Life After IUI 4
227 Replies
Ann1 - April 11

Hi Nata. I didn't see your last post. This has been quiet. I stimmed very quickly last time (iui one week from day I started meds), so we will be a little closer in schedule. I think my 2ww will start about April 30/May 1. It will depend how long it takes af to arrive after stopping BCPs. I feel like I am just in a holding pattern. I want to start the shots to get on w/it, but I don't want to do shots! I bet you are getting excited, since your appt is around the corner! Anything else going on w/you? Elizabeth, I can't wait to hear how everything went for you! I hope all is well.


Ann1 - April 11

Nata, I almost forgot to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Nata - April 12

Ann, thanks for wishing me happy birthday. It was very thoughtful of you. Lately I have been very emotional. Maybe I am afraid of getting older and not getting pregnant. It's such a bad feeling. Anyways, I guess I will be fine. I hope af arrives on time for you ---- it's so weird to say that! Yes, I am excited for my appointment. The med arrived yesterday. I am ready for another round --- hopefully the last one! Will you do anything specail on Sunday?


Nata - April 12

How is everydoby else?


Ann1 - April 12

Nata, allow yourself to have the down times. Maybe once you start the shots and see your follies growing you will feel better. It is sort of exciting to me when the meds arrive even. How is your week going? Did you start your teacher training and/or work yet?


Nata - April 12

Ann, you are right. I should allow myself down sometimes. Oh, well, I hope I feel better when I see growing follies. I had teacher training last Saturday. It was a long day! Then, I had more training on Monday. Tomorrow is my next training day. After that, if I feel comfortable, I will start teaching on Saturday. Besides the teaching issue, I have been very busy with my lovely engineering. LOL. I like what I do but it's sooooo stressful. I believe your job is be stressful too, right? How is your week going?


Ann1 - April 12

Yes, my job is super stressful, too. My week is starting out a little crazy. I worked until 9pm on Monday and 10pm last night. I am SO tired today!! That is great you get to start teaching so soon. What time is your appt tomorrow?


Nata - April 12

Ann, you work a LOT! Your week didn't start a little crazy... it started very crazy. My appointment is tomorrow at 8:30 AM. I will let you know how it went, ok?


Ann1 - April 12

I am leaving tonight by 6!!! Maybe sooner even. My next week is turning insane. I have to go out of town on a recruiting trip at 3 on Monday (after working all day) and I will get back to town about 2am. Tuesday I have a work dinner that will last until about 10pm. Then, Wednesday, I have to leave town for work in the morning and will get back Thursday morn and head straight to work!! I am so glad your appt is early. Now I can hear how it went tomorrow instead of Friday! Good luck.


Nata - April 12

Ann, I am speechless. What a BUSY week is ahead of you! When was your last vacation? Are you planning any other soon? You need some rest, lady! Ok, so you will know all about my appointment tomorrow.


Ann1 - April 12

Vacation, what is that?? I haven't taken a full week off since 2003. The last real vacation I had was when my dh and I eloped to Italy (2003)! We don't have anything planned. I feel like everything is on hold until I can gat pg or not. We are going to my dh's family reunion (definitely not a vacation!) in May. We are talking about going to France in 2007. I didn't mention, too, in addition to my next week, I also have a client dinner tomorrow night and another dinner w/work people on Saturday (I don't even get a whole free weekend!!). This is why I am sensitive when my dr takes forever to get me in. Do you have any vactions planned? Didn't you say you may go back to Brazil for a visit?


Elizabeth444 - April 13

Hi girls. Sorry I'm only posting now, but I wasn't at work yesterday (was in alot of pain), so I couldn't read my e-mail to register. I'm still at home today, as I'm not feeling myself yet, but luckily dh left his laptop for me. The retrieval went great. They harvested 15 eggs, of which 7 fertilized. The procedure itself was not painful, as I was totally out during the whole thing. But after waking, the cramps started, and is still going strong. Apparently it's normal, so I'm not worrying too much. I'm just taking it slow and staying in bed. They're shooting for a 5-day transfer, so I'm hoping the little eggs last until Sunday. They'll call me on Saturday to confirm. I'm anxious, but excited at the same time. Aparently a 5-day transfer improves the chances, but there is also the chance that none of the eggs survive until then. But I'm keeping my hopes up. I have to take Progesterone shots until Saturday, and then I'm on the Vaginal Gel. It sounds disgusting, but necessary. Oh well, in the end it's all worth it if it works. Ann, what a busy week you're having! I'm a bit worried about you. I hope you're not stressing too much? Please take care of yourself. Nata, I hope you had a great Birthday. Good luck with your appointment today. You must be so ready for your next cycle. I'm so excited for you!


Nata - April 13

Ann, you're better than super-woman! I can understand that dh's family reunion is not a vacation but I hope you can enjoy your time away from work. France sounds like a great plan to look for. Ooops! Wait a minute! Will you take the baby with you? Remember that we will all have our babies in 2007. Lets think positive. My dh and I are thinking about going to Brazil in September but things can change. As you know, ttc put our lives on hold all the time. My appointment went very well. The dr said one more time that I have beautiful eggs. That made me feel good. I will start the shots tonight.


Nata - April 13

Elizabeth, I'm so glad to hear about your eggs. That's great news! I'm happy for you. Oh, well, sorry to hear about all the pain. As you said, in the end it's all worth it if it works. Do you have to rest at home until Sunday? How many days you need to stay in bed? How many days did you take off of work? Please keep us posted. I want to know everything that's going on with you. Good luck, my dear!


Elizabeth444 - April 13

Hi Nata. I just recieved alarming news. Aparently my little eggs aren't doing so well, and they might have to do the transfer early tomorrow morning. They'll let me know tomorrow. I'm so disappointed. I was hoping for a 5-day transfer. Oh well, nothing I can do about it I suppose. Because of the pain, I can't really do more than just lying in bed. I got yesterday and today off from work, and luckily it's easter weekend so I've got until Monday to recover, and only have to be back at work on Tuesday. Congrats on the beautiful eggs, and good luck with the shots.


Ann1 - April 13

Elizabeth, I am so sorry to hear about your pain and your eggs!! How many are still progressing? Did they tell you the cell numbers? I know you said it is normal, but what is causing the cramping? I had no idea that so much rest was required from the retrieval. Nata, I think I would rather work than go to the reunion.:) The France trip will definitely get postponed if I can pull off getting pg. What do you mean about your eggs? How did she see them/do you have follicles maturing already?



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