Milissa, Nicola, Rebecca (and anybodyelse) - new forum
131 Replies
Mel - May 6

Hey girls. Sorry I didn't get back on last night. I left work a couple minutes early (I have to get allergy injections every week). Then, I got home and my hubby had promised my son that I'd take him to look at the dogs in the shelter (they're trying to talk me into getting one). Any whoo - I did see that baby for sell I clicked on the poor taste button. Some people like to come on sites like these and do stuff like that just for attention (like the ones who say that survival of the fittest is the reason we're not conceiving). Jerks! I'm sure those are also the people that either prey on children or beat their wives. :-)


Mel to Nicola - May 6

Hey you! AF symptoms going away could be a good sign. You should test today. When was af due to visit? My breasts are tender (not painful) but, it started yesterday and they're more sensitive today than yesterday. Could be af though also. I'm testing on Wednesday, then I have a Dr.s appt scheduled for the following Wednesday. I'll be praying for all of us. :-)


Mel - May 6

Anyways, I'm on. But, I'm also working so I'll be in and out of the forum today.


Mel to Amy - May 6

Amy, are you still spotting?


Milissa - May 6

I'm sure it's a girl the way it was written! Needs something to do! MEL> hey girly" The dog thing> My husband wanted a dog too and and would NOT stop talking about it! So I told him to look and IF he finds something lets talk about it! Well there was spring of Chocolate labs in the paper, So I said we will go and look DOES not mean we are getting one! YES" of course we did I saw the cutest big puppy with a white spot on his chest! Well WHOS taking care of it ME whos taking it for walks ME who feeds him ME are you getting me now".. I told my husband I'm not taking care of him I have my cat and stevie"... well he went back to work (laid off) So i have 2 kids!!! He is like a 2 year old just WAY BIGGER and he needs alot of attention! He is really good at diving and he's only 5 mos. so I'm going to get him into a dog training class! SO if you are ready to take care of a dog then go for it!!


Mel - May 6

Hey Milissa. We had a dog before and we had to give her away. So, now I'm thinking I don't want to deal with the dog hair, cleaning poop out of the yard, dealing with the possibility of getting things chewed, extra expense of dog food, etc. I'm sure you get the picture. But, I saw a CUTE little poodle at the shelter and I would have brought her home, but she already had a family waiting for her. I honestly don't know if I'm ready though. That posting went off really quickly though. That's good. How's your little guy doing? Is he glad to be home? How's your stomach feeling? I'm heading over to the cafeteria to grab some breakfast I'll be back in a couple minutes.


milissa - May 6

I forgot to tell u in your e-mail that my boobs were killing me all day yesterday??? And I did not feel good all day..but I did not eat either sooo ?? who no's..He was so happy about his sandbox!!!! he wants to go and play right now but its a little cold still... have to wait for it to warm up yet...


Mel - May 6

Hey, I'm back. Milissa, you're welcome to send all e-mails to my work. I'll respond to it quicker from there anyways (unless it's a weekend). Did your boobs just start getting sore yesterday? You should eat something today and see if you're still sick. I'm responding to your e-mail now.


Mel - May 6

Well Girls: I hope you have a nice mothers day! I may be back on tomorrow.


Nicola - May 6

Hi ladies, how you all doing? Just back from work again!! I am so tired feel like I haven't slept for days. Still not tested yet, to be honest I think I'm scared to. However I tested my urine at work tonight (routine screen, not pt) because if af is due within couple of days you tend to find a trace amount of blood in it and there was none in mine. Will probably still wait before I test though. Going to be busy theis weekend, working at 7am tomorrow, then off to a party (grandma is 80)! Working again Sunday, so if af doesn't arrive after that I will test.


Amy - May 7

Hey everyone. How is everyone doing? I am ok i guess. I have not been feeling well today either. My body for sure just felt so different. Mel, I have not bled any at all. does not look like i will soon, but not for sure. I still have some minor pains. my breasts are still sore and i noticed last night that my nipples, the tips of them had a whitish color on them. and still this morning. What can that be? I am so tired right now. and feeling kind of sick to my stomach. Maybe i need to get something to eat. Well, i guess i will get off here for now. I am gonna go yardsaling tomorrow. I will probably get on early in the morning to check and see how everyone is doing. But after that, it will probably be later in the afternoon before i get back on. Anyhow, take care everyone. Best of luck.:):):):)


Amy - May 7

Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I start my new job wednesday!!!!!!!! I am so happy. I can not wait. I am kind of nervous about the first day. I will be operating machines that i have never operated before. Doing things I have never done before. But hey, there is a first time for everything. Wish me luck:)


Mel - May 8

Hey, congrats Amy! Amy, I'm not quite sure what's going on with you. However, you just bled about a week ago, so you should wait about 28 days after that week before you try and test. How old is your first? Are you going to put him (it is a boy right) in daycare?


Mel - May 8

So, my breasts have been tender the past couple of days and kind of a thick white cm. Then when I wipped today it a steak of redish pink. I'm not spotting, I almost thought it was a coloration of the tp. But, I was wondering what was going on. What do you guys think?


Milissa - May 8

MEL> Don't realy know, that could mean anything?? I have been spotting alot harder but not red blood it's like old blood??? Brown..But I had to change my panty liner alot more through the day???Still No cramps though..BOOBS have been killing me all weekend! I ask my hunny if he would rub them ...he won't hhe hha talk to you soon..HAPPY MOMMA DAY"


Amy to Mel - May 8

Hey girl. Thank you. I am really excited about starting my new job. I am also kind of nervous too. lol. Right now, my mother in law will watch him. I can not get him into daycare until august. His name is Carter. He turned 3 in march. He is so prescious. :) Any how, I started quite heavy today. It's not too bad upsetting. I am ok with it. Yes, I want another baby, but I want another baby when my husband is also ready. You know? He is considering it he told me like a month ago or something like that. Anyow, I am hoping that maybe i will start having a normal period now. I am gonna keep track of it. I have not been off the shot this long before so, I did not know what to expect. You know? Could you help me with something though please ? I think i may have mentioned before that I do not know anything on ovulation and charting temp and stuff like that. Do you know anything on that stuff? My husband and I would like to go ahead and get a head start now, keeping track of everything so that when we do start ttc, we will know best times and all that. Take care girl!:)



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