JUNE/JULY IVFers (Part 2)
791 Replies
tucker12 - August 8

Monet, I am speechless and in tears. You are an amazing person and I am so happy that your dreams are finally coming true. You guys don't know me but I have been reading this thread for over 6 months and just wanted to say thank you to everyone. You are all so strong, positive and an absolute inspiration! I am on day 5 of stim of my first IVF cycle. Very nervous and excited...terrified actually. We have been ttc for about 2 years, 4 m/c, 2 failed IUI's. I would love to join this thread if you guys don't mind.
If anyone is watching tv now you should check out the discovery health channel. There is a show about quintuplet pregnancies and there are some adorable babies the next show is called house of twins should be pretty good!!Baby dust to everyone!!!


MsMonet - August 8

TUCKER-Welcome!!! And, I wish you a wonderful cycle!!! I actually saw the one on Quins. Lol! I'm checking daily for new shows. I love the Discovery Channel. DH is sick of it... Lol! He now wants to just see his own babies... No one elses, babies... Lol!


GoGo Trigger - August 8

MONET--I had known a bit of your history but it was shocking, terrifying, but ultimately heartwarming to read the entire story (only in light of the wonderful outcome!). One thing you said just stood out to me...that you shared your testimony. That is SO healing--and that's what makes everyone on this board family :D In order to tell your story, you have to have processed it, thought through it and perhaps even come to terms with it through sharing with others. Thanks for your gift, hon...we love ya!! BLAKEY--just wanted to pop on and say good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you :D TUCKER--welcome! The Disc. Channel is a real hoot :D There are cute triplet shows on too. I just went to basic cable since I won't be watching TV on bedrest or after the triplets come, and I'm going to miss those shows :D CHELE--love ya, praying for you and DH!


ROBYN - August 8

Oh Monet i am absolutely in tears and seriously crying you are an amazing person and i am in shock what you have been through you are the most strongest person i have ever come across i dont know what else to say you are loved by so many people here.


sharerc - August 8

Monet- You've got everyone crying in here now. You shared a very personal and inspiring story. Thanks so much for sharing. Chele- still thinking of you and your husband tonight. I hope you are taking some time to relax and spend time with DH.


sharerc - August 8

Well I went in today for my u/s to check on 'the cysts'. Both on the left side are gone, POOF! The one on the right side that apparently has been partying with my ovary for the last month is STILL there! Jeez, go home already. But it is rather small (from 77mm to 21 mm now) and not active. So, I started my Lupron today! I just took my first shot. I go back in Aug 17th for b/w and u/s. Then I start stimming on Aug 19. ER will be the week of Aug 26. I'm so excited and nervous about the whole thing. I picked up my meds today and it was rather overwhelming to see all of them. I hope to see a BFP soon. Have a wonderful Wednesday!


linds99 - August 8

Chele, I got pregnant after my miscarriage the month after my HCG level went down to zero. But my dentist and his wife got pregnant the cycle right after her failed IVF...and Mega, it happened to her too. The next time you get your period, start taking your temps and using the ovulation predictor kits, you should be getting your period soon I assume if the test was negative and you stopped the progesterone.


Sonyamac - August 8

Monet, you are truly amazing.....I am in tears as well. You have taken your tragedy and turned it into something beautiful-YOU! You are an inspiration to everyone!
Each of have our struggles, some more than others....you have been a Angel watching over everyone on this Forum-I truly believe that!
Chele, I posted on the IUI for you-hugs and hope that you are regrouping your thoughts and getting some rest today....
Good luck Blakey hope that all goes
Shaerc glad to hear that the cysts are almost all gone! Good luck with the meds, and praying that all goes well for you!
Hope that everyone else is doing well...I feel like I have gained 10 lbs overnight, I can feel a lot of movement for 18 weeks-I just popped out last night-large!


ROBYN - August 8

Hey girls I know there is so much going on on here right now but i was wondering if you wouldnt mind if i started a new thread this is taking about 30 seconds to load and its just too long i hope you all dont mind NEW THREAD TIME


tammy1 - August 22

Hi everyone, I am new here and I just completed my 2nd cycle of IVF. My first cycle was stopped due to high LH levels. I had a sucessful transfer on 8/11/07 and I am going to take my blood preg test tomorrow. I took an at home preg test today and it came out negative. Does anyone know if maybe it is too soon for an at home test?


ROBYN - August 22

Tammy come over to our AUG/SEPT IVF thread



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