IUI tomorrow, anyone else? Let's wait it out together!
340 Replies
blf0521 - November 28

Tracey, i had my IUI on the 6th, so technically that should have been my Ovulation date. So i was 21 days past ovulation when my number was 4464, and 14 days past ovulation when it was 216.


Tracy88 - November 28

OK, so it sounds like you have one baby in there. That is normal and it's fabulous that your numbers are increasing. They only did 2 HCG tests on me before doing an ultrasound, so that should be your next step at around 7 weeks I think. Are you on progesterone supplementation? You said in your previous post that your progesterone stayed the same, do you remember what that number is? I'm so happy for you! Now we just need to get everyone else on here PG. I was on a thread where the BFP's were trickling in, and then all of a sudden it was one after the other, so the rest of you hang tight!


blf0521 - November 29

Im going on Dec 18th for my 1st appointment and u/s. My progesterone level has been at 48 both times, which they were happy with. Im also on Prometrium 2x daily due to my PCOS. Yes hopefully this will be a good Positive Holiday season for everyone!


blf0521 - December 18

hello, i would just like to update everyone. I went today for my first u/s. I am having TWINS!!! both babies heartbeats were at 170...Im so excited. I go back in 2 weeks for another u/s.


Tracy88 - December 18

Blf.........I couldn't be happier for you! Take good care of yourself and please keep me posted on your progress. Areyou having any sickness or are you a blessed one?


blf0521 - December 18

Tracy Thank you...I am the blessed one. No sickness, only thing ive had so far is awful indigestion!!! I will keep you posted


chele - December 19

Blf0521, Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!


ritzii - October 24

I had my iui this past Sat. this is our first try. The waiting is killing me.


gurinsa - October 26

ritzii..I had my 2nd IUI last Thursday so we are very close together!! I was on this thread exactly 2 years ago and got pregnant with my daughter (now 15 months). Lets wait together!!


LucianLad - November 3

Hi Ladies , Ill wait with you as well . I had my first IUI today and another tomorrow. Just curious , What are the reasons taht you were told to have an IUI . Just wanted to know ?? Thats all



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