Life After IUI 6
145 Replies
Ann1 - June 21

The ironic thing about my getting pg this time is that I have never been so stressed, since we started ttc--work, thinking of never getting pg, ivf, the surgery I was supposed to have this week. I have been so stressed that my jaw hurts in the morning from clinching my teeth at night!! My dh is always super affectionate, and I really don't want that to increase at ALL. I kind of like my space. We haven't had an argument for at least 3 years or so (except when talking once about what will happen if I never get pg--i.e. I will likely divorce him), but I am sure this will be a good thing. I did use opks this time, and I know exactly when I Oed (June 7th). So, I was 12dpo at my Monday blood test. I have always heard the stories about getting pg at random times, but I never thought I could be that lucky.


Carole - June 21

Hey Ann! Anxiously awaiting your levels. Please update when you get them. Are you feeling in less shock today? I will check later for an update. ELIZABETH, you should have had your transfer yesterday. I hope that all is well. When you will get a beta for this round. Do they count the 5 days that the eggs have been ferlized?? So you will know like in 8 days, same as me? I am not sure if I have a good feeling about this as all. Just sort of indifferent. Guess that is good to lessen the blow of a negative. Let us know how you are doing. Check in later!


Ann1 - June 21

I got them--hcg rose to 313, so all is well!! It has still not sunk in. I feel nothing physically still.


Elizabeth444 - June 22

Ann, what excellent news!! I'm so excited for you. Congratulations! I new it would happen sooner or later for you, it was just a matter of the right time. Jay!! Carole, I have to go for the first beta next Friday. But knowing myself, I'll probably test before then. The transfer went very well. They transfered one blastocyst, and one half-blastocyst (whatever that means), and they froze 3, so I'm very happy. I'm praying for a bfp this time...for all of us.


Carole - June 22

Hello all! ELIZABETH: I am glad that the transfer went well. I pray those little ones stick for you AND you got to freeze your others. Did you freeze any last time?? So is a blastocyst 8 cells and a 1/2 blast is 4. Is that right? I dont know much about IVF. I am due to test on 6/30 as well but I may test the day before. Take it easy and I will be thinking of you. ANN: Wow, that is great. That has got to be some relief for you. But hey, didn't they triple???? 104 to 313. What can that mean?? I guess you won't know until your appt. When will that be? In about 3 weeks or so? ELYSE: I can imagine the thoughts about money and IVF. I would have to pay out of pocket for all of it. I wonder why so many others have great insurance plans that cover infertility? Are they in other countries? I think they should all offer it personally but that is a whole other subject. How is DP doing, better? I will check in later! Take care and have a great day.


Ann1 - June 22

Elizabeth, what awesome news!! It is so good to get your update. I am anxiously awaiting your results this week! Carole, I don't think tripling means anything. They just want the numbers to at least double, so if they more than double I think that is fine, too. Are you still testing on Friday?


greeneyedgemini616 - June 22

Trust me Ann you will start physically feeling it soon and them you'll want to be done with your first trimester. Yesterday i discovered that since being pg I have developed hemroids. However you spell that. My bbs hurt, I am always sick, I want to sleep ALL the time, what I want to eat changes by the hour, and SMELLS I am sick of them. This all started around my 4th to 5th week so be prepared. I really do love being pg though. I love not having wicked old AF. I already feel like I am swollen. But I am so happy for you. Did they test HCG levels at 48 or 72 hours??


greeneyedgemini616 - June 22

Ann you might have more than one in there. My numbers were not that high that early. My doc was looking for that to see if she thought that there was more than one and when she found three she wondered if they were gonna be vialble because my numbers didn't go up enough. As is the 2nd test the numbers hadn't doubled so we had to do another 48hr test then they had doubled but right on the mark. You look like you are in good shape. They say by the timme your numbers hit the thousands is when morning sickness usually kicks in. Good Luck!!!


Ann1 - June 22

Green, my hcg was 104 at 12dpo and 313 at 14dpo. The tests were almost exactly 48 hours apart. Since this was an un-medicated cycle, I would seriously doubt there is more than one. Twins don't run in my or my dh's family at all. I would love that to be true, because this is likely the only pregnancy I will have, but I am sure I have a singlton. Exactly how many weeks are you now? I can't believe you have hemorrhoids already!!


greeneyedgemini616 - June 22

I am six weeks now and I will be 7 Sat. But when they tested me at 14 dpo in was 86 then went up to 169. I was a little nervous because it just barely was there. I can't belive I have hemrrhoids either plus my tummy is already swollen and I can't wear my regular clothes. I am in bad shape. But they told me my pregnancy would probably be hard so i was sort of prepared. I just hope I don't get put on bed rest early. I am still in high risk category because the endo can casue problems and they are just watching me closely. I am taking it one week at a time.


Ann1 - June 22

86 to 169 is exactly what they want. They want it to double in 48-72 hours, and yours doubled pretty much in 48 right? I think pregnancy usually clears up endo. Isn't that right?


greeneyedgemini616 - June 22

Yeah they said the numbers were good. Pregnancy keeps new endo from growing but if there is any there when you get pregnant the hormones feed it and it can grow like wild fire. The good thing is that i had surgery in July to clean it and they got most of it so it shouldn't be a huge problem at least i hope not. Depending on how this pregnancy goes will be the deciding factor on if they will want to do a hysterectomy right away or if I will try and have another baby soon after. Those are pretty much my choices. I am so excited I get to go hear the baby's heartbeat again on Mon. I think I am going to bring a recorder so I can listen to it. I am sooooooooooooo excited. I want to be out of the first trimester so I am not in the red zone. But they tld me that once they find the heart beat and it sounds healthy then your chance of miscarriage is very slim. So I just want to hear it beating again. I am so happy you are preggers with me. It must be that time of the year.


Ann1 - June 22

Green, this is what I found on the net. It sounds like it helps and reduces endo while you are pg, but after you give birth the problems can start. Here is what happens: During pregnancy, ovulation stops. The endometriosis implants generally become less active, and may get smaller and less tender. This seems to be the result of the hormonal changes pregnancy brings. These include high levels of progesterone, the presence of HCG (human chorionic gonadatropin) and prolactin, among others. Menstruation stops, and many women with endometriosis feel much better while they are pregnant.

However, the disease does not go away during pregnancy. After pregnancy and nursing (and sometimes before then), the symptoms return, sometimes with a vengeance.


Elyse - June 26

Hey - where is everyone? How is everyone feeling? Ann - has it sunk in yet and begun to feel real? Isn't it amazing???


Ann1 - June 26

Hi Elyse. How are you doing? It is starting to sink in. I took 2 hpts this weekend to make sure they are still +. I just don't feel many symptoms yet, except for feeling fat!! How is your dp?


greeneyedgemini616 - June 26

Thankyou for the info Ann. Elyse how have you been??? Ann any symptoms?? I had another ultrasound today and you can see the arms,legs and head now. Plus the little one's heartbeat is 158 bpm. Talk about fast. THe baby measures that I am exactly 7 weeks today. I have one more ultrsound with my RE and then I transfer to my regualr OB doc. I am so excited Elyse you have to be next I just feel it.



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