333 Replies
ha - October 4



Serena - October 4

Hey girls! I hadn't had a period since 5/17/2005. Started metformin on 9/9/2005 for PCOS. Still NOT pregnant, still haven't started my period. I do keep spotting just a tiny bit like every couple of day. Do I need my dosage increased or is it possible that i am pregnant? I have heard some people spot in early pregnancy. Or maybe its just me hoping!


Diana - October 6

Hi everyone. I am so excited to find this board. I must tell you I have been to hell and back with my miscarriages. I have PCOS and have miscarried 5 times. The worst ever was when I was 5 1/2 months pregnant, but I lost her due to a weak cervix. My other miscarriages have been between 4 and 8 weeks. My doctor has bugged me about Metformin for years but after the initial dose, I couldnt take the pain so I stopped, which I regret. The only way I can get pregnant is through IVF. I miscarried this July and decided to start a fresh cycle last month. This time I played everything by the book. Right now I am on 750 mg of Metformin and I asked permission to also take a baby asprin every day.Well I had my IVF procedure done last month and today I found out I AM PREGNANT. But I am very worried that I will miscarry early, the only difference is that I am doing the Metformin and baby asprin, I hope this helps me maintain my pregnancy. Oh for all of you having problems taking Metformin, I found something that finally worked for me and didnt upset my stomach. I eat dinner around 7 oclock pm and right after my very last bite of food I take the Metformin. I have done this for about two weeks and have yet to have stomach cramps and naseau like I used to. This has really helped me.I hope this helps you guys and if you have any questions about fertility feel free to asked me, I have been through about everything. Here is my email address [email protected] just put Metformin int the subject so I know not to delete it. I am really glad to have found this board. I wish everyone well, including myself.


stef - October 7

Today i'm 7weeks. each day i thank god for another day no matter how crapy i feel. I was dx with pcos in july and have been taking metformin 500mg once a day since aug 30th. i will stay on this hopefully through my whole pregnancy. so far so good. i go to get my first u/s tues so i'm really hopeing to hear a hb.


Question - October 24

Has anyone had the problem of having blood in your stool while taking Met? I have been taking it for 2 months now and when I get the bad side affects with the stomach cramps and all and I use the bathroom there is usually blood with it.


Julie - October 24

Is it red blood??? If it is red, its probably less concerning, but the metformin may be irritating your intestines (severly it sounds like). If it is black and tarry, that is a different story, either way, see your Doc. Good luck!


DIANA - October 25



Yes... - October 25

The blood is red and it could be irritation because it seems like there is blood whenever I have the worst stomach cramps and when I go a lot. I'm not pregnant so it has to be from the irritation the metformin is causing.


rosa - November 2

hi, i have just been diagnosed with pre diabetes,no pcos and i have been trying to get pregnant for about 3 1/2 years. The dr put on metformin, but i am not to sure of taking it because alot of people say that once you start taking them you wont get off of them. so i have been reading many of your questions and answers and it seem to me that it okay to stop the metformin.


bump - November 8

bump bump bump


Erin - November 10

Hi, i was told at the age of 14 that i had PCOS at that time i was put on Glucophage (1000 mg) a day. I stopped takeing them when i was about 17. It was a few years after that i got married and at 21 we decited we wanted to attempt to have children. My DR. put me on Metformin (1000 mg) a day. I have been takeing it now for about 6-7 months and nothing. However, this month i was suspose to start my period on the 6th, the 8th and 9th i was spotting very lightly and that evening the spotting just stopped. No sign of period anywhere. I took a preg. test this evening knowing that spotting is a sign of conception and it read negative. Most everyone here who has concieved are on a higher dosage of Metformin sould i consider talking more of this med. to concieve? Or is it possible to be preg. and the test not read correctly this early on?


Michelle - November 10

Well I was on 850Mg but not sure if I am pregnnt as yet but I have an appointment today to check but the first five days of using it was awful..I got the runs and vomiting however I lost 45 pounds from using it


stef - November 10

I was dx with pcos. My periods i guess were irregular. I was put on provera at the beginning of august then started my period on aug 19th. i started taking metformin 500mg once a day on aug 30th and by sept 25th i was pregnant. I am now 11weeks pregnant and still taking the med's. Good luck to all of you. I would've never of gotten pregnant without it.


Sam - November 10

Congratulations Stef!! Thank you for sharing your story, I was needing it today. I had taken Provera also to have this last af. I just increased my dosage of Met. to 1500 mg. Still feeling some nausea, how long does it last after starting Met? I hope this will do the trick. Good luck with everything ladies!


Julia - November 12

Hi i have just been put on metformin to facilitate ovulation and weight loss. When can I expect to have my first period?


AC - November 13

Michelle, you said you lost 45 lbs on Met. How long were you taking it when you lost all that weight? And did you diet while on it? I have been taking 500 mg since the end of August and have had 2 periods one last almost 40 days. Julia, my period came within a week of taking Met.



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