Mar/Apr IVFers...
500 Replies
ROBYN - March 4

Hey all after skimming thru the last thread i am here and skimmed thru these I see DCL got a positive how wonderful. Well lets keep this up and hopefully me linds and Barzee and I dont know who else i missed will get our positives again. Well we came back a day early from Disney. Anthony got sick from pizza we had delivered last night to the hotel room. It was disney pizza (1st mistake) he wound up puking for hours and i had the other problem for 1/2 the night. But thurs and Fri were awesome we went to Disney and Epcot and had the best time ever. We went on every ride which was great. We didnt get to go to MGM today because Anthony felt like crap. So we have a 3 day park hopper and will drive up there soon to take him. But other than that i feel pretty good still spotting not a lot. My boobs are pretty much back to complete normal but i really leaked alot yesterday it was all in my bra I had no idea. I have been wearing my bra for 24 hours a day except to take a shower since the termination. So i am hoping these things go away soon. My check is on the 8th. 24 days till i see my RE. Cant wait. Anyway just wanted to say hi and check in will speak to you all tomorrow.


baby1234 - March 4

Robyn, glad your trip was nice for the first two days. How sweet that dh bought you frogs. Do you collect them? Hope Anthony is feeling better. Having food poisoning is miserable. Talk to you tomorrow.


GoGo Trigger - March 4

Frogs, lol?


ROBYN - March 4

Hey Staci and Michelle. yes frogs LOL. I also collect Svarowski (sp) but these i fell in love with they are so cute with their own little personalities. Too damn expensive but hell i am worth it LOL


ROBYN - March 4

Sorry i meant Jody not Michelle my bad forgive me LOL


DCL - March 4

HI ladies - just wanted to check in as I have been MIA. I have to give you all the lowdown. It has been wild so hang on!!!
Let me start with Thurs 3/1 - got my BFP and levels were at 80 which i thought was low. Came home and gave DH a big hug and kiss. As DH was moving work stuff in our shed, he heard a sound. Our above ground pool was leaking and had to boil waiter for about 3 hours but it seemed to work for now. Now Friday - DH either had the stomach flu or food poising since he was sick all day Friday. I slept on the couch and stayed away so i wouldn't get anything. NOw keep in he had to finish my family room for today's brunch. So Friday night we both passed really early and didn't get anything accomplished for the party. Sat morning woke up at 3:30am and went to bed at 11:45. I went for my 2bd beta and my levels are now at 143. I cleaned my house all day, mum came by to help. i haven't told her yet. I am going to wait until u/s. It is going to be so hard but with my last m/c I am terrified at every symptom, beta numbers and hope these next few critical months go by. and the day continues for the worst. My DH felt a little better and decided to finish the room so that the ladies and I could enjoy or Regifting Brunch. Well he was nailing the last molding and the nail hit one of our heating pipes. We waited all day for his friend to help us. Now I am freaking out and running around didn't eat much all day - not a good idea!!! Then he finally showed up and fixed it for the time being. Then we were off to my Brother inlaw's 40th party - of course late b/c of the PIO shot - didn't want to go since it was an hour away and I was just sooo tired from the whole day and a brunch the next day. Well had the brunch today and it was a HIT!!!!!!!! It was sooo much fun. The regifting yankee swap was a riot!!! Someone brought a sex toy and I had my mom there. It was really funny though. I had so much food left over but I haven't had this much fun in months. I wish I could have told my friends but I didn't. I only told my close friend as she has been my supprt since my m/c. I called her after my BFP and she cried on the phone. She kept smiling at me today. It has been a wold weekend and I do not want to go to work tomorrow. Needless to say, DH and I didn't have time to think of the BFP and don't think it has settled in. I go in for b/w next Sat 3/10. Sorry for my long story but I just can't believe the last 4 days...


DCL - March 4

Ok enough about me. Baby your numbers sound pretty good. Stay positive, I am trying my best too as I am terrified of another m/c too!!!! I really want to have this baby and go thru the pregnancy as everyone around me is having babies and experiencing the joy!!! So good vibes to all preggos and ladies starting IVF in the coming month. I honestly didn't think it would work for me and so far it has in the first cycle. Robyn - glad you had a nice time in Disney!! Mega - how did the grandparents take the news? GOGO, TInk and Baby - when is your next beta or u/s? I was told that I only had to go in for another beta next Sat. Also, has anyone got a due date? I am not sure if and when they tell me that. Is there a preg calculator out there for IVFers. I am just curious at how many weeks I am - I know that sounds strange but with IVF everything is different. Well ladies, I am going to lay down for a little nap before PIO shot and "Amazing Race". Chat later...


jg - March 4

BABY, that's okay - that's what we're here for :-). My sons name is Elijah. His website is www . elijahcutie . piczo . com if you want to check him out ;-). I look forward to reading your updates. And congrats to DCL!!


baby1234 - March 4

Well it isn't good news. My beta dropped to 94. The doctor wants me to keep taking meds and retest on Thurs. I don't think I will. I already know how this will end. My heart hurts. Two times in a row really sucks. And in an evil twist of fate, my bbs started to hurt today. I don't know why this won't work for me. Maybe I'll never get there. I would make a good mom, too. I hope you all receive much better news. Take care. Stacie


ROBYN - March 5

Staci where were your levels on the 1st beta? I am sorry i dont remember. My 1st beta was 77 then to 72 then they started to more than double so maybe its not over. I will keep you very much in my thoughts. I hope you are not going thru this again. What did the RE say?


ROBYN - March 5

Staci - please listen to the RE and keep taking your meds things can change. Even though you are thinking the worst keep doing what the RE tells you.


DCL - March 5

Staci - I am sorry to hear and will pray extra hard for you!!! Please take all your meds maybe their was a mistake with the b/w. Positive Vibes to you!!!!


jg - March 5

BABY I was tolda t 6 weeks that I was losing my baby as the levels were dropping dramatically, but turned out the levels had RISEN dramatically but the lab had recorded them wrong, so PLEASE keep up the meds and re-test on Thursday, JUST IN CASE! GOOD LUCK!!!


Blakey - March 5

Staci, don't give up, your numbers can continue to rise, so please continue with your meds...I will say a prayer for you, your in my thoughts.


baby1234 - March 5

Hi. The re called and talked to dh. I couldn't talk to him...too hard. He was very sympathetic and talked dh into at least cont. meds until Tues. He said there is a five to ten percent chance there was a vanishing twin situation and that is why the numbers are not where they should be. Seems so much like last time. I think I have cried myself out for the time being. Thanks everyone. stacie


Tink - March 5

hey guys- well my symptoms have continued off and on. still some cramping and twinges here and there, still some back ache and my boobs have been sore off and on since the trigger, but i put most of that on the trigger and progeterone. they are however, huge!! and my stomach area sometimes feels like it is sore to the touch, but not really. it is a weird feeling hard to describe. Blakely- congrats! I just went in for my second beta this am. i should get results around 3 or 3:30pm CST. my 139 at 14dpo should quadtruple and be around 550. my progesterone was at 110 on thursday, so she said if my HCG was good today, i would switch to progesterone suppositories instead of PIO shots! yeah! my first sono is at 7weeks on march 22nd. my mom went nuts this weekend and had to buy me some clothes-- so we got some spring/summer dresses at old navy, since they are ones that i could wear pregnant or not. she also couldn't wait to buy me some t-shirts and pants for down the road at a maternity store. i was a little uncomfortable with it being so soon, i told her to keep all receipts. but i have decided i won't let fear ruin this. i know lots of us are scared of 'what if' and many on here have history with bad experiences. i don't, but i am still scared. but i decided yesterday that i will enjoy this time and not let fear in the way. all it does is make you miserable. i can't change what might happen, so for now, i am going to enjoy what i have and count my blessings and kick fear out. so i am hopeful my beta will be what it is supposed to be today and then anxiously await the first u/s!



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