ladies who doen IUI -2
527 Replies
Kaitlin - March 21

Ann, you are smart. I wish I had never shared with anyone that we have been ttc. I thought no one else could add to the pressure. Boy was that completely false!


Ann - March 21

Sometimes I wish at least a couple people knew, but most of the time I am glad. The main reason I didn't tell is that I don't want the pity if it doesn't work. I know what you mean about the pressure. After going through all this, it just makes me mad to hear, "So, are you guys going to have kids?" I know people don't mean anything by it (I asked the question before all this ttc stuff and never thought a thing about how invasive it is). I learned that lesson!:) Did you guys try just clomid and/or clomid with iuis before moving on to injectibles? If I don't post again today it is because I had to leave from work. I am taking a client to a basketball game tonight.


Kaitlin - March 21

Galina, I wish you the best. This was our first IUI.


Ann - March 21

Kaitlin, also how many follies did you have this time?


Kaitlin - March 21

Ann, Have a great time tonight. This was our first month with treatment. These doctors don't mess around. They even started me on prometrium the day after the IUI.


Kaitlin - March 21

We had 2 follies on the right side.


Ann - March 22

Is prometrium and progesterone the same thing? I start taking progesterone tomorrow. My dr also has patients do 1/4 of a hcg shot on 4dpo to make your body produce more progesterone on its own. That is great you found such agressive drs. It seems like most people on the forum have not agressive enough drs!


Ann - March 22

Just got the "im am here" call from my client. Talk to you guys tomorrow!


Kaitlin - March 22

Ann, oh sorry, yes prometrium is the same as progesterone. I'm taking 2 capsules (vaginally - YUCK) a day, 12 hours apart of each other. If you haven't been warned yet, this makes you very tired. Thank goodness getting pregnant is my only occupation right now. There are days I feel very sluggish. Sunday, I woke up at 8 am, then around 11am, I took a nap until 3pm! No joke. I also have to be in bed between 9-9:30 at night. Good thing for Tivo.


Galina - March 22

Mega, you ok? Haven't heard from you today much?


Galina - March 22

Is there a reason som drs want to use some type of a progesterone after IUI and others don't?


Kaitlin - March 22

I've done quite a few researching along the way of this whole process. Prometrium has been used to prevent m/c. Also, just another tip for the gassy / bloated ladies. Flaxseed in your diet is very healthy. I buy it by the bulk and grind it in our coffee grinder. I just add 1 - 2 tbs. to my yogurt.


Mega - March 22

Good morning. Welcome Kaitlin. Wow, you don't have too much longer to wait til your PG test. Good luck! Though I'm sure these next couple days will be hard though. I told most people in our life too about our fertility issues, & there are times when I wish I didn't. But other times I like being able to talk to people face to face when things aren't going the way I'd like them too. And of course, I'm addicted to this board too. :) Hi Galina, sorry I wasn't around much in the afternoon, I had to finish something up. Hey Ann, how was the basketball game last night? That sounds like fun. Who won? I just have a feeling today is going to be sooo long. I walked out the door this AM without my purse. I've never done that before. Didn't even notice til I got to work. That's how flakey I was this AM. I spent 15 mins. yelling at my dog to get in the house, which he wouldn't & as we still have a few inches of snow on the ground here I didn't go down & fight with him. He rarely fights me this bad, but he will once in a while. I always feel like a moron though yelling at my dog at 8 AM & he just looks at me briefly & then goes back to ignoring me. If I were him though knowing I was facing a lonely several hours in my crate I wouldn't want to come in either but that doesn't help me get to work on time. But I'm here now. I'll check in more today. :)


Ann - March 22

Kaitlin, I hope you are pg and it is not the progesterone that makes you tired. With my job schedule, i can't afford that! I am taking the progesterone orally, though, which I would guess would make you more tired. I checked the side effects that came with my meds, and it didn't say fatigue. I hope it is correct! You are actually 12dpo today. Have you taken a hpt yet? It may show a BFP by now. Mega, the game was good. It was the Mavs and Rockets (Mavs won by a landslide, but they were supposed to). It was fun even though a blow out. I can SO relate to your dog story. That is really funny. I would freak if I didn't have my purse. I hope you survive the day!


Kaitlin - March 22

Ann, I'm glad the progesterone you are on doesn't have that side effect of fatigue. With the HPT, I just can't put myself through that again. There have been 2 times that I would have bet money I was pregnant, both times I took a HPT and they were Negative. That seriously damaged something in me. Besides, the doctor told me not too, since all shots I took could give me a false positive. I'm trying to just trust the process and wait for the professionals to tell me. Trust me, I've been thinking about doing that, but I think the results could once again give me false hope or none at all. This is the only appointment I told my husband I want to go alone. If we are pregnant, I would like at least this part to be fun and surprise him with the news. I can't tell if this week is dragging or going too fast. Now I'm afraid to hear the news. How long do you ladies have to wait until your pg test?


Mega - March 22

Kaitlin--I usually wait to test at least 14 days, sometimes a little longer b/c my LP is usually pretty long. My RE doesn't have me come in for a beta unless I miss AF, he tells me to wait 14 days for AF & if AF doesn't come to wait a few more days then call the office. It hasn't come to that, YET. That's neat that you want to surprise your DH with the BFP. I'd like to surprise mine but I doubt I'd be able to keep it secret long enough. LOL! Ann--I'm thinking of going back home at lunch & grabbing my purse. Geez, what a flake I can be! I don't think I'm going to have issues again with Kafka for awhile though b/c he didn't get a biscuit today. He's very food motivated, like most dogs. Glad the game was a blast--blow out & all. Anything new with you Galina? What about you, Pinky?



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