Life After IUI 7
152 Replies
Ann1 - July 28

Cristina, congrats!! I am so glad you found out this time and that it wasn't so uncomfortable. I really would like to have a boy--I am not good with girly stuff and for the name thing as well. I kept my own last name and our kid(s) will have my last name. My dad, my brother, and my grandfather all have the same first name. We were going to keep that tradition but go by the middle name. My dad goes by his middle, and he said never to do that due to too much confusion (my dad doesn't know I am pg yet but told me that a long time ago). So we are going to use the family name as the middle, if it is a boy! Of course I will be happy either way. Elyse, how are you feeling today???


Elyse - July 30

Christina, so glad you were able to find out and it was not uncomfortable for you. Ann, that is a lovely tradition with the names, my middle name would be nightmare - the teasing for having 2 moms would be nothing compared to the teasing about the name if we passed on my last name (lol). I amdoing well. Yes, they transfered 2 blasts and were able to freeze 4 more blasts. I had my prog. bw today and it was >40, so that's good. now I wait til Mon for the beta. Well, not really wait...but ya know do a whole bunch of hpt's this week to prolong the agony just a bit. I feel very stressed tonight about whether it took or not.


Elyse - July 30

just a quick ? - do you ladies also get the stem cell page opening every time you post a new msg hre?- I am so sick of having to close 10 windows every time I am chatting with y'all.


Elizabeth444 - July 31

Good morning! Elyse, I know it's still early, but have you tested yet? I'm so excited for you, I couldn't stop thinking about you this weekend. Good luck, I hope the time flies by until the beta! By the way, I also get the stemcell page. It's annoying, I agree. Aileen and Cristina, congrats with your boys, and enjoy your pregnancies! Ann, any m/s or other symptoms yet, or are you one of those lucky ones with an easy pregnancy?


Elyse - July 31

Elizabeth, I am 9 dper today, which is the same as 9 dpiui, so it is VERY early. But I decided to treat myself to some masochistic fun, so I tested. Of course it came up bfn. So now, I get to fret until tomorrow morning when I get to test again and enjoy another bfn. Oh well, the life of an infertile girl! Something is wrong wih my left breast. It is typically slightly larger than my right, but it has blown up to almost twice the size and it hurts. It is hard - about a 2-3 inch perimeter around the areola on the outside. So now, I need to call my OB. But I think I will first call the nurse at the clinic and see if she has ever heard of this after IVF treatment. Anyone ever have this?


Ann1 - July 31

Elyse, I got a bfn at 10dpo and a bfp the night of 11dpo if that helps! That is really strange about your swelling. I've never heard of that. Maybe it is a pg symptom.?.? Elizabeth, I almost feel guilty for being so lucky, but I never got m/s at all. I felt a little nausea here and there, but it went away with eating! How are you doing? Af arrive yet? Do they do the FET in your luteal phase? Do you have to do anything to prepare for it?


Elyse - July 31

Ann, I remember you had bfns for a few days. I'm not upset yet, I know it is way early - my sarcasm just got the best of me this morning. What day exactly did you et the bfp? How dd you calculate dpo - starting 36 hours after the trigger shot?


Ann1 - July 31

Elyse, I didn't do the trigger shot, since it was a natural cycle. This is how I counted: On Monday June 5th, I got an opk surge. June 6th, I still had a surge. So, I assumed on Wednesday June 7, I Oed. So I counted Thursday as 1dpo. On Saturday, June 17 (10dpo), I had a bfn in the morning. I tested again on June 18 with an opk at night (evening of 11dpo) and got a surge, which would be my first bfp. I think this would be the equivelent of surging on the 5th and doing the trigger, so I would still O on the 7th.


Elyse - July 31

Thanks. How does an opk work - never used one. What is the surge measuring - LH, right? how does that indicate a bfp?


Elyse - July 31

Ann, I found a simple explanation on (great site - very funny). OPK's detect LH (luteinizing hormone) which is the hormone associated with ovulation. Pregnancy tests detect hCG, the hormone associated with pregnancy. LH and hCG are, at a molecular level, nearly identical. hCG has a beta subunit, meaning it has an extra little "doodad." To use a stupid but easy to understand example, LH and hCG are identical twins, except that hCG wears a funny hat. An OPK tests only for the part of the molecule that LH and hCG have in common (the "face" or "body" of the identical twins.)


Ann1 - August 1

Yep, on the opks. I had heard that before I tested that night. I was out of hpts, so I used the opk! Did you test again??? What is the update?


Elyse - August 1

Hi - I can't post after I log in, so I have to post without logging in. Anyway, of course I tested again this AM. I watched the urine move across the strip to the control line without any hint of the other line being visible. So, angry, I left it on the counter, brushed my teeth, weighed myself , took off my pj's and went to take one more look before I hit the shower. I looked down at it again, and I swore that I saw a faint line. I almost flipped out. I thought it may be evap lines, but it wasn't more than 2 or 3 minutes between the 1st and 2nd look. So I am having a little hope today. I must have looked at it 10 more times under 5 different lights to make sure and I even ripped it open to make sure it wasn't the shadow of an indentation I was seeing. By the time I was done dissecting and examining it, the evap lines definitely appeared, so I don't think it was evap that I was seeing.


Ann1 - August 1

That is so exciting!!! When is your beta? Did you use the early response test??


Elyse - August 1

Hi - finally I can log on. No, I used the $ store test.


Ann1 - August 1

Go get an early response one!! My cd10 was a $store. I have wondered if the early response would have shown then!! I used an early response on cd12 and a brand name opk on cd11.


Ann1 - August 1

And don't pee for a while or drink water!!



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