ladies who doen IUI -2
527 Replies
Mega - March 22

Kaitlin--I usually wait to test at least 14 days, sometimes a little longer b/c my LP is usually pretty long. My RE doesn't have me come in for a beta unless I miss AF, he tells me to wait 14 days for AF & if AF doesn't come to wait a few more days then call the office. It hasn't come to that, YET. That's neat that you want to surprise your DH with the BFP. I'd like to surprise mine but I doubt I'd be able to keep it secret long enough. LOL! Ann--I'm thinking of going back home at lunch & grabbing my purse. Geez, what a flake I can be! I don't think I'm going to have issues again with Kafka for awhile though b/c he didn't get a biscuit today. He's very food motivated, like most dogs. Glad the game was a blast--blow out & all. Anything new with you Galina? What about you, Pinky?


Pinky - March 22

Good morning everyone. I was waiting to get my DH result and let you all know. But still I am waiting. The Lab person told us that they will send result on same day to the doctor and since I am keep calling them. Every time I call, they says they have put the note so, Doctor will call you. They can't tell me the result on the phone. Is this happening with u also? I am concern if my DH has low count or any issue, What will be the treatment doctor will give? Just vitamines or something else?


Anna - March 22

Hi Everyone. Hope you remember me. I had asked a few questions beginning of this month before my IUI. I see that Kaitlin and I have similar schedules. I am on 13 dpo. Took a test today and it was negative. However on monday I had some spotting, about 2 drops and that was the end. I am hoping it was implantation and I took the test too early. I am going for a blood test on friday. When do you plan to go Kaitlin? I guess everyone else is on the first week of the 2ww. All the best.


Mega - March 22

Pinky--So you have to go into see your dr to get your DH's lab report results? How frustrating that wait must be. Might just be a policy your dr has though. Good luck, I hope they turn out well for you. One option your dr might suggest (depending on the result of course) is having your DH see a urologist. But typically dr's recommend IUIs in the case of male issues or perhaps IVF. Vitamins are good to try too though. My DH has been on B12, E & a good multi for a couple months now b/c he has low morphology & it really increased his count a lot too. Hi Anna, yes I remember you! 13 DPO, that's good that your wait is almost over. Good luck on the Beta on Friday. Keep us posted. I hope that really was IB you saw the other day.


Kaitlin - March 22

Hi Ann, I go in on Friday morning at 9:15 am. How about you? I hope it was implantation for you too. I've had cramps on cd7 and cd8, sometimes quick sharp pains, but no spotting so far. Good luck on Friday. Pinky it is so frustrating when you can't get someone on the phone to just give you the results. I'm so sorry. I'm the kind of person that would tell them I'll hold until the doctor picks up. Receptionists hate that. I had a nightmare of a doctor that never called me back before I found the clinic I'm working with now. Not only did she never call me back whenever I had questions, but she quit without telling me. I had to wait a whole cycle until we found this new clinic. I hope you get your answer soon. I'm praying for patience for us all. It's so not easy. And if one more person tells me to stay calm, I just may lose it. Easier said, it's true what they're saying, but that's like saying, stop breathing. Hang in there Pinky.


Mega - March 22

Oh, just stay calm. I'm with you Kaitlin, I hate that one too! And "just relax." My mom learned (finally!) not to say that to me ever again. I know people say that trying to help, but it doesn't! That's too bad that your dr quitting caused you a delay of 1 cycle.


Pinky - March 22

I don't know I have to go there or not but they keep saying Doctor will call me. She will come at 4.00pm in the office so, let's see. My DH is also taking multi A to Z, zinc and E from 11/2 month. I start taking evening prime... from this cycle and also taking folic and multi from 3 months.


Kaitlin - March 22

Hi Mega, Yeah that doctor leaving turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because the new doctors don't mess around. They move quickly, well, as soon as my CD1 comes. I love the fact that this clinic doesn't have to send off for blood work that takes 2 - 3 weeks, they get the results of any test the same day. Also, I have a nurse assigned to me and she gave me her email address and direct phone number. It's great to talk with other women who really understand this process.


Ann - March 22

Mega, all of our dogs are very food motivated as well. Too bad he probably has no clue why he didn't get his treat.LOL My Boxer stood up to the counter one time and ate some banana bread I had just made. My dh saw her and ended up putting the rest of the banana bread in her face when he was telling her, "NO!" and she probably thought, "Cool. I get more banana bread." Kaitlin, I am SO glad tiredness is not a side effect of my progesterone! You are really strong to not test with hpts. I have a different feeling abou them--when I test, even if it is BFN, it makes me feel better. I think it sort of calms me to get information even if it is bad. I am probably weird, though!


Galina - March 22

Good morning everyone! I always have so much catching up to do to you guys as it is only 8:40am here and it seems like your day is half through. Anna, it does sound that your spotting may be implantation spotting. It brought back a memory almost 11 yrs ago when I just found out I was pg w/my daughter. It was around teh time of AF & I had a bit of spotting. I took a HPT & it was negative, so I trashed it. The next morning, I looked in the trash & saw the test stick & decided to look at it again. I saw an extremely faint 2nd line. The spotting was there that day & I went to see my dr. They took a blood test & gave me Prog. vaginal inserts. So you see, spotting could bea good thing. Kaitlin, thank you for the flax seed idea. I am going crazy here. It was so hard to sleep b/c of the gas pains. I have never had it this bad before. My dh even went to get me prune juice (yuck) last night, but it didn't really help. I am going to try Tums of Gas-X. Pinky, do you ever try to talk to the nurses at your dr ofc? I try to alsways be extra nice to them, hoping they will be nice to me too. Mega, sorry about your crazy morning and hope the rest of the day will be less chaotic. Ann, it sounds like the game last night was a lot of has been a long time since I've gone to a Laker game (they kind of suck now). Anywas, I hope you are all off to a good day. Pinky, keep us posted.


Mega - March 22

Good luck Pinky! The vitamin regimine your DH sounds pretty good. Kaitlin--it sounds like you have a much better dr now, so that's good. Wow, a dedicated nurse? Nice. Ann--I know, I thought about that when I didn't give Kafka his expected biscuit. I'm sure your right, he really doesn't understand why he didn't earn one today. But other times we've done that & it worked like a charm. The behavior doesn't get repeated for a long time. The power of biscuits! Of course a biscuit doesn't compare to fresh banana bread though. Yummy! Kafka did something similar on Christmas, he dined on our left overs just sitting on the table. Gotta love big dogs, huh?! Isn't it funny how all our opinions on HPTs vary so much? I always TRY to hold off taking them for awhile, but usually end up giving in. :)


Ann - March 22

I am going to freak out this month from not being able to take hpts this month. I have taking one at 9dp hcg shot and not gotten a false positive, but that is still going to be13dpiui for me! This wait is going to kill me this month...I had another Boxer a while ago (died in 99--had a brain tumor). I was making German Chocolate Cake (don't know if you've made it but it is fairly complicated). I had it on the counter in 3 pans and I walked in and she was on her hind legs lapping the batter out of one of the pans!! She also ate an entire box of Godiva chocolate off the dining room table and didn't get sick. She was a hand full!


Ann - March 22

Hi Galina. Good morning. I am dying for lunch and you are just starting your day!


Mega - March 22

Good morning Galina--I missed your post earlier again. :) Yeah, there's is a bit of a time difference b/twn us all, btwn you & me especially though. My day has certainly got quieter now. Sorry about the gas pains continuing. Hmmm, too bad the prune juice didn't help, what a nice DH you have though. I hope you find something to help soon. Ann--Are you a POAS addict? :) Are there going to be withdrawl issues this month? Ha! Oh, your poor Boxer, a brain tumor. Wow, that girl had quite a strong stomach though, an entire box of Godiva chocolates! Not to mention good taste! Highly sophisticated canine.


Ann - March 22

I am usually pretty good at figuring out the abbreviations, but what is POAS??


Ann - March 22

I just got it--yes, there will be withdrawls. Actually, there probably won't because I will test anyway knowing that a + means nothing. :)



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