee27 - June 18

hey ladies. I had my second u/s today, I am 8wks 4days. I have been lucky and seem to have been spared the morning sickness. I am tired all day and have to pee like every hour. I haven't gotten to hear the heartbeat yet, my fertility dr. said my ob will do it later with a doppler. I wanted to hear it so bad. I hope all of you are doing well.


tmsyq1229 - June 20

Hey ladies, I wanted to let you know....I FOUND A CURE FOR MY MORNING SICKNESS!!!!>.......they're called Sea-Bands and I got them at Walmart for $8. They are theses little wristband things that put pressure on the anti-nausea accupressure points on your wrists. I can't even tell you guys....they are the greatest thing ever invented :)


jlee27 - June 29

Hey ladies! I wanted to see how everyone is doing. I am going in for my 10 wk ultrasound today. It's kind of nice getting to see my baby every two weeks, that how the fertility clinic does it. How far along is everyone now, and is everyone doing okay? I will let you know how the u/s goes. Talk to you later.


jlee27 - June 29

well I had my u/s. Everything looks great, it's measuring 1.3 inches. It kinda of looks like a little monkey. :)


tmsyq1229 - June 29

That's cool that you get to see your baby so often. Since I'm using a midwife, I only get one ultrasound at 18-22 weeks to see the sex if we choose to find out. I can't decide if I want it to be a surprise or not :) I think it's a boy though. I'm 7 weeks and 3 days today and I'm feeling much better. No more sickness unless I eat something that doesn't agree with my stomach. I've been craving spicy food liek crazy lately!! It was the same with my first preg too. Well, I hope everyone is doing well!!


am - June 30

Hey ladies, glad do hear that everybody is doing ok. I had an u/s yesterday and I am 8 wks 5 days today. Everything looks great and I got to see the baby moving around. It's heart beat was 174. I am so excited even though the last few days have been my sickest and I am still so tired all of the time. I wake up trying to figure out when I can go to bed again.:) Hope everything keeps going well for everybody.


tmsyq1229 - July 10

Hey, I was wondering if any of you ladies can feel the top of your uterus....or if your practitioner has ??? My midwife felt the top of mine just above my pubic bone at my 6 week appointment and said that it was a little early but probably cause it is my second pregnancy. Today I'm nine weeks and I coulda swore I was crazy cause I felt it like halfway between my pubic bone and belly button. When my husband came home for lunch, I didn't say anything to him but told him to see where he felt it, and he did at the same spot! I thought this was a bit weird cause I've read that you're supposed to be like 12 weeks before it can be felt above your pubic symphasis. Hmmmm.....?? Any thoughts? I go to my next appointment on Tues the 17th so I'm eager to see if my midwife feels the same thing of if me and my hubby are just nuts :)


am - July 10

I don't know for sure, but I do know things progress a little faster when it's your 2nd child b/c your uterus is already stretched some from your first pregnancy. Hope everybody is doing well. Still fighting the "all day sickness" and hoping that it passes soon. I go back on the 23rd to have a pelvic exam and listen to the heart beat. Talk to ya'll soon


jlee27 - July 10

This is my first pregnancy so I don't know how early you start showing on your second. Have you had an u/s yet? Could be twins! :) I am 11.5 wks today and I think I felt mine right above my pubic bone. I have quite a bit of padding down there so it's harder for me to tell. I go in for my 12wk u/s friday and if everything is okay, I will go on to the ob. I haven't gotten to hear the heartbeat yet, they don't do that at the fertility clinic. I'm dying to hear it!!! I have been really lucky and seem to have skipped the morning sickness, just been really tired and have not wanted to do anything. Hope you guys have a great day, and good luck at your appointments.


am - July 12

Hey ladies, I have a quick question for you. I was using Palmer's tummy butter on my abdomen and breast to help prevent stretch marks, but I started to notice that my skin seems to be getting tougher and I didn't know if that was a pregnancy symptom or if it was the cream. I also was wondering what you all were using. I thought I might need to try something else. Hope all is going well.


tmsyq1229 - July 13

Hmmm, I'm not sure about that one. WIth my last preg, I used Palmer's Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks and that seemed to work really well. I only got just about 4 total stretch marks on the bottom of my belly. I'm not sure about the tougher skin. I didn't notice anything like that last time. By tougher, do you mean like thicker, or....I mean, is it still soft? This time I'm using Palmer's Shea Butter in the tub. It's really like butter consistency. I tried to use Cocoa butter...the super thick stuff both times, but it seems to make me a bit itchy. Are either of you feeling like your breasts are more dense?? Mine feel so heavy lately and hurt so bad and it's like they almost feel fake cause they are not soft and mushy anymore :) Oh, p.s. AM, don't forget to get your back, butt, and thighs with the butter too. People often forget about those parts and I've heard that they are all super prone to stretch marks during pregnancy. Hope everyone is doing good. :D Oh yeah, and you should try Sea-Bands (from any drug store) for your sickness....they seriously saved my life!!! You can Google them if ya wanna know more...and Peppermint Tea really helps me too. Well, talk to y'all later :)


am - July 14

My skin is thicker but it also almost looks scaley, and sometimes the skin on my breast tries to peel. I have some of the regular Palmers Lotion for stretch marks but I can't stand the smell. I have been using the same butter stuff that you have, so I'm not sure if I need to change or not. Thanks also for the other tip. I have only been using it on my stomach and breast. And yes my breast are oh so heavy and firm. Thanks for your advice.


jlee27 - July 14

hello ladies. I just had my 12wk u/s yesterday. I can't believe I am already 12wks! We saw our baby's arm move up and down. I haven't been too worried about stretch marks, I am a pretty big gal and already have some so I just use the jergens shea butter. My boobs don't bother me any more. I know that they are bigger and sometimes they feel really heavy but I think I'm getting used to it now. I don't know what to say about the thickening and scales, maybe your skin is just having a bad reaction to that lotion. My hubby leaves in 6wks and we really want to try to find out the sex right before he leaves. I hope we can. I have been so lucky not to have had morning sickness, it sounds awful. How far along are you guys now?



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