Looking too see if anyone can answer questions.
2 Replies
Trinity26 - February 22

Hello, Well I have PCOS and my doctor put me on Metoform and as well clomid 100mg.. so I am wondering if anyone out there has the same thing going on like me and if so did you get pregnant and if so now long before you did.


lizbeckwith - February 22

I just found out I have the exact same thing going on with me! It's kinda scary, considering when I got pregnant with my son I wasn't even trying, but I think if we have faith and stay strong we'll both be okay. I haven't started clomid yet...we're giving the metformin a couple of months to see if that works first. Good luck to you. Let's keep each other updated so we can see how things are going and compare notes, okay? **BABY DUST**


Trinity26 - February 22

Hi Liz, thanks for the reply.. I myself had 2 child and now I am with this PCOS, I am wondering if it just came on after my son was born, but not sure on that one...... Oh yes please do keep in touch, here is my addy [email protected] Hope to keep in touch with you and see how things go for you .



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