Life After IUI 5
197 Replies
Ann1 - June 5

Oh, and yes, my crazy work travel has ended for now at least! I hope it stays that way. What do you do?


Carole - June 5

You know a lot more about wine that I do.. I love to drink it. Much rather have that than beer or mixed drinks any day. I am a white wine girl, Chardonnay really, but I will definitely try anything. My fil has a wine cellar at their home. It is awesome. He will ship wine from different places, especially if he loves it, he will buy a case and keep it. I didn't know that about the growths. I could learn a lot. Your salad and pasta sound wonderful. You are making my mouth water right now. I honestly hate to cook. Dh likes to but we both work and Campbell is in daycare. I go to the gym almost every night - which I am afraid might be reduced here soon and by the time we fix something fast and do bath there is not a lot of time left for good meals. I also am an avid weight watcher member. I have lost 110 pounds in the last year and 3 months so I only let myself enjoy something good once a week. But that is way the it goes. They always told me I couldn't get pregnant b/c I was overweight, BS, I am the fittest I have ever been and nothing is happening.... I work for a mortgage company (but I have a degree in Social Work, go figure) . I am an asst. to our Regional manager. Right now I am in the midst of commissions trying to get everyone paid! Where are you from? I am in VA.


Ann1 - June 5

Carole, you might have seen me type this before, but my dh builds wine cellars in homes and occasionally a restaurant. We converted our wet bar space to a cellar (very small one--about 5x5). I hope to get to the point where we can buy several cases per year of decent wine and just let it sit like it should--someday when I am not spending $$ on ttc all the time. We bought 3 cases of futures last year that should be delivered any day now. I am excited to get them! WOW, on your weight loss. Kudos to you for being so disciplined. I am thin but in lousy shape. I have been thinking I should get in better shape before ivf. Fyi, on French wine--if you see any white wine from the Chablis region in France, it is always Chardonnay and most of the whites from any of the Burgundy (aka Bourgogne in French) areas are Chardonnay. The French labels are less user friendly (not grape labled for the most part--they have only recently been allowed to grape label the bottles). I think that is why a lot of people never try them. Even though I like to cook, I don't do it often because of work. My dh is not great at it but he tries every once in a while. We usually end up eating out. I live in Dallas. Our staple place to eat dinner is Chipotle. Do you have those in VA? Did you ever do social work? I think that would be a really tough job.


Elyse - June 6

Hey ladies - glad to see you are chatting today. I have a bad headache, so it will be short and sweet. The hysteroscopy went well - my uterus has no scarring, adhesions, polyps or cysts and is pink and fluffy. The biopsy should be in tomorrow or the next day. Dp is still in the hospital and they still know nothing. I am spent and frustrated.


Ann1 - June 6

Elyse, that is great news about your surgery results!! That is too bad about dp, however. I hope they find something soon. Do you have help w/your dd? I just talked to my RE's office, and my surgery will be 6/22. I was hoping to only miss one day of work, but oh well. My choice was miss 2 days or wait a month (easy choice)!


Carole - June 6

Good Afternoon Ladies! Gosh the day is getting away from me. I guess that is what happens with drs. appts. Well I went in this morning for a follie check. I had a 10 and 11 on the right and 8, 8 on the left. Lining was around 7. I will take the last 150 dose tonight and we ordered more for the next 3 days. He upped my dosage to 225. That should hopefully bring up the rear with the smaller ones. He told me anything over 16 is a possibility. So I might be looking at 2 or 4 depending on how I respond to the new dose. I have a feeling my iui will be over the weekend which would be easier on us as we will need to send Campbell somewhere for a little while. Dh wants to do his sample at home and then I will take it to the place where it is washed. So keep your fingers crossed that hopefully a couple of eggs will be released for a better chance. I will take what I can get at this point. ANN- how cool about dh building wine cellars. My fil's is about maybe 10x20. He's the only one that holds the key, so unfortunately we can't go poke around. I never try french wines b/c they are too hard to figure out. I always go with a California one but I have tried some South African wines lately and they are pretty good. Yes, we do have Chipotle here. One of my favorite spots. I LOVE Mexican food. One thing I can't say no to. I have never been to Dallas. I heard it is a hot spot. I never actually started the job I was offered for social work. I should have gone straight thru to grad school and didn't. I concetrated on juvenile delinquents and was offered a job at a juvie correctional center. Night shift, crappy pay and daily threats. I decided not to and now am in the mortgage business. I think about going back sometimes.... ELYSE: I am sooo sorry you are tired. You must be worn out. That is a lot to handle all at once and have a 2 yr old in the mix. Do you have any family available to help you guys? I am glad that you are clean and there is nothing inhibiting you. I pray that dp gets better soon and they figure out what is going on. Check in when you can. Thinking of you. ELIZABETH: did you start your injections yet? Are you feeling comfortable and excited yet? HOw long is the complete process, like a normal 30 day cycle or longer? I need to get back and get some work done. I will check in all day. Thanks for the support, I am praying each day for all of us.


Ann1 - June 6

Good afternoon, Carole. If you every go to Dallas, you can have an endless supply of good Mexican food!! I know what you mean about the French labels. They are confusing, but the wine is so so good!! You follies sound like the are coming right along. I like the weekend iuis, too. It is so much easier with work. Social work would be a very tough field to work in. I couldn't even imagine. I wish I would have gone straight through school as well. I worked for a year and a half, went to school for 2 years, worked for 3 years, and then got my Bachelor's and Master's. Wasted time!


Elizabeth444 - June 7

Morning girls. Elyse, I'm so glad to hear that your hysteroscopy went well, and that the results are good. Any news on what might be wrong with your dp? Ann, how are you holding up? Are you feeling better regarding the fact that you have to wait a while? It's good that you'll be able to have the surgery this month already. The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you can start healing, and get back to ttc. Will you be trying iui again first or will you go straight to ivf? Carole, those follies sounds excellent, and I'm sure there'll be even more good ones nearer to the weekend. I hope for your sake the iui is this weekend, so you can take it easy for a bit. When is your next follie check? This morning was my second round of shots. I have to go in for my first follie check on Friday. I'm very excited for this round. I feel more positive - this one has to work! The complete process is a normal 28 - 30 day cycle. This is what I have to take until CD9 (today is my CD7): CD4-CD8: 100mg Fertomid Tablets (Clomid). CD5,CD7,CD9: Menogon 2 amps injections intramuscularly (like Menopur) , CD8 to next af: 2mg Progynova tablets (estradiol). On Friday I'll find out what I have to take after CD9. Because the shots are intramuscalar, I can't give them to myself, so I have to go to the clinic every time. And because they have to be given at the same time every day, it's quite a pain to organize my time - but all I tell myself is that it's worth it if it works.


Carole - June 8

Good Morning Girls!! I hope everyone is doing well. It's quiet in here the last couple of days! I went to the Faith Hill/ Tim McGraw concert lastnight. We were able to get free tickets at the last minute. My dh's cousin is stepbrother with Tim McGraw. So the call was put in to the promoter for some tickets at will call. It was good! Got my second round of meds yesterday. So I gave myself 225 unit injection lastnight and will do tonight. Follie check is tomorrow at 11:45. So am anxious to see what 3 more days did to me. I will still have 2 more doses of 225 left so I guess we will see if they are needed. My dh has a cold right now. So we haven't bded yet ast the doc said. I figured tomorrow night would be good and then there is a couple of day breat before his sample is needed. What effect do you think cold medicine has on sperm, anything? He hasn't taken any, claims the vitamins I have been giving him made him sick. I just laughed, he is such a baby. I just don't want anything to inhibit it. Have no idea what his SA will come out like. Haven't had one for 5 years. Has a post coital about 10 months ago that was normal. Hopefully it will be decent. Anyone know what the average is? Elizabeth, when will they do your retrieval? Elyse, any news on dp? How are you recovering from the procedure? What is your next step?? Ann what is going on with you? Do you know when your surgery is? I hope all of you have a great day! Almost Friday!


Ann1 - June 8

Elizabeth, glad your cycle is going well and it was nice to hear your update. I will go straight to ivf after the surgery. I can't waste any more time. This 3 months could kill my chances even. Carole, sounds like you are progressing well, too--yea! There is not much new with me. My surgery date is 6/22.


Elyse - June 8

Ann, so happy that your surgery will be so soon. Dp came home last night, without a dx but she is feeling a little better today. Carole, nice follicles, should be a good cycle. Elizabeth, WOW, that is some cocktail you are on - why different drugs on different days? I will be on 3 different drugs every day - Menopur, Bravelle and Lupron for my ivf cycle, but they won't be intramuscular, just in the stomach. My HCG is intramuscular, of course, and I will have to do the progesterone in oil intramuscularly as well - not looking forward to that.


Ann1 - June 8

Elyse, I am so glad your dp is home and feeling better, although that is a concern that they can't say what is/was wrong. The progesterone in oil scares the hell out of me!!! My hcg shot is subcutaneous (Ovidrel).


Elyse - June 8

Yeah, they say the PIO is tough because it is so thick. The hcg is bad enough, so the PIO is gonna really stink!


Elyse - June 8

How 'bout a new thread - Life After IUI 6?


Elyse - June 8

Ann, did your doc talk to you about whether he will do a 3-day or a 5-day transfer and how many he will transfer? Mine is shooting for 5-day, but will do a 3-day if the embryos don't look like they are going to make it to blastocyst. He'll transfer 2 if 5-day and 3 if 3-day.


Ann1 - June 8

Elyse, sounds good on the new thread to me. My dr said the same thing--hope for 5-day and will do 3-day if looks like they aren't doing so well.



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